Which of the following is most probable according to No.3? A. The traffic was terribly affected. B. The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow. C. The temperatures might drop to 50℃. D. Many schools were damaged in the snowstorm. C I chose to study in Madrid because I had a desire to learn Spanish. My first impressions of Madrid were incredible. It was before the New Year that I arrived in Madrid for the first time. While traveling to my Spanish friend’s house in a taxi, I appreciated the buildings along the road which were different from those of my own country. There are an incredible number of restaurants and bars from all over the world. If you are really into sightseeing, I hope you have rechargeable batteries for your digital camera, because one week really isn’t enough time to see everything here including a number of art, science, and historical museums as well as parks, buildings, and amazing landscapes. What I liked best about life in Madrid was the fact that if you were frustrated with schoolwork and wanted to have some fun, you can easily go out. The nightlife never seems to stop and the people are all very friendly. You can meet people and practice Spanish while having fun at the same time. What I liked least was the fact that many people smoked in the streets. Also, coming from the US, I was used to having a big breakfast every morning, but while living with an actual Spanish family, I wasn’t really satisfied with the food in the morning. I think I have definitely become more independent since I came back from Spain. Living in a big city like Madrid I found that it is necessary to plan ahead and to make a schedule (时间表) for future. There is so much to see, not just in the Spanish World, but in the European World as well. 49. What’s the purpose of the text? A. To attract people to tour around Madrid. B. To show how to enjoy Spanish culture. C. To give advice on how to study Spanish. D. To describe the author’s life in Madrid. 50. The author went to Madrid to . A. visit his friend B. go on a sightseeing tour C. study Spanish D. complete his trip around Europe 51. Why did the author suggest taking rechargeable batteries? A. It’s difficult to deal with the used batteries. B. It’s not convenient to recharge batteries. C. There are few stores that sell ordinary batteries. D. You will find lots of places worth taking pictures of. 52. Which of the following in Madrid didn’t please the author? A. Parks and buildings. B. Restaurants and bars. C. Nightlife. D. Breakfast. D The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. Most people live in urban areas, and the large stretch of land left unused is full of scenic beauty. On the one hand it is proud of its urban areas, and on the other hand, it has the rich wealth of forests, mountains, plains and much more. On the east coast of the country there are cities like New York, the leading city in business. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the country, where you will get an opportunity to see the White House. The city will simply impress you, with many museums showing the culture, lifestyle, art and architecture of the country. Another place worth visiting is Miami, one of the most popular international tourist destinations. It is also well known for its Latin culture, wonderful urban nightlife and beaches. Moving to the west coast, you will come across the most amazing places in which to relax. Los Angeles is the place where you can see life in all its many forms; this city is world-famous for its Hollywood film industry. It also has beaches that can offer breathtaking surfing experiences. Moving on to the Pacific Coast Highway, we get to see the beauty of San Francisco. Clean beaches and mountains topped (盖住) by clouds are worth seeing. Travelers can enjoy day trips to beaches, deserts and wine-producing regions. Chicago lies on the shore of the Great Lakes and is believed to be the fastest growing city in the world, with its high standard of living and rich lifestyles. The city is a center for many theaters and is world-famous for its strong tradition of music jazz and the blues. 