A. White B. Although C. As D. If 查看更多




       A White – bearded ancient man was walking over the hills and valleys of the world.On his back he carried a bag which moved uneasily as if something was trying to escape from it, but he   1it between his shoulders and walked on.

       He was Father Time, traveling forever, and the bag he   2was filled with Tomorrows, all struggling to get out.

       Each   3at twelve o’clock, he opened the bag and   4a Tomorrow, just one, with its wings of   5, and its shining feathers rose with hope.All the rest were kept   6by Time’s strong hands and pushed   7in the bag.

       Down flew the Tomorrow   8its lovely feathers, but as it touched the   9, off fell its blue wings and it changed to a(n)   10white bird which could not fly.It had become a Today.Everyone knows that Today isn’t as   11as Tomorrow, for Today can be held in one’s   12, accepted, unloved, but Tomorrow is full of mystery(神秘)and beauty.It is   13by all the world.Even those with   14hope sigh, “Tomorrow may bring a(n)   15.Tomorrow’s life will be different.”

       Everybody tried to   16the Tomorrow before it fell to the ground.They thought if they   17beforehand what the Tomorrow carries, they could   18for it.So they put great nets on the trees, seeking to catch one   19it changed his feather.Yet although they tried every means, the birds   20and flew to the ground as Todays.

1.A.relaxed                    B.worried               C.excited                D.settled

2.A.bore                        B.placed                 C.laid                     D.lifted

3.A.dawn                      B.morning              C.night                   D.afternoon

4.A.got                          B.fetched                C.took                    D.flew

5.A.blue                        B.pink                    C.black                  D.white

6.A.out                          B.off                      C.away                  D.back

7.A.along                       B.deep                    C.far                      D.over

8.A.shaking                   B.moving                C.beating                D.striking

9.A.earth                       B.floor                   C.tree                     D.grass

10.A.lovely                    B.ordinary              C.beautiful              D.especial

11.A.bad                        B.wonderful            C.common             D.familiar

12.A.hands                    B.mind                   C.heart                   D.head

13.A.noticed                  B.seen                    C.forgotten             D.desired

14.A.little                       B.some                   C.much                  D.few

15.A.shock                    B.suggestion           C.change                D.advice

16.A.keep                      B.catch                  C.hold                    D.protect

17.A.expected                B.watched              C.guessed               D.knew

18.A.wait                      B.long                    C.prepare               D.look

19.A.as                         B.when                  C.before                 D.after

20.A.refused                  B.escaped               C.struggled             D.fought



A White – bearded ancient man was walking over the hills and valleys of the world.On his back he carried a bag which moved uneasily as if something was trying to escape from it, but he   1   it between his shoulders and walked on.

       He was Father Time, traveling forever, and the bag he   2   was filled with Tomorrows, all struggling to get out.

       Each   3   at twelve o’clock, he opened the bag and   4   a Tomorrow, just one, with its wings of   5   , and its shining feathers rose with hope.All the rest were kept  6   by Time’s strong hands and pushed   7   in the bag

       Down flew the Tomorrow   8   its lovely feathers, but as it touched the  9   , off fell its blue wings and it changed to a(n)   10   white bird which could not fly.It had become a Today.Everyone knows that Today isn’t as   11   as Tomorrow, for Today can be held in one’s   12   , accepted, unloved, but Tomorrow is full of mystery(神秘)and beauty.It is  13   by all the world.Even those with   14   hope sigh, “Tomorrow may bring a(n)   15  .Tomorrow’s life will be different.”

       Everybody tried to  16  the Tomorrow before it fell to the ground.They thought if they   17   beforehand what the Tomorrow carries, they could   18   for it.So they put great nets on the trees, seeking to catch one   19   it changed his feather.Yet although they tried every means, the birds   20   and flew to the ground as Today’s.

