in public 公开 查看更多



    Public goods(公众利益) are those commodities from whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded(排除在外)Everybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one person’s utilization does not reduce the possibilities of anybody else’s enjoying the same good.

    Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expectA flood control dam(水坝) is a public goodOnce the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit not thinking the respective of their own contribution to the construction cost of the damThe same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation(航海)Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposesNational defense is another exampleEven a person who voted against military expenditures(开支) or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.

    It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with a public goodThere is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs,  sailors for watching a lighthouse, and citizens for the security provided to them through national defenseBecause the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgment of the marketplace.

1With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

AMechanisms for safer navigation.

BThe economic structural of the marketplace.

CA specific group of commodities.

DThe advantages of lowering taxes.

2Which of the following would NOT be an example of a public good as described in the passage?

AA restaurant.

BA road sign.

CA bridge.

DA stoplight.

3By which of the following could the word “holds”(in Paragraph 2)best be replaced?





4According to the passage, finding out the social costs of a public good is a ________

Adifficult task.

Bdaily administrative duty.

Cmatter of personal judgment.

Dcitizen’s responsibility.

5Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs?

ASuggestions for the application of an economic concept are offered.

BSeveral generalizations are presented from which various conclusions are drawn.

CPersuasive language is used to argue against a popular idea.

DA general concept is defined and then examples are given.



    Public goods(公众利益) are those commodities from whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded(排除在外)Everybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one person’s utilization does not reduce the possibilities of anybody else’s enjoying the same good.

    Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expectA flood control dam(水坝) is a public goodOnce the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit not thinking the respective of their own contribution to the construction cost of the damThe same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation(航海)Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposesNational defense is another exampleEven a person who voted against military expenditures(开支) or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.

    It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with a public goodThere is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs,  sailors for watching a lighthouse, and citizens for the security provided to them through national defenseBecause the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgment of the marketplace.

1With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

AMechanisms for safer navigation.

BThe economic structural of the marketplace.

CA specific group of commodities.

DThe advantages of lowering taxes.

2Which of the following would NOT be an example of a public good as described in the passage?

AA restaurant.

BA road sign.

CA bridge.

DA stoplight.

3By which of the following could the word “holds”(in Paragraph 2)best be replaced?





4According to the passage, finding out the social costs of a public good is a ________

Adifficult task.

Bdaily administrative duty.

Cmatter of personal judgment.

Dcitizen’s responsibility.

5Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs?

ASuggestions for the application of an economic concept are offered.

BSeveral generalizations are presented from which various conclusions are drawn.

CPersuasive language is used to argue against a popular idea.

DA general concept is defined and then examples are given.




China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in 1996, and_______ ________ numerous PSAs have appeared around the country.


     Welcome to Germany's largest theme park! In an area covering 68 hectares (公顷), visitors to
Europe Park can experience the architecture (建筑), plants and culture of 12 European countries.
     Set in various themed areas, the popular leisure (休闲) park provides over 100 attractions and
wonderful shows. Visitors can take a leisure walk through Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and
Scandinavia in one afternoon!
     Visitors can experience the rush of our high speed roller coasters (过山车), watch various
acrobatic  (杂技的) shows in our international programs, get lost in the underwater world from their
seat in the 4D cinema, or experience many of our spectacular (壮观的) attractions. You are sure to
make a lasting impression (印象) on your children and family.
     "Atlantis Adventure"-an interactive theme ride for the whole family. Deep below the Greek Village,
"Atlantis Adventure" is waiting for all brave hunters.
     Legend (传奇) or history? Following the myth (神秘) of Atlantis, visitors can get to the bottom of
one of the world's great mysteries in vehicles (汽车) which can rotate (旋转) 360°. Trying to reveal
(揭开) the myth of Atlantis, this adventure takes the visitors past extraordinary scenes with
amazingly-beautiful coral reefs (珊瑚礁), sunken ships and groups of colourful fish. Be fascinated by
the amazing animation (动画) and computer technology used in this fantastic ride! (Children 8 years of
age and under must be accompanied by an adult.)Opening Time 15th Mar. to 2nd Nov. Open from
9am to 6pm (with extended (延长的) opening hours during the peak season (旺季)) 1st Dec. to 6th
Jan., closed on 24th and 25th Dec. Open from 9am to 6pm
1. We know from the passage that Europe Park ______.  
A. is French most popular theme park
B. arranges trips to different American countries
C. has buildings of many different styles
D. has only the Atlantis Adventure theme
2. When visitors take the Atlantis Adventure ride, they can _________.
A. fly back in time to Atlantis using a special vehicle
B. enjoy wonderful scenery with their family
C. drive on the sea and swim with groups of fish
D. explore the remains of a sunken ship
3. You can go to Europe Park on ______.  
A. 24th Dec.    
B. 7th Mar.    
C. 30th Nov.    
D. 1st Jan.
4. The purpose of this passage is to ______.
A. introduce a newly-built theme park to the public
B. inform the public the theme park's business hours
C. attract more people to visit the theme park
D. explain to the public what a theme park is



注意: 1 不要逐条翻译;可适当发挥;  2 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;
Beijing named the 22nd of every month as Seat-giving Day to encourage passengers on public transport to give up seats to those in greater need, and those commuters who refuse to do so will get criticized. This activity arouses different opinions among netizens.

