What are the speakers talking about? A. A job B. A friend C. A supermarket. SECTION B Directions: In this section, you will hear 4 conversations.For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices .Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter maked A), B) and C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation TIWICE. Conversation 6 查看更多





1.What is the man's favorite music?

A.Rock music.

B.Classical music.

C.Pop music.

2.How much will the man borrow from the woman?

A.500 dollars.

B.400 dollars.

C.100 dollars.

3.Where would the man like to spend his summer holiday?

A.In London.

B.In the countryside.

C.In a capital city.

4.What do we know about the woman?

A.She doesn't know how to use the stove.

B.She has difficulty understanding the instructions.

C.She broke the stove.

5.What does the woman mean?

A.She has found a new job.

B.She has gotten used to working overtime.

C.She is unsatisfied with her present job.


6.Where are the speakers probably?

A.In a supermarket.

B.In a zoo.

C.In a school.

7.What do pandas not eat?





8.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Former classmates.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Boss and clerk.

9.What did the woman's husband go to Tokyo for?

A.To study medicine.

B.To work in a company.

C.To see his old friend.


10.Where is the woman working?

A.In a ticket office.

B.In a government office.

C.In a lost and found office.

11.When did the man lose his coat?

A.This morning.

B.Yesterday morning.

C.This afternoon.

12.What will happen later?

A.The man will get back what he's lost.

B.The man will give a call to his wife.

C.The man's wife will come to help him.


13.What do the speakers think of the Internet café?

A.Easy but expensive.

B.Cheap and convenient.

C.Cheap but inconvenient.

14.What did the woman come to the Internet café for?

A.To get some information.

B.To take an online training course.

C.To have some coffee.

15.Why doesn't the man surf the Internet in his office?

A.He hasn't got a computer.

B.The Internet runs slowly there.

C.His boss doesn't allow him to do so.

16.What does the woman want to do after graduation?

A.To work for a foreign company.

B.To go abroad for further study.

C.To start her own business.


17.What is the woman talking about?

A.Why she's late for school.

B.What her family did in the morning.

C.What happened to her on the way to school

18.What happened to the woman?

A.She waked up her brother

B.She poured her coffee on the floor

C.She stepped on her cat.

19.What does the woman think of the bus driver?




20.Whom did the woman meet on the bus?

A.Her brother.

B.Her mother.

C.Her old schoolmate




1.Where is Sandy going to study next month?

[  ]




2.What's the woman going to do on Saturday?

[  ]

A.See a film.

B.See a play.

C.Attend a lecture.

3.Is the supermarket far away?

[  ]

A.Yes, you must take a bus or a taxi to get there.

B.No, it is within walking distance.

C.No, but you'd better not walk.

4.When will the woman buy the coat?

[  ]



C.Hard to say.

5.What is an Easter bunny?

[  ]

A.A kind of candy.

B.A rabbit.

C.An egg.



6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

7.Why did Rose come to Mr. Smith?

[  ]

A.Because she wanted to change her job.

B.Because she wanted to ask for a few days' leave.

C.Because she wanted to tell him what she thought of her mother.

8.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Rose has got an accident.

B.Rose's mother has caught a bad cold.

C.Mr. Smith has to take care of Rose's mother.


9.What time does fast train leave?

[  ]

A.At 9:13.

B.At 9:30.

C.At 9:20.

10.Which platform does it leave from?

[  ]

A.Platform No.14.

B.Platform No. 15.

C.Platform No.40.

11.The journey takes about

[  ]

A.less than 2 hours

B.less than 3 hours

C.more than 3 hours


12.When is the longest school holiday in Australia?

[  ]




13.In what city are they talking?

[  ]



C.Shanghai .

14.In what order will Sue visit these in China?

[  ]



C.Beijing—Wuhan—Shanghai .


15.What will Mary's mother receive for her birthday?

[  ]

A.A shirt.

B.A skirt.

C.A plate.

16.Who'll cook the special dinner?

[  ]


B.Mary's friend.

C.Mary's mother.

17.Who'll do the shopping?

[  ]

A.Mary's father and mother.

