1. We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday it rains or it’s very cold. A. since B. if C. unless D. until 查看更多




“This Friday we’ll have the yearly Egg Drop Challenge,”said our science teacher, Mr. Baker.“You can work alone or with a partner.”

My friend, Cassie, and I smiled at each other. We always worked on projects

  36  .

The   37   of the Challenge was simple—to build a protective container to keep an egg from breaking when   38   the stadium wall.

I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie.  39   the butter cream gave me an idea.

“I have a brilliant design for our   40   container!”I said when Cassie arrived.“We can   41   the egg with some butter cream.”

“Why not put the egg in a basket with a parachute(降落伞)  42  ?”Cassie rolled her eyes.“The parachute is better than that stupid idea.”

I couldn’t believe it. Of course we’d had our little   43   in the past, but she’d never called any of my ideas “  44  ”before.

“Then I’ll build mine and you build yours!”

  45   words had been out, our friendship was challenged.

When Friday finally arrived, I had to   46   Cassie’s Egg Force One looked pretty good.  47  ,my Egg-cellent Egg Cream didn’t look quite scientific. We kids carried our containers up three stadium steps and dropped them over the side wall. Those whose eggs broke were out; those whose eggs survived   48   three more steps and dropped them again. This would go on till the last egg broke.

After four rounds, only Cassie and I were   49  .I let go of my box. I heard someone say “ew” after seconds. Had my egg broken? I raced down the   50  .The sidewalk was dotted with egg shells(蛋壳) from those   51   drops. Finally I found my little Egg-cellent  Egg Gream.

“That looks like egg drop soup, Laura,”Cassie said. She was holding her Egg Force One. My   52   raced. Had she won? I looked at her basket.  53  .

“My egg bounced   54  ,”she explained, pointing to a broken shell.

“A tie(平局),”Mr.Baker said.

Cassie looked at me,and her glare   55  .I laughed. She smiled...

36.A.patiently             B.silently            C.together             D.alone

37.A.function             B.goal                   C.reason             D.result

38.A.rolled down                                    B.pushed against

C.thrown at                                         D.dropped over

39.A.Spreading             B.Boiling             C.Baking            D.Holding

40.A.butter                   B.sandwich            C.cream                D.egg

41.A.protect              B.replace            C.carry                 D.mix

42.A.followed            B.covered              C.attached             D.supported

43.A.ideas                    B.fights              C.worries                  D.challenges

44.A.wrong                  B.stupid              C.brilliant        D.scientific

45.A.Since                    B.While                 C.But                    D.And

46.A.explain               B.deny                  C.admit                 D.prove

47.A.Therefore             B.Anyway             C.Otherwise          D.Besides

48.A.paced down                                      B.turned around

C.walked up                                        D.went back

49.A.left                    B.wanted            C.chosen            D.discovered

50.A.steps                    B.way                   C.wall                   D.sidewalk

51.A.intended             B.unexpected      C.failed              D.desired

52.A.eyes                         B.hands                 C.feet                    D.heart

53.A.Lost                     B.Dirty                  C.Broken            D.Empty

54.A.around                  B.out                     C.in                   D.down

55.A.returned             B.remained            C.increased            D.softened



love charity(慈善) shops and so do lots of other people in Britain because you find quite a few of them on every high street. The charity shop is a British institution, selling everything from clothes to electric goods, all at very good prices. You can get things you won’t find in the shops anymore. The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to a good cause and not into the pockets of profit-driven companies, and you are not damaging the planet, but finding a new home for unwanted goods.
The first charity shop was opened in 1947 by Oxfam. The famous charity’s appeal to aid postwar Greece had been so successful it had been flooded with donations(捐赠物). They decided to set up a shop to sell some of these donations to raise money for that appeal. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. My favourite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross shop, where I always find children’s books, all 10 or 20 pence each.
Most of the people working in the charity shops are volunteers, although there is often a manager who gets paid. Over 90% of the goods in the charity shops are donated by the public. Every morning you see bags of unwanted items outside the front of shops, although they don’t encourage this, rather ask people to bring things in when the shop is open.
The shops have very low running costs: all profits go to charity work. Charity shops raise more than £110 million a year, funding(资助)medical research, overseas aid, supporting sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people, and much more. What better place to spend your money? You get something special for a very good price and a good moral sense. You provide funds to a good cause and tread lightly on the environment. (08天津卷)
【小题1】The author loves the charity shop mainly because of _______.

