33.Not only diligently but also friendly to all his classmates. A.does he work; he is B.does he work; is he C.he works; he is D.he works; is he 查看更多



There are many things that we wish to achieve in life. For some, we set goals and objectives, and for some we don’t. Try to remember the last time you set a goal to achieve a certain task. Were you able to complete the task in an effective manner? The tasks which are done by setting and meeting daily goals will definitely be useful and rewarding experiences. A step-by-step approach towards achieving smaller goals is the key to achieving larger ones.
When it comes to the workplace, each and every employee is expected to meet daily responsibilities and expectations. With organizations becoming more and more competitive, the importance of goal-setting for employees is increasing. It helps the employee to perform better and increases his or her efficiency and time management. It’s also important for every student to set high academic goals so as to be able to build a good career.
Setting goals for completing the daily schedule helps an employee to finish the assigned tasks and targets in a timely manner. If an employee is performing the way he or she is expected to, then this will automatically increase the performance, output and productivity of both the employee and the organization. Daily study targets are the same. This helps you complete your assignments within the set time, thus putting less pressure on you during exams and increasing your chances of performing well.
How many times you have to be at work on a weekend just to complete your work? How many times you have had to stay up all night to complete your homework or study for your exams? Had you followed your set goals and targets right from the beginning, you would have spent the time relaxing rather than being busy working or studying! Setting up goals and objectives helps you organize your time and efforts in an efficient manner.
In performing your work diligently, you are likely to keep a steady pace when it comes to fulfilling your set targets. Because you are already on track, there will be no unnecessary workload and time limits over your head. Therefore, another benefit of effective goal-setting is lack of stress and a more calm and relaxed mind. Only a stress-free and calm mind can house progressive and productive thoughts. A calm mind causes positivity, which goes a long way towards increasing your ability to achieve the personal goals you have set for yourself.
Each and every human being aims to achieve two things: to fulfill desires and to enjoy life. This is possible only through proper discipline and time management. Goal-setting leads to not only professional growth but also personal growth and development. You are expected to know that every step counts and that setting up goals is easy, but following them on a consistent basis is difficult. Therefore, if you want to be successful and also harvest the fruits of your hard work, you need to stick to your set goals and be focused towards achieving them. Realize the significant role that goal-setting plays in your life, make sure that you do all you can to achieve what you want., set your goals, work towards achieving them and celebrate your success!

Passage outline
Supporting details
Significance of goal-setting in achieving success
l In face of competition , employees with goals can perform better as well as (1)______ efficiency and time management.
l Students who want to build a good career should attach(2)______to setting high academic goals.
Increase output and performance
l By setting goals , an employees can increase output and performance instead of (3)_____ completing his or her tasks.
l Students can have less pressure and perform well with the aid of daily study targets.
Help in time management
l You can have your time and efforts (4)____ better if you follow your setting –goals from the beginning.
l You’re likely to have more time for (5)_____instead of occupying yourself in working or studying.
Reduce (6)____ levels
l Chances are that you can fulfill your set targets steadily (7)____ to lack of pressure.
l Effective goal-setting is (8)____ for you to keep a relaxed mind, which can result in positivity.
Every step counts
l You should be (9)_____that it’s difficult to follow your goals consistently.
l Your hard work will (10)_____ off if you stick to your set goals step by step.




There are many things that we wish to achieve in life. For some, we set goals and objectives, and for some we don’t. Try to remember the last time you set a goal to achieve a certain task. Were you able to complete the task in an effective manner? The tasks which are done by setting and meeting daily goals will definitely be useful and rewarding experiences. A step-by-step approach towards achieving smaller goals is the key to achieving larger ones.

When it comes to the workplace, each and every employee is expected to meet daily responsibilities and expectations. With organizations becoming more and more competitive, the importance of goal-setting for employees is increasing. It helps the employee to perform better and increases his or her efficiency and time management. It’s also important for every student to set high academic goals so as to be able to build a good career.

Setting goals for completing the daily schedule helps an employee to finish the assigned tasks and targets in a timely manner. If an employee is performing the way he or she is expected to, then this will automatically increase the performance, output and productivity of both the employee and the organization. Daily study targets are the same. This helps you complete your assignments within the set time, thus putting less pressure on you during exams and increasing your chances of performing well.

How many times you have to be at work on a weekend just to complete your work? How many times you have had to stay up all night to complete your homework or study for your exams? Had you followed your set goals and targets right from the beginning, you would have spent the time relaxing rather than being busy working or studying! Setting up goals and objectives helps you organize your time and efforts in an efficient manner.

In performing your work diligently, you are likely to keep a steady pace when it comes to fulfilling your set targets. Because you are already on track, there will be no unnecessary workload and time limits over your head. Therefore, another benefit of effective goal-setting is lack of stress and a more calm and relaxed mind. Only a stress-free and calm mind can house progressive and productive thoughts. A calm mind causes positivity, which goes a long way towards increasing your ability to achieve the personal goals you have set for yourself.

