40. well prepared you are , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. A. however B. whatever C. no matter D. although 查看更多



Zoe Chambers was a successful PR (Public Relations) consultant and life was going well—she had a great job, a beautiful flat and a busy social life in London. Then one evening in June last year, she received a text message telling her she was out of work. The first two weeks were the most difficult to live through." she said. "After everything I'd done for the company, they dismissed me by text! I was so angry and I just didn't feel like looking for another job. I hated everything about the city and my life."

Then, Zoe received an invitation from an old school friend, Kathy, to come and stay. Kathy and her husband, Huw, had just bought a farm in north-west Wales. Zoe jumped at the chance to spend a weekend away from London, and now, ten months later, she is still on the farm.

"The moment I arrived at Kathy's farm, I loved it and I knew I wanted to stay." said Zoe. "Everything about my past life suddenly seemed meaningless."

Zoe has been working on the farm since October of last year and says she has no regrets. "It's a hard life, physically very tiring." she says. "In London 1 was stressed and often mentally exhausted. But this is a good, healthy tiredness. Here, all 1 need to put me in a good mood is a hot bath and one of Kathy's wonderful dinners."

Zoe says she has never felt bored on the farm. Every day brings a new experience. Kathy has been leaching her how to ride a horse and she has learnt to drive a tractor. Since Christmas, she has been helping with the lambing—watching a lamb being born is unbelievable, she says, "It's one of the most moving experiences I've ever had. I could never go back to city life now." (08上海卷)

When working as a PR consultant in London, Zoe thought she lived a______life.

A. satisfying                B. tough                      C. meaningless                    D. boring

The most important reason why Zoe went to visit Kathy's farm is that______.

A. Zoe lost her job as a PR consultant                                                     

B. Kathy persuaded her to do so

C. Zoe got tired of the city life                                                                             D. Zoe loved Wales more than London

How docs Zoe feel about the country life according to the passage?

A. Tiresome and troublesome.                                                                 

B. Romantic and peaceful

C. Mentally exhausting but healthy                                                          

D. Physically tiring but rewarding.

Which of the following is closest to the main idea of the passage?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.                                                  

B. Where there is a will, there is a way.

C. A misfortune may turn out a blessing.                                         

 D. Kill two birds with one stone.


Zoe Chambers was a successful PR (Public Relations) consultant and life was going well—she had a great job, a beautiful flat and a busy social life in London. Then one evening in June last year, she received a text message telling her she was out of work. The first two weeks were the most difficult to live through." she said. "After everything I'd done for the company, they dismissed me by text! I was so angry and I just didn't feel like looking for another job. I hated everything about the city and my life."
Then, Zoe received an invitation from an old school friend, Kathy, to come and stay. Kathy and her husband, Huw, had just bought a farm in north-west Wales. Zoe jumped at the chance to spend a weekend away from London, and now, ten months later, she is still on the farm.
"The moment I arrived at Kathy's farm, I loved it and I knew I wanted to stay." said Zoe. "Everything about my past life suddenly seemed meaningless."
Zoe has been working on the farm since October of last year and says she has no regrets. "It's a hard life, physically very tiring." she says. "In London 1 was stressed and often mentally exhausted. But this is a good, healthy tiredness. Here, all 1 need to put me in a good mood is a hot bath and one of Kathy's wonderful dinners."
Zoe says she has never felt bored on the farm. Every day brings a new experience. Kathy has been leaching her how to ride a horse and she has learnt to drive a tractor. Since Christmas, she has been helping with the lambing—watching a lamb being born is unbelievable, she says, "It's one of the most moving experiences I've ever had. I could never go back to city life now." (08上海卷)
【小题1】When working as a PR consultant in London, Zoe thought she lived a______life.

A.satisfying B.tough C.meaningless D.boring
【小题2】The most important reason why Zoe went to visit Kathy's farm is that______.
A.Zoe lost her job as a PR consultant
B.Kathy persuaded her to do so
C.Zoe got tired of the city life D.Zoe loved Wales more than London
【小题3】How docs Zoe feel about the country life according to the passage?
A.Tiresome and troublesome.
B.Romantic and peaceful
C.Mentally exhausting but healthy
D.Physically tiring but rewarding.
【小题4】Which of the following is closest to the main idea of the passage?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.A misfortune may turn out a blessing.
D.Kill two birds with one stone.


