the Children’s Palace 少年宫 查看更多



       Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs(暑期工作). The Children’s Palace( 少年宫) needs some P.E. , music and computer teachers. They are very
happy to hear(听说) this.
       Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the piano and
the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join(加入)the Children’s Palace?
1. Tom and Mike ________________.
A. brothers      
B. teachers          
C. sisters      
D. good friends
2. The Children’s Palace needs some              .
A. dogs        
B. cats            
C. teachers      
D. students
3. Tom can play ________________________.
A. balls
B. computer games  
C. music
D. the violin
4. Mike can play ____________________.
A. the piano
B. piano   
C. guitar
D. football
5. What do Tom and Mike both(都) like?
A. Football.
B. Computers.
C. Swimming.
D. Sports.




I ________ ________ go to the Children's Palace ________ ________ the piano ________ Sundays.


1. 公用电话在图书馆和车站之间。
   The pay phone is _________the library _________the bus station.
2. 你长大后想干什么? 
   _________do you want to _________when you grow up?
3. 沿着公路一直往前走,然后左拐。
   Walk _________the road then _________left.
4. 我们昨天在少年宫玩得很开心。
   Yesterday  we _________ _________in the children’s palace.
5. 他会说一点儿日语。
   He can speak _________ _________Japanese.


1.  体育课我们必须穿运动鞋。
    We have to wear _____ ______ for P.E class.
2.  在图书馆内不要大声说话。
    Don't _____ _____ in the library.
3.  晚上十点前我必须睡觉。
     I have to _____ _____ bed by ten o'clock at night.
4. 亚历克斯每周到少年宫学钢琴。
    Alex goes to the Children's Palace _____ _____ the piano every week.
5. 你不能和你妈妈争吵。
    You can't _____ _____ your mother.

