第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分.满分15分) 从A.B.C.D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 21.-May I see your ticket, please? I think you in my seat. -Oh, you’re right. My seat is upstairs. I’m terribly sorry. A. are sitting B. sit C. sat D. have sat 22.China’s housing price becomes one of the hottest topics during the Two Sessions, most ordinary Chinese people find it more and more difficult to buy a flat in cities. A. where B. so C. as D. though 23.Since its entry into Chinese market, Google has been enjoying legal market access and national treatment. A. the; a B. 不填; 不填 C. a; the D. the; 不填 24.-I thought Stephanie and Lee were getting married in June. -No, that’s her cousin’s wedding is. A. where B. when C. why D. how 25.The 82nd Oscars Academy Awards, the best in film for 2009, was held on Sunday, March 7, 2010. A. to honor B. honoring C. honored D. having honored 26.Miss Li as a biology teacher for fifteen years in our school, and now she is Party secretary of our city. A. works B. worked C. had worked D. has worked 27.Tom still thinks that The Hurt Locker is Avatar. A. as a great as B. as great film as C. as great a film as D. so great a film as 28.In 1888, a major French newspaper announced the death of Nobel in an article “The merchant of death is dead , which indicated that Nobel was only thought of as one from killing. A. read; profiting B. read; to profit C. reading; profited D. reading; profiting 29.It me that I could buy the admission ticket of the exhibition at the discount of 50% with my student card, made me extremely excited. A. happened to; that B. occurred to; it C. happened to; which D. occurred to; which 30. people are concerned about now is the Shanghai World Expo, which start on May 1st. A. What; is due to B. Which; is going to C. That; is to D. What; is about to 31.All parents are willing to risk their lives to save of their children when a disaster is approaching. A. losing; that B. to lose; those C. losing; those D. having lost; the ones 32.-You must apologize to Rebecca for being so rude, Sam. -Why I say sorry? It’s she said insulting words first. A. should; who B. must; whom C. can; that D. will; who 33.When chatting with a stranger on the Internet, bear in mind he could be anybody, for you can’t see him . A. that; in particular B. that; in person C. what; in detail D. \ ; in public 34.-Alex has lost his job. - ? As far as I know, he is devoted to his work. A. What for B. So what C. How’s that D. How come 35.-The earthquake has killed over two thousand people in Yushu. - . A. OK B. Certainly C. I agree D. That’s the case 查看更多




Of all the subjects, I like ______ physics best because it gives us ______ useful knowledge of things in science. And I long to turn ______ scientist in the future.

A. the ; a ; a     B. / ; an ; /     C./ ; a ; /      D. the ; / ; /


Of all the subjects, I like ______ physics best because it gives us ______ useful knowledge of things in science. And I long to turn ______ scientist in the future.

A.the ; a ; aB./ ; an ; /C./ ; a ; /D.the ; / ; /


第一节 :单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. Dick is over sixty, but he looks young for his age. He is always full of ______.

A. energy     B. power   C. strength      D. force


第一节 :单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. Dick is over sixty, but he looks young for his age. He is always full of ______.

A. energy     B. power   C. strength      D. force




The government has promised to        the matter and will give the workers a satisfactory answer.

    A. look into      B. look through   C. put into       D. put away