1.A.relaxed                  B.worried               C.excited                D.settled

2.A.bore                     B.placed                 C.laid                     D.lifted

3.A.dawn                    B.morning              C.night                   D.afternoon

4.A.got                       B.fetched                C.took                    D.flew

5.A.blue                      B.pink                    C.black                  D.white

6.A.out                       B.off                      C.away                  D.back

7.A.along                    B.deep                    C.far                      D.over

8.A.shaking                 B.moving                C.beating                D.striking

9.A.earth                     B.floor                   C.tree                     D.grass

10.A.lovely                  B.ordinary              C.beautiful              D.especial

11.A.bad                     B.wonderful            C.common             D.familiar

12.A.hands                  B.mind                   C.heart                   D.head

13.A.noticed                B.seen                    C.forgotten             D.desired

14.A.little                    B.some                   C.much                  D.few

15.A.shock                 B.suggestion           C.change                D.advice

16.A.keep                   B.catch                  C.hold                    D.protect

17.A.expected             B.watched              C.guessed               D.knew

18.A.wait                    B.long                    C.prepare               D.look

19.A.as                       B.when                  C.before                 D.after

20.A.refused              B.escaped               C.struggled           D.fought



His first fight was for the equal rights of black people in South Africa. Then, as the first black president he fought to unite the country and organize the government. Now Nelson Mandela has set his sights on a new enemy, AIDS.

On March 19 the 82-year-old, former president, hosted his second AIDS-awareness concert. He warned that 25 million people in Africa were already infected with the fatal disease.

Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. He was adopted (收养) by the chief of his tribe (部族) and could have been a chief himself and lived a happy country life.

But he refused to be a chief when his people lived under racial discrimination ( 种族歧视). He decided to fight for equal rights for all the people in South Africa. Before 1990, under the country’s Racial Segregation Law (种族隔离法), colored and white people lived separately. Black people were treated unfairly even when taking a bus. Blacks had to stand at the back of the bus to make room for white people even when there were only a few of them on board.

For his opposition (反对) to the system Mandela was arrested (被捕) and spent 27 years in prison. He was freed in 1990 and become the president of the country after the first elections were held in which everyone could vote.

Mandela was not only a political fighter who attacked with speeches. He was also a trained boxer (拳击手) and fought in the ring when he was young.

“ Although I did not enjoy the violence of boxing, I was interested in how one moved one’s body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat (撤退),” he wrote in his autobiography.

As a skillful fighter, he chose music as his weapon against AIDS. He hopes to win another victory against AIDS.

52.Nelson Mandela succeeded in doing the following except _____.

A. winning the equal rights for the black people in South Africa

B. uniting South Africa

C. organizing a government in South Africa

D. controlling the spread of AIDS

53.If Nelson Mandela hadn’t fought against racial discrimination, he _____.

A. could easily have been the president of South Africa

B. could still have lived a happy life

C. could have been in a difficult situation

D. would have been an excellent boxer

54.It can be inferred that Nelson Mandela _____.

A. continues to help the black people with the political struggle

B. is taking a position in a music group

C. is taking on the world’s greatest fight against AIDS

D. is preparing for the next election of president

55.Which statement can best describe the life of Nelson Mandela?

A. Struggle is his life.          B. Sports make his fame.

C. Fight for equal rights.        D. Great fighter against government.




His first fight was for the equal rights of black people in South Africa. Then, as the first black president he fought to unite the country and organize the government. Now Nelson Mandela has set his sights on a new enemy, AIDS.

On March 19 the 82-year-old, former president, hosted his second AIDS-awareness concert. He warned that 25 million people in Africa were already infected with the fatal disease.

Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. He was adopted (收养) by the chief of his tribe (部族) and could have been a chief himself and lived a happy country life.

But he refused to be a chief when his people lived under racial discrimination ( 种族歧视). He decided to fight for equal rights for all the people in South Africa. Before 1990, under the country’s Racial Segregation Law (种族隔离法), colored and white people lived separately. Black people were treated unfairly even when taking a bus. Blacks had to stand at the back of the bus to make room for white people even when there were only a few of them on board.

For his opposition (反对) to the system Mandela was arrested (被捕) and spent 27 years in prison. He was freed in 1990 and become the president of the country after the first elections were held in which everyone could vote.

Mandela was not only a political fighter who attacked with speeches. He was also a trained boxer (拳击手) and fought in the ring when he was young.

“ Although I did not enjoy the violence of boxing, I was interested in how one moved one’s body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat (撤退),” he wrote in his autobiography.