B.Mary and her mother.

C.Mary and her father.


18.How did Henry get the hooks?

[  ]

A.He bought them from a man.

B.He took them from a car.

C.He bought them at a bookstore.

19.How did Henry get his books back?

[  ]

A.Henry fooled the man into bringing the books to his house.

B.The police found them and gave them to him.

C.Henry bought them from the first visitor.

20.How did the man find Henry's address?

[  ]

A.In the car.

B.In the newspaper.

C.At the police station.





1.Where is the man’s mother now?

A.In her home

B.In a hospital

C.In her office

2.What do we know about Mark?

A.He’s not feeling at ease.

B.He’s looking for a new apartment

C.He’s happy that his parents aren’t coming.

3.What will the weather be like next week?

A.Cloudy and windy.

B.Rainy and cold.

C.Snowy and windy

4.What do we know about the man?

A.He doesn’t like his job.

B.He will not give up his job.

C.He has a large family to support.

5.How will the guests go to New York?

A.By car

B.By taxi.

C.By plane




6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?




7.What can’t the man wait to do?

A.Go shopping with his wife.

B.Look after his children

C.Work in his garden.

8.When does this conversation most probably take place?

A.On Wednesday.

B.On Friday

C.On Sunday


9.Where does the conversation most take place?

A.In a shop

B.At home.

C.In the street.

10.Who are Anne and Dick?

A.The speakers’ children.

B.The speakers’ friend’s children

C.The speakers’ niece and nephew.

11.What will the speakers buy for Dick?

A.Some records

B.A toy suit

C.A book.


12.When was it unusual to see a plane?

A.In the early 1960’s

B.In the 16th century

C.In the early 1900’s

13.Why can we use electric lights?

A.Someone has paid for us.

B.We have more money than before.

C.Someone invented ways to make use of electricity.

14.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The changes of life.

B.The history of planes.

C.The invention of electric lights.


15.What did the man plan to do at first?

A.Work in a supermarket.

B.Open his own business

C.Work in an old shop.

16.What is the man’s job now?

A.A shop assistant.

B.The owner of a supermarket

C.A businessman.

17.What do we know about the woman?

A.She once worked in Japan.

B.She has a job abroad.

C.She changes jobs too often.


18.Where will the American writer give a talk?

A.At the bookshop.

B.In the library

C.In Allen Hall

19.What will the writer talk about?

A.Her latest novel.

B.Her success story.

C.Her recent journey

20.Who is the woman speaking to?








M:This book costs $13.00, but I’ve only got $7.00.

W:I’ve got $8.00, so I’ll lend you the rest.

1.How much will the woman lend the man?




W:Where was your brother yesterday afternoon?

M:He went to the cinema with my sister.

2.What did the man’s brother do yesterday afternoon?

A.He saw a film.

B.He went to work.

C.He saw his sister off.

W:I got a part-time job at the supermarket, Dad.

M:Great.Are you sure you can handle it? How many hours will you work?

W:Yes.Three hours a day weekdays and all day Saturday.

M:Well, I support you, but you should mind your study.

3.What might the girl be?

A.A new worker.

B.A student.

C.A salesgirl.

W:How much are these bags?

M:A red one is $1.5, a green one $2 and yellow $3.

W:Then I’ll take the cheapest one.

4.What kind of bag will the woman buy?

A.A green one.

B.A red one.

C.A yellow one.

M:What are you going to do this weekend?

W:Well, I had planned to visit my parents, but yesterday, one of my friends called from Beijing and said he would be coming to Guangzhou on Friday, so I will have to go shopping with him.

5.What will the woman do this weekend?

A.Visit her parents.

B.Show her friend around.

C.Go to Guangzhou with her friend.




M:Excuse me.Are you Miss Green from America?

W:Yes, I am.

M:Good!Glad to meet you.I am Henry from the People’s Hotel.I’ve been waiting for you.Miss Green, your room is ready.

W:That’s wonderful.

M:Let me carry these bags.

W:Oh, no.Please don’t trouble.I can manage all right.

M:Here is the car.Let’s get in.

