. The meeting was expected to start at 9 o'clock but the manager didn't turn up twenty minutes later. A. before B. until C. after D. since 查看更多



(宁夏银川一中2009届高三模, 29)He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____ a goal.

A. had scored                       B. scored

C. would score                      D. would have scored



_____ the fact that David failed in the competition ,his teacher thought he had done his best.

       A.Although       B.Despite          C.While           D.Without



(2010·江苏如东高级中学高三国庆假期自主练习一)   30. The Tower of London is ____ the Church tower.

A. twice high than                   B. two times as high as

C. twice higher as            D. three times the height of


(2010·吉林实验中学一模)---The weather isn’t good enough for an outing, isn’t it?

----Not in the least. We can’t have ____ at this time of the year.

A. a worse day      B. a nicer day      C. such bad a day D. so fine a day


(2010·吉林实验中学高三一模)The Internet gives people the chance to have the information they need ____ to them quickly and cheaply.

A. to deliver   B. deliver      C. delivering       D. delivered