As a skillful fighter, he chose music as his weapon against AIDS. He hopes to win another victory against AIDS.

52.Nelson Mandela succeeded in doing the following except _____.

A. winning the equal rights for the black people in South Africa

B. uniting South Africa

C. organizing a government in South Africa

D. controlling the spread of AIDS

53.If Nelson Mandela hadn’t fought against racial discrimination, he _____.

A. could easily have been the president of South Africa

B. could still have lived a happy life

C. could have been in a difficult situation

D. would have been an excellent boxer

54.It can be inferred that Nelson Mandela _____.

A. continues to help the black people with the political struggle

B. is taking a position in a music group

C. is taking on the world’s greatest fight against AIDS

D. is preparing for the next election of president

55.Which statement can best describe the life of Nelson Mandela?

A. Struggle is his life.             B. Sports make his fame.

C. Fight for equal rights.           D. Great fighter against government.


Below is a passages adapted from a website.

Tayka Hotel De Sal
Where: Tahua, Bolivia           
How much: About $95 a night
Why it’s cool: You’ve stayed at hotels made of brick or wood, but salt? That’s something few can claim. Tayka Hotel de Sal is made totally of salt---including the beds (though you’ll sleep on regular mattresses (床垫) and blankets). The hotel sits on the Salar de Uyuni, a prehistoric dried-up lake that’s the world’s biggest salt flat. Builders use the salt from the 4,633-square-mile flat to make the bricks, and glue them together with a paste of wet salt that hardens when it dries. When rain starts to dissolve the hotel, the owners just mix up more salt paste to strengthen the bricks.
Green Magic Nature Resort
Where: Vythiri, India            
How much: About $240 a night
Why it’s cool: Taking a pulley(滑轮)-operated lift 86 feet to your treetop room is just the start of your adventure. As you look out of your open window---there is no glass!---you watch monkeys and birds in the rain forest canopy(罩蓬). Later you might test your fear of heights by crossing the handmade rope bridge to the main part of the hotel, or just sit on your bamboo bed and read. You don’t even have to come down for breakfast---the hotel will send it up on the pulley-drawn “elevator”.
Dog Bark Park Inn B&B
Where: Cottonwood, Idaho         
How much: $92 a night
Why it’s cool: This doghouse isn’t just for the family pet. Sweet Willy is a 30-foot-tall dog with guest rooms in his belly. Climb the wooden stairs beside his hind leg to enter the door in his side.You can relax in the main bedroom, go up a few steps of the loft(阁楼)in Willy’s head, or hang out inside his nose. Although you have a full private bathroom in your quarters, there is also a toilet in the 12-foot-tall fire hydrant (消防栓)outside.
Gamirasu Cave Hotel
Where: Ayvali, Turkey            
How much: Between $130 and $475 a night.
Why it’s cool: This is caveman cool! Experience what it was like 5,000 years ago, when people lived in these mountain caves formed by volcanic ash. But your stay will be much more modern. Bathrooms and electricity provide what you expect from a modern hotel, and the white volcanic ash, called tufa, keeps the rooms cool, about 65℉in summer. (Don’t worry---there is heat in winter.)
Treebones Resort
Where: California, America        
How much: $100 a night
Why it’s cool: You can sleep in a “room” any night, but how often do you get the chance to sleep in a yurt. What’s a yurt? Good question. Yurts are the name given to guest rooms at the Treebones Resort. These spaces provide all of the accessibility to nature you’d enjoy in a tent, but with all the comforts of a cabin. In one of sixteen yurts, you will doze off(打盹儿) while gazing at the stars that can be seen through a sky dome.
【小题1】What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To sell the hotels.
B.To attract guests.
C.To offer good service.
D.To get popular.
【小题2】If you want to experience a thrilling life, you’d better go to ____________.
A.Treebones Resort
B.Gamirasu Cave Hotel
C.Dog Bark Park Inn B&B
D.Green Magic Nature Resort
【小题3】Sweet Willy is the name of ____________.
A.a doghouse for the family pet
B.a thirty-foot-tall family dog
C.the building of Dog Bark Park Inn B&B
D.the guest rooms in Dog Bark Park Inn B&B
【小题4】Which of the following words can best describe all the five hotels in the passage?

