第二节: 听取信息(共5小题.每小题1分.满分5 分) 听下面一段对话.请根据题目要求.从所听的内容中获取必要的信息. 填入标号为16-20的空格中.录音读两遍.你有60秒钟的作答时间. Service Information at North London Arts Cinema What When How much Films in the cinema Show a variety of (16) films. Be open seven days a week Accordingly Midnight meeting An Italian film. Be on twice a day in the evenings. That’s at 6:45 and (17) from Monday to Thursday in (18) . Tickets are £4. With a (19) , you can get the cheaper ticket. The nearest (20) Be safe for you to park your car. When a film is on. Free of charge 查看更多





1.Where are the two speakers now?

A.on a bus

B.on a train

C.on a plane

2.What's the man doing?

A.traveling on business

B.going on holiday

C.giving lectures


3.How much does the French course cost each term?




4.When is the class?

A.7 p. m-9p. m, Sunday

B.7a. m-9a. m, Saturday

C.7p.m-9p. m, Saturday

5.How many people are there in the class?

A.about 20

B.about 12

C.about 10

6.Why does the man go to the course?

A.He wants to work in a travel company.

B.It’s good for his job.

C.He decides to travel around France.


7.Where was the speaker when the fire broke out?

A.In her aunt’s house

B.In her own house

C.In a hotel

8.What was the speaker’s husband doing when the fire broke out?

A.running out quickly

B.folding his shirts

C.making a phone

9.What was in the speaker’s husband’s right hand?

A.a suitcase

B.an umbrella

C.a black hat


10.Who has the man traveled with before?

A.the woman

B.his cousin

C.his roommates

11.Why won’t the woman go with the man this summer holiday

A.She wants to go alone.

B.She hasn’t saved enough money.

C.She has something more important to do.

12.Where will the man go this summer vacation?

A.to Austria

B.to Australia

C.to Africa


13.Where does the speaker study now?

A.junior school


C.senior school

14.What’s the trouble with the speaker?

A.He doesn’t like making friends.

B.He is always laughed at by others.

C.He is not confident.

15.How many problems does the speaker mention in his letter?








第一节 听力理解(共15小题)


1.Where is the conversation taking place?

A.In a park.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At home.

2.What can we learn about the man?

A.He has had too many meat balls.

B.He prefers fruits to ice-cream.

C.He prefers meat balls to ice-cream.


3.Why does the woman call the man?

A.Because she wants to invite him for dinner.

B.Because she has not seen him these days.

C.Because the man has asked her to call him.

4.What time will they meet?

A.At 9∶00 p. m.

B.At 8∶00 p. m.

C.At 7∶00 p. m.

5.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.A couple.

C.Boss and clerk.


6.What’s the weather like today?

A.Nice and bright.

B.Sunny and windy.

C.Warm but cloudy.

7.What’s the weather like in winter in the woman’s hometown?

A.Warmer than here.

B.Colder than here.

C.More rain than here.

8.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman has never seen a hurricane.

B.They will check the weather report online.

C.It doesn’t snow frequently here in winter.


9.For what reason do Chinese people often drink hot tea in summer?

A.Balancing our body system.

B.Relieving the thirst.

C.Improving the health.

10.When did the tea become popular in China?

A.From the 2nd century.

B.From the 5th century.

C.From the 4th century.

11.Where does the man probably come from?




12.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman knows a lot about Chinese tea.

B.Few people like Chinese tea in Britain.

C.All kinds of Chinese tea can help you lose weight.


13.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Advantages of online English learning.

B.Advantages of Internet teaching.

C.English resources on Internet.

14.How can you make a friend in foreign countries by Internet?

A.By emails.

B.By visual means.


15.How long does a Chinese Internet user spend on Internet each week on average?

A.17 hours.

B.18 hours.

C.19 hours.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题)





1.Where did the conversation happen?

A.In a bank

B.In a department store

C.In an office

2.What color does the lady want to buy?

A.Dark black

B.Dark green

C.Dark brown

3.How did the lady pay for the belt?

A.By cash

B.By Master Card

C.By credit card


4.Who do you think the man is?

A.travel guide

B.The woman’s husband

C.A history teacher

5.When was the Great Wall first built?

A.In the third century BC

B.More than 2,000 years ago

C.more than 2,500 years ago

6.How wide is the Great Wall at the base?

A.6.5 meters

B.6.4 meters

C.5.8 meters


7.What does the waiter try to advise the woman to eat?

