I went to the movies a lot. 我多次去看电影. 查看更多




Boy:Hey, Lucy.

Girl:Hi, Eduardo.

Boy:How   1   your weekend?

Girl:It was great.

Boy:So, what   2   you do   3   the weekend?

Girl:Well, on Saturday morning I   4   tennis, on Saturday afternoon I   5   to the beach, and on Saturday   6   I went to the movies.


Girl:Then on Sunday morning, I   7   my room,   8   Sunday afternoon I   9   soccer, and on Sunday night, I   10   my homework.


  I went to the movies last night. (改为同义句)

  I went to ________ last night.


  I went to the movies last night. (改为同义句)

  I went to ________ last night.




 I went to the doctor's yesterday. I  1    for half an hour before he  2    see me. I am going abroad(国外)next week, I said. I shall go to America  3  . But  4    two days. Do you think I'll be well enough to go? When I  5    you, I'll be able to tell you.the doctor said.

 “I  6    in the garden when I suddenly felt the pain. I told the doctor. If I  7    at once, it would be all right, I think. But I  8    any exercise in my job so I went on working.After  9    me carefully, the doctor said, You may hurt your back. I  10    you to hospital for an X-ray.


1 A must wiat

B had to wait

C should wait

D will must wait

[  ]

2 A can

B may

C might

D could

[  ]

3 A for business

B on business

C to business

D to doing business

[  ]

4 A I've had a pain for

B I've had a pain since

C I'm having a pain for

D I'm having a pain since

[  ]

5 A am examining

B will examine

C will have examined

D have examine

[  ]

6 A worked

B have worked

C was working

D have been working

[  ]

7 A stopped

B would stop

C was stopped

D stoped

[  ]

8 A never get

B don't get ever

C am never getting

D am not ever getting

[  ]

9 A examining

B to examine

C examine

D that he had examined

[  ]

10 A could send

B would like to send

C am wanting to send

D will like to send

[  ]



KevinHi, how was your school trip?

Tina  1  

KevinDid you go to the zoo?

Tina  2   I went to the aquarium

KevinOh, it must be very interesting  3  

TinaNo, there weren't any sharks, but there were some really clever seals

KevinWow, that sounds wonderful!  4  

TinaWell, I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos

Kevin  5  

TinaOf courseI'll bring them to school as soon as they come out

KevinThank you