 (上海卷40). Thai is the only way we can imagine        the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.                                                                    

A. reducing          B. to reduce     C. reduced        D. reduce



After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant.Having worked with an experienced   36   for a few days, I was    37   to wait tables on my own.All went   38 

that first week.When Saturday night came, I was luckily    39    the tables not far from the kitchen.  40   , I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).

Before I knew it ,the   41   was full of people. I moved slowly,   42   every step. I remember how   43   I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was   44    on.It had nice handles, which made it    45    to move around.I was pleased with everything and began to    46    I was a natural at this job.

Then, an old man came to me and said,“Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved  47   you work.It seems your tray stand has been very    48    to you, but we are getting ready to

  49    now ,and my wife needs her   50   back.”

At first his    51    did not get across.“What was he talking about?” Then, I got it.I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker (助步器).I stood frozen as ice ,but my face was

  52   .I wanted to get into a hole and   53  

Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just    54   . I have learned to be more    55    and not to be too sure of myself.

36.A.manager              B.assistant           C.cook              D.waitress

37.A.promised          B.invited                C.allowed             D.advised

38.A.well               B.quickly             C.safely              D.wrong

39.A.left               B.given            C.brought             D.shown

40.A.Therefore        B.However         C.Otherwise          D.Finally

41.A.kitchen            B.street            C.restaurant          D.table

42.A.minding                  B.changing                 C.taking                     D.saving

43.A.angry                            B.calm                       C.sad                         D.happy

44.A.fixed                      B.trained                    C.loaded                    D.waited

45.A.slower                    B.lighter                     C.quieter                    D.easier

46.A.believe                    B.agree                      C.regret                            D.pretend

47.A.letting                     B.making                   C.watching                D.having

48.A.useful                     B.familiar                   C.unusual                   D.interesting

49.A.rest                        B.order                      C.eat                         D.leave

50.A.bag                        B.walker                    C.tray                        D.coat

51.A.idea                        B.praise                     C.message                 D.need

52.A.cold                       B.full of joy                C.pale                        D.on fire

53.A.lie                          B.hide                        C.defend                    D.stay

54.A.repeated                  B.discovered                     C.corrected                D.described

55.A.careful                    B.patient                    C.honest                    D.practical                          



People think children should play sports.Sports are fun,and children keep healthy while playing with others.However,playing sports can have   50   effects on children.It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children.According to research on kids and sports,40,000,000 kids play sports in the US.Of these,18,000,000 say they have been   51   at or called names while playing sports.This leaves many children with a bad   52   of sports.They think sports are just too aggressive.

Many researchers believe adults,especially parents and coaches,are the main

  53  of too much aggression in children’s sports.They believe children  54   

aggressive adult behavior.This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negative feedback.Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them.Often these adults behave aggressively themselves,sending children the message that   55   is everything.Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout   56   at other players or cheer when their child behaves   57  .As well,children are even taught that hurting other players is   58   or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured.  59  ,the media makes violence seem exciting.Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

As a society,we really need to   60   this problem and do something about it.Parents and coaches   61   should act as better examples for children.They also need to teach children better   62  .They should not just cheer when children win or act aggressively.They should teach children to   63   themselves whether they win or not.Besides,children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured.If adults allow children to play when injured,this gives the message that

   64   is not as important as winning.

50.A.restrictive            B.negative               C.active                D.instructive

51.A.knocked                     B.glanced                C.smiled                D.shouted

52.A.impression          B.concept                C.taste                     D.expectation

53.A.resource                    B.cause                   C.course                      D.consequence

54.A.question                    B.understand               C.copy                     D.neglect

55.A.winning               B.practising           C.fun                        D.sport

56.A.praises               B.orders                C.remarks                D.insults

57.A.proudly               B.ambitiously               C.aggressively             D.bravely

58.A.acceptable          B.impolite                 C.possible                D.accessible

59.A.By contrast         B.In addition          C.As a result         D.After all

60.A.look up to           B.face up to          C.make up for              D.come up with

61.A.in particular        B.in all                   C.in return               D.in advance

62.A.techniques          B.means                         C.values                      D.directions

63.A.respect               B.relax                     C.forgive                      D.enjoy

64.A.body                   B.fame                     C.health                D.spirit