W:OK!Thank you.This seems to be a beautiful city.I am sure I’ll enjoy my stay here.

M:I am sure you will.By the way, would you like me to show you around the city this afternoon?

W:Oh, that’s very kind of you.I’m looking forward to it.Thank you.

6.Where are the two speakers most probably?

A.Leave America.

B.In a hotel.

C.At the airport.

7.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.It’s the first time that Miss Green has come to this city.

B.Henry knows Miss Green very well.

C.Miss Green wants to travel around the city herself.

8.What is Miss Green most probably going to do in the afternoon?

A.Stay in the hotel.

B.Go back to America.

C.Walk around the city.


M:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the swimming pool, please?

W:I can’t, I’m afraid.I’m a stranger here, you see.But why not ask that man over there? He’ll be able to tell you, I’m sure.

M:Which one do you mean?

W:Look, the one over there, on the other side of the road.

M:Ah, yes.I can see him now.Thank you so much.

9.What might the man intend to do?

A.Have fun.

B.Do shopping.

C.Visit a friend.

10.Why doesn’t the woman tell him the way?

A.She doesn’t like to talk to a stranger.

B.She doesn’t know the place well.

C.She doesn’t want to be disturbed.

11.What might the man on the other side of the street be like?

A.Full of information.

B.Ready to help others.

C.Native to the city.


W:Hello, Peter.I’m glad to see you.

M:Glad to see you, too.I come here to tell you a piece of good news.

W:What is it?I can’t wait.Come in, please.

M:Thank you.Oh, you have guests here.

W:They’re all my friends.Come in.Let me introduce you to them.

M:No, no.I’m not used to talking with strangers.I’ll come some other day.Bye.

W:Wait!What’s the good news?

M:Oh!You’ve won the first prize in public speech.

12.Why does the man come to the woman?

A.Tell her a piece of good news.

B.Ask her to make a speech.

C.Meet with some of her friends.

13.What do we learn about the man?

A.He likes to make friends at home.

B.He isn’t used to meeting people.

C.He hopes to be introduced to the guests.


W:Tom, would you tell me the time?

M:It’s 9∶30.

W:Our plane will take off in an hour.We’d better go to the airport.

M:Don’t worry.We have enough time.

W:Enough?I usually get in it two hours earlier.

M:But that’s too early.Have another drink, OK?

W:Then when will you get on board?

M:A few minutes before the plane takes off.

W:Would you like to sit by the window?

M:Yes, of course.We’ll be able to see the beautiful views since the weather is so fine.

W:Look, the sun is coming out.

M:Good.It should be a good trip.

W:Oh, Tom, let’s get to the airport now.

M:All right.I have to follow you.

14.What time will the plane take off?




15.Why does the man think that it should be a good trip?

A.Because he would sit by the window.

B.Because the plane was beautiful.

C.Because the weather is fine.

16.When does the man get on the plane?

A.Several minutes before it takes off.

B.Half an hour before it takes off.

C.Two hours before it takes off.


Dear Tommy,

Glad to have received your letter of May 1st.It’s an honor to be your pen friend.I’m 18 years old and I’m a first-year university student in Dublin.I live with ten other students in a big old house near the center of the city.I have a large room on the second floor in the front of the House.There isn’t a lift, but I don’t need one.I usually run up the stairs.My room is 7 meters long and 5 meters wide.At one end I’ve got some cooking tools and fridges, so I can cook my own meals.At the other end I’ve got my bed and a cupboard for clothes.There’s a bathroom and a toilet down the hall, for all the students on my floor.I’ve got a big desk in my room, too.So I study, eat and sleep in the same room.My parents live in a village near Cork and I go there on the holidays.Please write and tell me about your home.

17.What do you think the speaker is?

A.A college student.

B.A university teacher.

C.A middle school student.

18.How many students are there in the speaker’s house?




19.What size is the speaker’s room?

A.Thirty-five square metres.

B.Twenty-five square metres.

C.Fifty square metres.

20.Where does the speaker have his meals?

A.At school.

B.In his room.

C.In the restaurant.