A.its convenient location
B.its great variety of goods
C.its spirit of goodwill
D.its nice shopping environment
【小题2】The first charity shop in the UK was set up to ____.
A.sell cheap products
B.deal with unwanted things
C.raise money for patients
D.help a foreign country
【小题3】 Which of the following is TRUE about charity shops?
A.The operating costs are very low.
B.The staff are usually well paid.
C.90% of the donations are second-hand.
D.They are open twenty-four hours a day.
【小题4】 Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?
A.What to Buy a Charity Shops.
B.Charity Shop: Its Origin & Development.
C.Charity Shop: Where You Buy to Donate.
D.The Public’s Concern about Charity Shops.




第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Attention please, everyone. I have announcement to make. You will pay a visit to the museum on October 1st. I think we will be interest in it. In the course of the visit, the guide will give us an account of the past or the development of the city. She say something about the advanced workers, included some teachers. We will see many pictures there. I’m sure of that we can learn a lot. After the visit, we’ll have a discussion in group and each of us must write a composition. We are to start out as earlier as 7:00 am. We must gather against time at the school gate. That’s all. Thanks.




—Mary, we are going to have a party on Spring Fesvival’s Eve. I’m sure we’ll have a good

time.      1.      .

—I’d like to.       2.    .

—In our classroom. We are going to decorate it and turn it into a splendid ballroom.

—3._. I shall be glad to spend my first Chinese New Year in China with you.

—But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance.4. 

—I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though.

—I heard you sing once. _  5.   _. I’m sure you’ll be the star of our party.

—Oh, thank you.

A.Your voice was sweet and beautiful.

  B.Where are you going to have it?

  C.Would you like to join us?

  D.Thank you for inviting me.

  E.Oh, it is great.

F.Let’s go to the ball together.

  G.Do sing us some English songs,please.











Britain's most popular lie has been disclosed, with one in four people admitting using "sorry I had no signal" when returning a missed mobile phone call, a survey found.

Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or almost 1500 every year. Almost one in six men admitted they were most likely to lie to their wife or girlfriend, on average at least twice a day.The most popular lie was saying you had no mobile phone signal.with one in four people admitting regularly using the little white He.It usually came after they hit the "ignore" button when their mobile rang.

Three quarters of people think women are better Hare.The research found 46 per cent of girls have been caught lying, compared to 58 of men.

The second most common fib(无关紧要的谎言) is “I haven't got any cash on me" when asked for money by tramps (流浪者).beggars and Big Issue sellers."Nothing's wrong - I'm fine" came third followed by "You look lovely" and "Nice to see you".

Modern technology turned out to have contributed to many lies with "I didn't get your text" in 18th."Our server was down" in 20th and "My battery died" in 26th place.

Other lies to make the top ten included "I'll give you a ring", "We're just good friends" and "We'll have to meet up soon"."I'm on my way" and "No, your bum doesn't look big in that" completed the top ten.

Men tell the most fibs, coming out with five every day compared to women who lie just three times. In many cases perhaps it is better to flatter with a fib than destroy someone with the truth, according to a spokesman for OnePoll, which carried out the research of 4.300 adults.

1.Whether the person being called has pushed the "ignore" button or _____.the caller at the other end hears the same tone.

    A.really has no signal                                     B.can't get the text

    C.has a battery failure                                    D.answers the call

2.Most people think women are better liars because _____.

    A.there're more women liars                                B.fewer women liars are found out

    C.women tell less harmful lies                             D.women are harder to convince

3."Our server was down" is perhaps a lie told as an excuse for not _____.

    A.inviting a friend to dinner         B.responding to an e - mail

    C.coming to a party on time            D.cleaning one's room

4."You look lovely" and "I'm on my way" rank _____ on the popular - lie list.

    A.3rd and 8th                          B.5th and 10th            

    C.4th and 9th                          D.5th and 12th

5.The OnePoll spokesman seems to think it's _____ for the British to lie so much.

    A.puzzling         B.disgusting       C.impossible       D.reasonable