53. According to the first paragraph, we know that . A. most American people live in the countryside B. a lot of land has not been used in the US C. the US has the largest forest in the world D. the US has a larger area of urban land than wild land 54. Which city in the US is famous for its Latin culture? A. New York. B. San Francisco. C. Los Angeles. D. Miami. 55. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The article refers to four cities on the east coast. B. You can go to Los Angeles to experience surfing. C. You cannot enjoy the blues in Chicago. D. San Francisco is a center for many theaters. 56. What is the text mainly about? A. One of the reasons why the US is rich. B. The customs and culture of the US. C. A brief introduction to some American cities. D. The beautiful landscapes of the US. E BBC News -Edinburgh Zoo plans to bring a pair of giant pandas from China to Scotland. Representatives from Edinburgh Zoo have recently returned from China. They signed a letter of intent (意向书) there, making a promise to bring giant pandas to the Zoo. It has been suggested that the pair of giant pandas should be on loan (暂借) to the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland for 10 years. The pair of giant pandas would give birth to babies during that time. Edinburgh Zoo would be the eighth zoo in the Western world to care for the species if the project goes ahead. Zoo chiefs said that looking after the endangered animals could benefit conservation. David Windmill, chief of RZSS, said, "Working with giant pandas means so much more to us than introducing a new species to our collection. It is an opportunity to work on a global level with other conservationists to gain a better understanding of the giant pandas, the threats they face, and what we can do to ensure their survival." At present, there are only around 1,500 giant pandas in the wild. RZSS has been working on the project for almost a year, hoping to have giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo by 2009, the year of the society’s centenary (一百周年纪念日). Mr. Windmill said that the project has received strong support from the UK and Scottish Governments. He also said that this must continue if the Zoo is to reach an agreement with the Chinese. As part of the agreement with the Chinese Government, Edinburgh Zoo will work together with Chinese scientists on research projects benefiting conservation in the wild. RZSS will also provide money to support giant panda conservation projects in the wild. Giant pandas live in mountainous regions in central China and almost mainly feed on bamboo, which makes up 99% of what they eat. 57. What do we know from the first two paragraphs? A. China will give a pair of giant pandas to Edinburgh Zoo. B. Representatives from Edinburgh Zoo have been to China. C. The Scottish Government has signed a letter of intent with China. D. Edinburgh Zoo is the first Western zoo to have giant pandas. 58. According to the text, RZSS may be . A. a company that deals with international business B. an organization that researches endangered animals C. a government department in charge of Western issues D. an activity having something to do with animals 59. We can know from the text that . A. David Windmill is Edinburgh Zoo’s chief B. the number of giant pandas in the wild is still unknown C. RZSS will celebrate its centenary in 2009 D. RZSS knows the threats the giant pandas face well 60. What’s the main idea of the text? A. Edinburgh Zoo expects giant pandas from China. B. Edinburgh Zoo does research into giant pandas. C. Scotland supports giant panda conservation. D. Giant pandas live happily in central China. 第五节:完成对话 (共5小题.每小题1分.共5分) 根据对话内容.从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.选项中有两项为多余选项. A: 61 ? B: I'm writing a letter. A: But you don't often write . 62 ? B: I'm writing to my aunt. A: 63 ? B: Just to thank her for giving me the birthday present. A: But 64 . B: No , she hasn't sent me anything this year. I'm writing to thank her for last year's present. A : Do you think she will understand you? B : Of course ,my letter will help her remember 65 A : So you ' re expecting another present from her. A . What do you want to tell her B . that my birthday is coming soon C . How are you D .What are you doing E .she hasn't sent you a present this year F .She is not only my aunt but my friend as well G . Who are you writing to 试卷二 第一节:单词拼写(共10个小题.每小题1分.满分10分) 查看更多



