Chairman Mao is believed to be a . 查看更多



 The ___ of Chairman Mao is hung on the wall.






The ___ of Chairman Mao is hung on the wall.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


                      Life in one of China’s last communes

In the village of Nanjie in northern China, workers begin the day by singing in praise of the country's former leader Mao Zedong.

More than three decades after his death, Chairman Mao is still remembered fondly across China, but in Nanjie he has a special significance.

The village is one of the country's last remaining communes, where workers still abide by many of the former chairman's principles.

Most communes were disbanded years ago as China's leaders began to turn the country's planned economy into one governed by the market. But the Nanjie commune is still going strong, providing its residents with their daily needs. Few people want to see it disappear.

As China's Communist Party celebrates 60 years in power this week, it is emphasising the country's bright future. The commune also has a number of small food-processing factories that make products such as beer, chocolate, hot sauce and noodles. Some noodles are even sold abroad - to Australia, the US and Canada.

A statue of Mao takes pride of place in the village square. It is flanked by giant posters of other communist revolutionaries, such as Lenin and Stalin. With its clean and tidy streets, Nanjie looks well-ordered and pleasant.

Communes were formed in the late 1950s as Chairman Mao tried to force rural people to live a more communist way of life.

In Nanjie, workers continue to toil for low wages, but in return are provided for in other ways by the commune.

"I earn about 400 yuan a month ($59; ??37), but get very good welfare benefits," said Mrs Hu, who works as a quality control inspector in the village condiment factory.

"I get free medical care and housing - even gas, water and electricity are free."

Her son, nine-year-old Wang Haoyuan, also gets free education in the commune's schools. The collective will even pay for him to go to university.

It is this kind of security that makes life in Nanjie commune so attractive.

72. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Nanjie is a village in Heman province.

B. Many of Chairman Mao’s priciples are still carried out today.

C. Chairman Mao still has a special significance in Nanjie.

D. No people want Nanjie commune to exist.

73. Most communes were disbanded(解散) years ago because          .

A. Chairman Mao didn’t want them to exist any more

B. people didn’t want to live a way of communist life

C. commumes didn’t go with the development of economy

D. villagers began to farm their own plot of land

74. What make life in Nanjie commune attractive are           .

A. 400 yuan a month

B. good welfare benefits

C. A statue of Chairman Mao and posters of Lenin and Stalin

D. a number of small food-processing factories

75. It can be infered from the passage that           .

A. people in Nanjie commune like their way of life

B. people in Nanjie commune live a hard life

C. people in Nanjie have really lived a communist way of life

D. Nanjie is the only one commune left in China up to now


The ___ of Chairman Mao is hung on the wall.

   A. draw           B. picture           C. portrait           D. photo


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    Chinese Ancient & Modern Think-tanks

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The Philosopher Confucius (551~479 B.C.)

The Analects—Confucius (English text)

The Great Learning—Confucius (English text)

The Doctrine of the Mean—Confucius (English text)

Mencius—Meng Zi and some text (GB)

Mao Zedong—A Great Man in China History

Man of the Year—Teng Hsiao-ping (Times)

The Tao Te Ching—Lao Tzu (Translated by S.Mitchell)

XUN KUANG (Xunzi—25 B C)

Han Fei

Welcome to Taoist Resource Center A Complete Guide to Taoism and its many applications.

ASIAWEEK—MAO NOW—The Great Helmsman led China into some of the most monumental disasters of the modern era.Now,20 years after his death,Mao Zedong’s star is shining asbrightly as ever.How can it be so?

Chairman Mao’s Poems—In Chinese (GIF).

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen—The founding father of Republic of China.

Mao Zedong—An unofficial site which collects quotations of Mao and some articles on Mao.(CHINESE GB) (CHINESE PS)

Mao Zedong—A Great Man in China History—Internet resources on Mao & his era.

Sun Yat-Sen:Fundamentals of National Reconstruction—“This book is Sun Yat-sen’s most important political statement.It enunciates his famous three principles whereby he set China on the road to modernity.”

DENG Xiaoping—Deng Xiaoping leads a far-reaching,audacious but Risky Second Revolution.(Man of the Year 1985,Time Magazine)(in English)

...For more information Click the Underlined.

This passage is probably take from _________.

A.magazine                  B.a webpage                 C.text book                   D.TV programme

How many webpages offer the information about Confucius?

A.Three.                       B.Four.                        C.Five.                         D.Two.

The passage is designed mainly to _________.

A.make us learn the great people and inventions of China

B.give some information about China

C.stress the importance of confuciusm

D.describe the printing in China