Each and every human being aims to achieve two things: to fulfill desires and to enjoy life. This is possible only through proper discipline and time management. Goal-setting leads to not only professional growth but also personal growth and development. You are expected to know that every step counts and that setting up goals is easy, but following them on a consistent basis is difficult. Therefore, if you want to be successful and also harvest the fruits of your hard work, you need to stick to your set goals and be focused towards achieving them. Realize the significant role that goal-setting plays in your life, make sure that you do all you can to achieve what you want., set your goals, work towards achieving them and celebrate your success!

Passage outline

Supporting details

Significance of goal-setting in achieving success

l In face of competition , employees with goals can perform better as well as (1)______ efficiency and time management.

l Students who want to build a good career should attach(2)______to setting high academic goals.

Increase output and performance

l By setting goals , an employees can increase output and performance instead of (3)_____ completing his or her tasks.

l Students can have less pressure and perform well with the aid of daily study targets.

Help in time management

l You can have your time and efforts (4)____ better if you follow your setting –goals from the beginning.

l You’re likely to have more time for (5)_____instead of occupying yourself in working or studying.

Reduce (6)____ levels

l Chances are that you can fulfill your set targets steadily (7)____ to lack of pressure.

l Effective goal-setting is (8)____ for you to keep a relaxed mind, which can result in positivity.

Every step counts

l You should be (9)_____that it’s difficult to follow your goals consistently.

l Your hard work will (10)_____ off if you stick to your set goals step by step.




Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature.However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.

       Some sports are resource-hungry.Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water.Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球场) in good condition.This causes major environmental effects.For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

       There are many environment-friendly sports.Power walking is one of them that you could take up today.You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to worry about resources and your purse.Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit.If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones.Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

       Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials.But the final goal should be “green gyms”.They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers.Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces.There is no special requirement for you to start your membership.And best of all, it’s free.

Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?

       A.Cycling around a lake.              B.Motor racing in the desert.

       C.Playing basketball in a gym.         D.Swimming in a sports center.

What do we know about golf from the passage?

       A.It is popular in Portugal and Spain.

       B.It causes water shortages around the world.

       C.It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.

       D.It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.

The author uses power walking as an example mainly because _________.

       A.it is an outdoor sport               B.it improves our health

       C.it uses fewer resources                D.it is recommended by experts

The author writes the passage to _________.

       A.show us the function of major sports

       B.encourage us to go in for green sports

       C.discuss the major influence of popular sports

       D.introduce different types of environment-friendly sports


If we say the four great inventions (Gunpowder,Compass,Paper and Art of Printing) reflected ancient China’s scientific achievements,then Zhaozhou Stone Bridge perfectly represented one of the greatest contributions to ancient China’s bridge building.Nobody was unfamiliar with the stone bridge full of legends and vivid folk stories.

The ancient Zhaozhou stone bridge started to be built in 590 during the Sui Dynasty (581~618) and established in 608.The pioneer for building the bridge was Li Chun who overcame unimaginable difficulties,undergoing all hardships.The location of the bridge is in Zhao County south,Hebei Province.It lay across the Xiaoshui River,far away from the mountains that provided rocky materials.In ancient times,it was such a busy,deep and wide river that could be used as an important carriage to transport heavy rocks and other materials.As we know,no train,no lifting machine could be used to move granite(花岗岩)blocks to the construction site.As an intelligent stonemason and engineer,Li Chun worked out his plan and design all from his own direct observation and investigation.It took his whole life-time in completing the great historical project inChina.Nowadays it is not only a historical remarkable model of architecture,but also a brilliant Chinese cultural crystallization(结晶) of wisdom.

The entire length of the bridge is 50.82 meters with 10 meters width.The whole stone bridge looks like a big bow,the span of which is 37.02 meters,and its height from the top to the surface of water at a regular position is 7.23 meters.The bridge arch seems to be moving smoothly and flatly.The whole arch consists of 28 big granite blocks connected each other tightly together.On both end sides of the general arch there are 4 smaller arches,2 of which on one side,the other 2 on the other side.The smaller arches could be used to decrease the weight of the bridge and save stone materials,and help flood get through easily,which seems to be much prettier.Such a hard-thinking and careful consideration of the engineering article is really a model of design and layout.The span was much wider than the other stone bridge in ancient times all over China.

Today Zhaozhou Stone Bridge is one of international cultural relics and perfectly protected and preserved by the concerned administration of China.

1.The best title of this passage is _________.

A.Great engineer in ancient China      B.Zhaozhou stone bridge

C.Four great inventions          D.How to build a bridge

2.The third paragraph mainly tells us _________.

A.the materials of Zhaozhou bridge    B.the structure of Zhaozhou bridge

C.the arches of Zhaozhou bridge      D.the importance of Zhaozhou bridge

3.The underlined word “carriage” probably refers to _________.

A.cart      B.transport     C.channel     D.resourse


