What's today? It's Monday, the 14th. 今天星期几.几号?星期一.14号. 查看更多



根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话, 选项中有两项是多余的。

A. What’s wrong,
B. Shall we go out?
C. Where are we going?
D So we shall stay at home.
E. Good idea!
F. That’s all right.
G. Let’s go out.
Jim: It’s Sunday today. I’m not going to school.     【小题1】  Dad?
Father: Let’s look at the map.
Mother: Shall we watch TV at home?
Jim: No.   【小题2】  .
Father: Let me see. We shall go to that park. It’s near the sea.
Jim:    【小题3】   .
Father: We shall have a swim in the sea. Then we shall have a meal at the seaside.
Jim: Great!
Father: Come on! Let’s all get into the car.
Jim:   【小题4】   Dad?
Father: There’s something wrong with the car.
Mother:  【小题5】  .




Lily: Hello! This is Lily speaking. Is that Kate?

Kate: Yes, it is. Hi! Lily!

Lily: Hi! There’s a meeting this afternoon in our classroom. Can you come, Kate?

Kate: I’m afraid I can’t. My mother isn’t feeling well today. I must help her with the housework and look after my little brother.

Lily: I’m sorry to hear that. But it doesn’t matter. I think you’d better stay at home.

Kate: Thank you. By the way, what’s the meeting about?

Lily: it’s about the basketball game. We’re going to play against(对抗)Class Three.

Kate: That’s great!

Lily: I got a letter from Uncle Wu yesterday. And a color photo, too.

Kate: Er… but who’s Uncle Wu?

Lily: A farmer on the Jinxing Farm. Don’t you remember?

Kate: Oh, yes. He was very friendly to us when we worked there last September.

Lily: it’s a very nice photo. We’re carrying rice in the photo.

Kate: Please bring it to school tomorrow morning.

Lily: OK! Bye!

Kate: Bye!

1.Kate can’t go to the meeting because ____.

A. she isn’t feeling well  B. she has a lot of homework to do 

C. her mother isn’t at home  D. her mother is ill

2.The meeting is about ____.

 A. a color photo  B. the football game  C. Uncle Wu  D. the basketball game

3.Uncle Wu is a ____.

 A. worker  B. doctor  C. farmer  D. teacher

4.Kate and Lily went to the Jinxing Farm to help with ____.

 A. picking apples  B. summer harvest  C. growing vegetables  D. autumn harvest

4.Kate and Lily went to the Jinxing Farm to help with ____.

 A. picking apples  B. summer harvest  C. growing vegetables  D. autumn harvest

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

 A. The photo is black and white.  B. Kate and Lily aren’t in Class Three. 

C. Kate’s little brother is ill     D. Uncle Wu is a bad man.



Daniel: Hello, Ed ward!  You look tired today. Edward: Yes, we're 【小题1】b     reviewing lessons these days. This term will be 【小题2】o   soon. Daniel: Yeah, how time f   【小题3】   !   Summer holi­day is coming. Edward:What are you going to do
【小题4】d    the holiday? Daniel:I want to have a good rest first. Then I'm going to Tibet to 【小题5】e     the beautiful scenery. By the way,what's your 【小题6】p   for the holiday? Edward:I would 【小题7】r    stay at home than go out. I will buy some DVDs and watch my favourite films. Daniel: Only   watch   films   at   home?   It's   a   bit 【小题8】b    ,1 think. Ed ward: Oh, no. I'm also going to learn 【小题9】to make computer programmes. Daniel:I'm 【小题10】i    in it as well. Could I learn it with you? Edward: All   right!   We  can  discuss   it   together then.


T: Hello, Maria.
M: Hi, Tony. How is it going?
T: I am a little bit __1___.
M: What do you do?
T: I am a __2___ now
M: Oh, I see. Where are you going now?
T: I want to give this __3___ to my mother, or she can’t open the door when she gets home. But I need to do a report now .What can I do?
M: You’re really busy. Don’t worry. Let me help you take it to her.
T: Thanks a lot. But do you know my mother?
M: No, I don’t. __4___ is your mother now and what does she look like?
T: She works in the Ann’s __5___ house. She wears a white uniform, she has long black hair and a pair of __6___
M: She is an __7___ of the dumpling house!
T: Yes, you’re right
M: I‘m __8___ now, so I can also have my lunch there.
T: Of course, you can eat __9___ 2 today. It’s beef and __10___ dumplings. They’re very delicious.
M: Thank you. I like onions a lot. I’ll have a try. Bye!
T: Thanks, Maria bye!







注意:1. 词数80-100;



Dear John,

It's Father's Day today. It's a special day, isn't it? __________________________________________________________



What' your plan for Father's Day? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua


