keep : 继续 ; 查看更多




keep off防止,挡住  keep on继续干  keep up with赶上,不落在后面

keep(sth./sb.)out不使…进入  keep in touch with和…保持联系

keep one’s word守信,遵守诺言

(1)You should study hard if you want to ________ others.

(2)We had to think of a way to ________ the rain.

(3)It was raining, but they ________ till the work was finished.

(4)The Chinese people always ________

(5)The rain ________ for several days.

(6)We have ________ each other after graduation.

(7)Don’t ________ me ________ in the cold.Let me in


III. 完形填空:

    Many of the world's pollution problems have been 1    by the crowding of large groups of people into cities.Supply for the 2     of the people leads to 3    pollution by industry.If the 4    increase in human population 5    at the present rate(比率),there may be much greater harm. Some scientists speak of the 6    in number of people as“population pollution.”

  About 2000 years ago,the world 7   was probably about 250 million.  reached a billion in 1850.By 1930the population was two billion.It is 9      six and a half billion.It is 10    to double by the year 2050.If the population continues to grow at the same 11    , there would be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now.

  Man has been using the earth's 12    more and more rapidly over the years.Some of them are almost 13    .Now many people believe that man's greatest 14    is how to control the growth of his population.The 15    in the world will not support the human population,in time to come,if the 16    rate of increase continues. 17    there is over crowding in the 18    and hunger in some countries. Can man's rate of increase 19    ?Many people believe that human survival(继续生存)in the future depends on the answer 20    the question.

1.A.made  B.caused      C.led    D.worked out

2.A.needs  B.satisfies    C.service      D.lacks

3.A.farther       B.less   C.further      D.better

4.A.harmful      B.small C.slow  D.rapid

5.A.stops   B.continues  C.slows down      D.adds to

6.A.increase      B.reduce      C.quality      D.quantity

7.A.people B.situation   C.population

8.A.They   B.You   C.We    D.It the past the future     D.then

10.A.hoped  B.expected   C.wished   D.looked forward to

11.A.time  B.year  C.rate   D.period B.oil     C.mines       D.resources

13.A.missed   C.gone  D.enough

14.A.problem   B.power       C.plan  D.idea  B.electricity      D.materials

16.A.past   B.present     C.future       D.slow

17.A.Already    B.Yet    C.Still  D.Often

18.A.villages    B.mountains C.cities D.farms

19.A.continue   B.exist  C.fall    D.keep     B.of      D.for

