请保持安静:Please be quiet. = Please keep quiet. 查看更多



1. 在图书馆请保持安静。
    Please ________________________________________ in the library.
2. 这台机器有问题。我们最好修一修。
    ________________________________________ the machine. We'd better mend it.
3. 小孩子总是怕黑。
    Children are always ________________________________________ the dark.
4. 我过去常常和他一起去公园。
    I ________________________________________ with him.
5. 昨晚直到妈妈叫他去睡觉,杰克才停止看电视。
   Jack ________________________________________ go to bed last night.


1. 请问,中国银行在哪里?
    ______ me, ______the Bank of China, ______?
2. 我们希望你旅途愉快。
    We hope you ______ ______ ______ time.
3. 沿着高速公路直走,然后向左转。
     ______ ______ the highway, then ______ left.
4. 这些动物有点儿意思。
    These animals are ______ ______ ______.
5. 人与动物应友好相处。
    People should be ______ ______ ______.
6. 你最喜欢什么音乐?
    ______ music do you ______ ______?
7. 它白天睡觉,晚上起来吃树叶。
    It ______ in the day, and at night he ______ ______ to eat leaves.
8. 我喜欢在周末和父母一起去看电影。
    I like to ______ the movies with my parents ______ ______.
9. 熊猫有点儿害羞,请保持安静。
    Pandas are ______ ______ shy, so please be ______.
10. 我认为中国是一个有悠久历史的有趣的国家。
     I think China is an ______ country ______ along ______.


1. 她没睡着,她的眼睛是睁着的.
    She's not asleep. Her eyes are _____.
2. 他每天开教室的门.
    He _____ the door of the classroom every day.
3. 北海公园是一个干净的公园.
     Beihai Park is a _____ park.
4. 他经常打扫他的房间.
    He often _____ his room.
5. 请保持安静!
    Please _____ _____.
6. 请安静!
    Please _____ _____.
7. 我们的老师是个大忙人.
    Our teacher is a _____ man.
8. 星期天公园非常的热闹.
    The park is very _____ on Sunday.
9. 他父亲正忙着写一封信.
    His father is _____ _____ a letter.
10. 我妈妈每天下午六点到家.
      My mother _____ _____ at six every afternoon.
11. 我们通常在下午五点到达公共汽车站.
      We usually _____ _____ the bus stop at five in the afternoon.
12. 火车每天七点到达北京.
      The train _____ _____ Beijing at seven.


1. 汤姆正在做作业,请保持安静。
    Tom is doing his homework Please ________ ________.
2. 这只黑狗经常和这只白猫玩。
    The black dog often ________ ________ the white cat.
3. 树袋熊喜欢吃树叶。
    The koalas like ________ ________.
4. 有些动物白天睡觉,晚上起来吃东西。
    Some animals sleep ________ ________ ________ but get up and eat ________ ________.
5. 我认为狮子是非常懒惰的。
    I think lions ________ very ________.



保持安静。Please______ quiet!