  Weather is the subject matter of Westerners whenever they meet. Housewives, businessmen, factory workers as well as farmers all talk about the weather. It is everyday news, whether or not conditions change. Many newspapers carry a regular front page news story in addition to the full reports on as inside-page provided by the weather service. Here are several different types of weather reports taken from the western papers:

    No.1 Regional forecast

    No. 2 Three-day Forecast

No. 3 Weather Stories

In a street of corner of London, two strangers may begin their talk with “______”

A. Hi, how are you?               B. What are doing here? Waiting for someone?

C. A nice day, isn’t it?              D. Didn’t you listen to the weather report last night?

The noon temperature of _______ is nearly 70’s at the weekend.

   A. Western Great Lakes             B. Duluth, Minn

   C. Westchester, Rockland           D. New Jersey

It seems that ________ has plenty of rain at the present season.

   A. Western Great Lakes             B. Winsconsin

   C. Westchester, Rockland           D. New Jersey

Which of the following is most probable according to No.3?

A. The traffic was terribly affected.   

B. The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow.

C. The temperatures might drop to 50℃.

D. Many schools were damaged in the snowstorm.


  Weather is the subject matter of Westerners whenever they meet. Housewives, businessmen, factory workers as well as farmers all talk about the weather. It is everyday news, whether or not conditions change. Many newspapers carry a regular front page news story in addition to the full reports on as inside-page provided by the weather service. Here are several different types of weather reports taken from the western papers:

    No.1 Regional forecast

    No. 2 Three-day Forecast


No. 3 Weather Stories


1.In a street of corner of London, two strangers may begin their talk with “______”

A. Hi, how are you?               B. What are doing here? Waiting for someone?

C. A nice day, isn’t it?              D. Didn’t you listen to the weather report last night?

2.The noon temperature of _______ is nearly 70’s at the weekend.

   A. Western Great Lakes             B. Duluth, Minn

   C. Westchester, Rockland           D. New Jersey

3.It seems that ________ has plenty of rain at the present season.

   A. Western Great Lakes             B. Winsconsin

   C. Westchester, Rockland           D. New Jersey

4. Which of the following is most probable according to No.3?

A. The traffic was terribly affected.   

B. The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow.

C. The temperatures might drop to 50℃.

D. Many schools were damaged in the snowstorm.



Weather is the subject matter of Westerners whenever they met. Housewives, businessmen, factory workers as well as farmers all talk about the weather. It’s everyday news, whether or not conditions change. Many newspapers carry a regular front page news story in addition to the full reports on as inside-page provided by the weather service. Here are several different types of weather reports taken from the western papers:
No. 1 Regional Forecast

New Jersey
Today: Considerably cloudy with showers likely. High: 75-79. Southwesterly winds at 15-20m.p.h.. Precipitation(降水) probability 70 percent. Tonight: Warm and cloudy, rain likely. Low: 55-63. Southwesterly winds at 15 to 20m.p.h.. Tomorrow: Showers and thunderstorms likely. High: 75-79. Wind S to SW at 15 to 20m.p.h.
   No. 2 Three-day Forecast
Westchester, Rockland
Friday: Mostly fine to partly cloudy. Saturday: Cloudy with some showers. Sunday: Mostly fine. Temperature: Daytime highs will average in the upper 60’s to 70’s while overnight lows will average in the low to 50’s throughout the period.
   No. 3 Weather Stories
   Bitter cold, intensified(加剧) by high winds, gripped(控制) the Upper Midwest today, sheets of ice and snow left by the winter’s first major storm on highways throughout the area.
At least six deaths were blamed on the storm.
Hundreds of schools closed throughout the Upper Midwest yesterday and thousands of travelers waited out the weather at roadside shelters(避难处).
Temperatures dropped well below zero early today from the Northern Plains through the Western Great Lakes under clearing skies. A 25-below-zero reading was forecast.
Nearly a foot of snow fell on northern sections of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. And hardest hit were Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wis., where 12 inches were recorded. Winds went up to 50 miles an hour.
45. In a street corner of London, two strangers may begin their talk with “_____”.
A. Hi, how are you?              B. What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?
C. A nice day, isn’t it?              D. Didn’t you listen to the weather report last night?
46. The noon temperature of _____ is nearly 70’s at the weekend.
A. Western Great Lakes         B. Duluth, Minn
C. Westchester, Rockland       D. New Jersey
47. It seems that _____ has plenty of rain at the present season.
A. Western Great Lakes  B. Wisconsin  C. Westchester Rockland  D. New Jersey
48. Which of the following is most probable according to No.3?
A. The traffic was terribly affected.
B. The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow.
C. The temperatures might drop to 50℃.
D. Many schools were damaged in the snowstorm.


Weather is the subject matter of Westerners whenever they met. Housewives, businessmen, factory workers as well as farmers all talk about the weather. It’s everyday news, whether or not conditions change. Many newspapers carry a regular front page news story in addition to the full reports on as inside-page provided by the weather service. Here are several different types of weather reports taken from the western papers:

   No. 1 Regional Forecast

New Jersey

   Today: Considerably cloudy with showers likely. High: 75-79. Southwesterly winds at 15-20m.p.h.. Precipitation(降水) probability 70 percent. Tonight: Warm and cloudy, rain likely. Low: 55-63. Southwesterly winds at 15 to 20m.p.h.. Tomorrow: Showers and thunderstorms likely. High: 75-79. Wind S to SW at 15 to 20m.p.h.

