动词不定式中的省略 ①有些动词.believe, find, think, feel, consider, imagine, prove等后作宾补的结构. to be + n. / adj. 中的to be可以省略. I consider him lazy. 我认为他懒. His mother found him a clever boy.他母亲发觉他是一个很聪明的孩子. ②感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等以及使役动词let, make, have后作宾补的动词不定式. 中的不定式符号to要省略.但变为被动结构时.to必须保留. They made the boy go to bed early.他们强迫这个男孩早睡. The boy was made to go to bed early. 这个男孩被迫早睡. 注:help后作宾补的动词不定式中的to可以省略也可以保留. ③在can not but, can not choose but, can not help but之后的动词不定式一般不带to,but之前有实 义动词do的某个形式do, does, did, done 时.也不带to, 否则要带to. We have nothing to do now but wait. 我们现在除了等没有别的事可做. I can not but admire his courage. 我不能不钦佩他的勇敢. He has no choice but to accept the fact. 除了接受这个事实他别无选择. ④在并列结构中为了避免重复. I'm really puzzled what to think or say. 我真不知道该怎么想.怎么说才好. 但两个不定式有对照或对比的意义时.则后一个to不能省略. I came not to scold but to praise you. 我来不是责备你.而是赞美你. ⑤在why, why not 引导的特殊问句中后跟省略to的动词不定式. Why talk so much about it? 为什么大谈这个事呢? Why not try it again? 为什么不再试一试呢? ⑥动词不定式中动词原形部分是否省略.主要看句子前面是否已出现过同样的动词.如果句子前面出现过同样的动词.为了避免重复.句子后面的不定式常省略动词原形.而保留不定式符号to. They may go if they wish to(go). 如果他们想去.他们就可以去. Don't go till I tell you to.直到我告诉你去.你才可以去. 在一些动词afford, agree, expect, forget, mean, pretend, remember, want, refuse, hope, wish, would like , try等后跟动词不定式作宾语.不定式中的to可以承前(后)省略. -Will you go to the cinema with me? 你愿和我一起去看电影吗? -Well, I'd like to . 我愿意. I would do it for you, but I don't know how to . 我想为你做这事.但我又不知如何做. 在某些形容词.afraid, glad, willing, happy, eager等后承前省略动词原形.只保留不定式 符号to. -Will you join us in the game? 你愿和我们一起做这个游戏吗? -Sure, I'll be glad to. 当然.我愿意. 有些动词.tell, ask, allow, expect, force, invite, permit, persuade, order, warn, wish, would like, forbid等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语.主语补足语时.不定式承前省略动词原形. 保留动词不定式符号to. He didn't come, though we had invited him to . 尽管我们邀请他来.他却没来. 注:承前省略的动词不定式如果有助动词have或be.则要保留be或have. -Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? --No, but I used to be . 不.我以前是. (二)句法上的省略 在一些简单句.并列句和复合句中.可以省略主语.谓语.宾语.表语等某一个句子成分.也 可以省略多个句子成分. 查看更多




She advised me not to say anything until asked.(此句省略了_________)



When asked where she was from, the little girl was only crying, saying nothing.(此句省略了_________)



The answer to the question contains a word which, when spoken.can have two meanings.(此句省略了_________)



We are planning to build a factory here.



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