A.Some fresh fruit

B.An apple pie

C.Chocolate cake

8.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the conversation?

A.What the waiter can serve is only chocolate cake.

B.There are many kinds of dessert for the woman to choose from.

C.The woman doesn’t choose pineapple pie at all.

9.What’s the result of the conversation?

A.The woman has no choice but to eat chocolate cake.

B.The woman can only drink a cup of coffee.

C.The woman leaves the restaurant without eating or drinking anything.


10.What did they talk about?

A.The method of baking the roast meat

B.The description of the roast meat

C.The roast meat

11.Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?

A.Mix one egg, two teaspoons of salt, two pounds of ground beef and twelve ounces of milk and a cup of bread crumbs.

B.Mix two eggs, one teaspoon of salt, half pound of ground beef and twenty ounces of milk and a cup of bread crumbs.

C.Mix one egg, two teaspoons of salt, one pound of ground beef and two ounces of milk and two cups of bread crumbs.

12.What’s the last step?

A.Bake fifteen minutes at 300 degrees

B.Bake an hour at 530 degrees

C.Bake an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.


13.How did the speaker and his wife get around in London?

A.By taxi

B.By bus

C.On foot

14.Which of the following places haven’t they been to during their stay in London?

A.Buckingham Palace

B.The British Museum

C.C.The National Gallery

15.What could they do in London that they can’t do at home?

A.Have some very good meals

B.Go shopping

C.See some very good plays







1.How many ducks are there on the farm this year?

A.About 10,000

B.About 12,000

C.About 220,000

2.Who used to work in a shoe factory?

A.Mr Brown

B.Mr Brown’s wife

C.The worker that Mr Brown hires

3.What is the hardes job on the farm?

A.Cleaning the feeding place

B.Carrying the food to the store

C.Feeding the ducks


4.How many copies have been sold so far?

A.At least 500,00

B.At least 4,000,000

C.At least 30,000,000

5.When did the book become famous in Britian?

A.After they put it in children bookstores

B.After they put it in all bookstores

C.After it was pubilished in other countires

6.Why hasn’t the man seen a copy of the book?

A.Because he has just returned from South Africa

B.Because he has stayed in China for a long time

C.Because he has been travelling around the world.


7.What does the speaker usually do in the morning?

A.Go jogging along a country road

B.Read a book under a tree

C.Chat with some country people

8.What did the speaker have for lunch yesterday?




9.Where does the speaker stay in the afternoon?

A.In the fields

B.By the river

C.Under a big tree


10.What can we learn about Ella?

A.She has had an operation

B.She has recovered after an operation

C.It took one day to perform the operation

11.Who is now in the hospital looking after her?

A.Only her father

B.Only her mother

C.Both her parents.

12.What will the girl do right now?

A.Help Ella with her lessons

B.Go and give Ella the notebooks

C.Go to the man’s home in his car


13.Why does the man think it great to live in the country?

A.Because he can have a good sleep there.

B.Because he can go to bed at about nine

C.Because he can arrive at worker ealier

14.How far does the man travel to and from his work place every day?

A.20 miles

B.30 miles

C.40 miles

15.What does the man usually do after work in the afternoon.?

A.Have supper in the yard

B.Sit in the yard for some time

C.Watch TV in the yard








1.When will the ambulance get to the place?

A.In about 5 minutes.

B.In about 10 minutes.

C.In about 20 minutes

2.Where is the woman now?

A.On Ring Third Road.

B.Near Star Bridge.

C.On Star Road.

3.What will the woman do next?

A.Tie the wound with a piece of cloth.

B.Go to find a bandage.

C.Call 2010568556 to ask for help.


4.What is probably the man's nationality?




5.What does the woman offer to do for the man?

A.Find a good dictionary

B.Teach him English.

C.Help him with any problems.

6.How does the woman think of the man's English?

A.Not very native




7.When will the president and First lady visit Africa?




8.How many nations will Chinese scientists visit next month?




9.Why is the mayor in Miami meeting with the leaders of the teachers' union?

A.Try to find a way to raise their pay.

B.Try to find a way to end the strike.

C.Try to find a way to have a meeting.

10.What does the California scientists' finding tell us?

A.A relationship between the coffee drinking and the heart-disease increase in women.

B.A relationship between the coffee drinking and the heart-disease increase in men

C.A relationship between the tea drinking and the heart-disease increase in women