   No. 2 Three-day Forecast

Westchester, Rockland

   Friday: Mostly fine to partly cloudy. Saturday: Cloudy with some showers. Sunday: Mostly fine. Temperature: Daytime highs will average in the upper 60’s to 70’s while overnight lows will average in the low to 50’s throughout the period.

   No. 3 Weather Stories

   Bitter cold, intensified(加剧) by high winds, gripped(控制) the Upper Midwest today, sheets of ice and snow left by the winter’s first major storm on highways throughout the area.

   At least six deaths were blamed on the storm.

   Hundreds of schools closed throughout the Upper Midwest yesterday and thousands of travelers waited out the weather at roadside shelters(避难处).

   Temperatures dropped well below zero early today from the Northern Plains through the Western Great Lakes under clearing skies. A 25-below-zero reading was forecast.

   Nearly a foot of snow fell on northern sections of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. And hardest hit were Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wis., where 12 inches were recorded. Winds went up to 50 miles an hour.

In a street corner of London, two strangers may begin their talk with “_____”.

  A. Hi, how are you?               B. What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?

  C. A nice day, isn’t it?              D. Didn’t you listen to the weather report last night?

The noon temperature of _____ is nearly 70’s at the weekend.

  A. Western Great Lakes          B. Duluth, Minn

  C. Westchester, Rockland        D. New Jersey

It seems that _____ has plenty of rain at the present season.

  A. Western Great Lakes  B. Wisconsin  C. Westchester Rockland  D. New Jersey

Which of the following is most probable according to No.3?

  A. The traffic was terribly affected.

  B. The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow.

  C. The temperatures might drop to 50℃.

  D. Many schools were damaged in the snowstorm.


Weather is the subject matter of Westerners whenever they met. Housewives, businessmen, factory workers as well as farmers all talk about the weather. It’s everyday news, whether or not conditions change. Many newspapers carry a regular front page news story in addition to the full reports on as inside-page provided by the weather service. Here are several different types of weather reports taken from the western papers:

   No. 1 Regional Forecast

New Jersey

   Today: Considerably cloudy with showers likely. High: 75-79. Southwesterly winds at 15-20m.p.h.. Precipitation(降水) probability 70 percent. Tonight: Warm and cloudy, rain likely. Low: 55-63. Southwesterly winds at 15 to 20m.p.h.. Tomorrow: Showers and thunderstorms likely. High: 75-79. Wind S to SW at 15 to 20m.p.h.

   No. 2 Three-day Forecast

Westchester, Rockland

   Friday: Mostly fine to partly cloudy. Saturday: Cloudy with some showers. Sunday: Mostly fine. Temperature: Daytime highs will average in the upper 60’s to 70’s while overnight lows will average in the low to 50’s throughout the period.

   No. 3 Weather Stories

   Bitter cold, intensified(加剧) by high winds, gripped(控制) the Upper Midwest today, sheets of ice and snow left by the winter’s first major storm on highways throughout the area.

   At least six deaths were blamed on the storm.

   Hundreds of schools closed throughout the Upper Midwest yesterday and thousands of travelers waited out the weather at roadside shelters(避难处).

   Temperatures dropped well below zero early today from the Northern Plains through the Western Great Lakes under clearing skies. A 25-below-zero reading was forecast.

   Nearly a foot of snow fell on northern sections of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. And hardest hit were Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wis., where 12 inches were recorded. Winds went up to 50 miles an hour.

45. In a street corner of London, two strangers may begin their talk with “_____”.

  A. Hi, how are you?               B. What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?

  C. A nice day, isn’t it?              D. Didn’t you listen to the weather report last night?

46. The noon temperature of _____ is nearly 70’s at the weekend.

  A. Western Great Lakes          B. Duluth, Minn

  C. Westchester, Rockland        D. New Jersey

47. It seems that _____ has plenty of rain at the present season.

  A. Western Great Lakes  B. Wisconsin  C. Westchester Rockland  D. New Jersey

48. Which of the following is most probable according to No.3?

  A. The traffic was terribly affected.

  B. The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow.

  C. The temperatures might drop to 50℃.

  D. Many schools were damaged in the snowstorm.

