48.A.move B.change C.doubt D.follow 查看更多



How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee      your day?

   One day I was in a taxi and we headed       the airport. We were driving in the     lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his      ,slide sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and     the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around and started       at us.

   My taxi driver just      and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really      . So I asked,"Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”   

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of      , full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment. As their garbage       up,they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on     .Don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave,wish them well,and move on.

   Believe me. You’ll be      .Don’t take their garbage and      it to other people at work,at home,or on the streets. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with      .The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what’s     in your life. Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you      bad things more often than good things in your life. You store the bad memories more easily, and you      them more frequently.

    So…Love the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who don’t. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you       it!

    When you follow “The Law of the Garbage Truck”,you take back control of your life. You make room for the good by      go of the bad. Have a Garbage-Free Day!Have a marvelous,garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today       the harvest you reap tomorrow.

1.A. enrich                    B. ruin                         C. spare                        D. obtain

2.A. through              B. to                        C. in                           D. for

3.A. latter                B. right                               C. opposite                  D. free

4.A. brakes                 B. door                     C. window           D. seat

5.A. knocked             B. overtook                C. missed                  D. lost

6.A. laughing               B. throwing                C. glancing                  D. yelling

7.A. wondered              B. smiled                    C. ignored                 D. guessed

8.A. friendly                   B. angry                    C. tired                     D. disappointed

9.A. expectation              B. passengers                  C. garbage                 D. goods

10.A. turns             B. pushes           C. holds                     D. piles

11.A. roads              B. children                    C. you                      D. dustbin

12.A. upset                       B. happier           C. pitiful                    D. frightened

13.A. spread             B. share             C. explain                  D. contribute

14.A. surprise              B. pleasure                     C. doubt                    D. regrets

15.A. funny                B. important          C. strange             D. embarrassing

16.A. remember          B. forget             C. value                D. appreciate

17.A. enjoy               B. exchange                C. recall                       D.imagine

18.A. inspire                 B. take                      C. mend                   D. notice

19.A. letting                   B. consisting       C. making                   D. dreaming

20.A. distinguish              B. deserve                  C. deliver            D. determine





My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can’t help falling in love with him!” Or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I agree   36   some degree, though I sometimes do want to ask them how much they  37     Beckham, apart from his appearance and how much they know about football   38   scoring goals. It seems funny that we are crazy for things, with which we are unfamiliar or   39    which we are uncertain, but we all, my friends   40   I, consider this one of life’s 41  .

We need these pleasures to brighten up our lives. But that doesn’t amount to craziness  42   nonsense(胡闹). As an old saying   43    : “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We should not   44  anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one’s good character and great contribution that   45   one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we’d better say   46   about Beckham’s good looks.

If we close our eyes,   47  in deep thought, we can find that the things that   48   us to be in truth happy, sad or touched   49   a clear meaning. If we don’t go deeper and just satisfied with superficial(表面的)things,  50   we will find that we have not really gained anything  51  our first impression has blinded and misled us, and we’ll remain ignorant(无知)  52   we realize that and make some changes.

It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a sign of great   53  . If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it   54   us, we will finally prove how much we have grown up, how much more sensible(理智的), mature(成熟的), and intelligent we have   55  .

36.A.to          B.on         C.in           D.at

37.A.learn from         B.learn C.know          D.know about

38.A.rather than       B.except for          C.except       D.apart from

39.A.with          B.in         C.about        D.for

40.A.not            B.as well as C.rather than        D.but

41.A.pleasures          B.taste     C.sorrow       D.regrets

42.A.nor          B.and       C.or          D.or else

43.A.speaks      B.talks          C.tells     D.goes

44.A.take          B.judge         C.accept       D.conclude

45.A.makes       B.causes      C.builds        D.create

46.A.better       B.more     C.worse         D.less

47.A.taking         B.leaving       C.falling        D.getting

48.A.move         B.change   C.doubt              D.follow

49.A.lack       B.have          C.include      D.cover

50.A.in fact        B.indeed       C.in a while D.sooner or later

51.A.so          B.even though     C.because    D.although

52.A.even if       B.although   C.unless       D.if

53.A.joy         B.progress   C.effort         D.work

54.A.cares        B.pains         C.delights    D.minds

55.A.come         B.made         C.had           D.become



How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee  31  your day?

One day I was in a taxi and we headed  32 the airport. We were driving in the right lane 33  suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes,slide sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and narrowly  34  the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around and started  35  at us.

   My taxi driver just  36  and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really  37 . So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck”.

He  38  that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of  39,full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment. As their garbage  40  up,they need a place to dump (倒) it and sometimes they’ll dump it on  41 . Don’t take it personally. Just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on.

Believe me. You’ll be more  42 . Don’t take their garbage and  43  it to other people at work,at home,or on the streets, Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with  44 . The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what’s  45  in your life. Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you  46  bad things more often than good things in your life. You store the bad memories rather easily, and you  47  them more frequently.

So...Love the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who don’t. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you  48  it!

When you follow “The Law of the Garbage Truck”,you take back control of your life. You make room for the good by  49  go of the bad. Have a Garbage Free Day!Have a marvelous,garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today  50  the harvest you reap tomorrow.

31.A. injure         B. ruin                    C. hurt           D. harm

32.A. through       B. from           C. in             D. for

33.A. while               B. when             C. since          D. as

34.A. knocked       B. overtook            C. missed        D. left

35.A. laughing       B. throwing            C. glancing             D.yelling

36.  A. wondered     B. smiled             C. ignored         D. guessed

37.A. friendly        B. angry         C. frightened           D. disappointed

38.A. showed      B. suggested       C. explained        D. hated

39.A. expectation          B. passengers     C. garbage         D. goods

40.A. turns          B. pushes        C. holds              D. piles

41.A. roads         B. children        C. you               D. dustbins

42.A. healthy      B. happy          C. pitiful          D. wealthy

43.A. spread        B. share          C. explain            D. contribute

44.A. surprise       B. pleasure       C. doubt                D. regrets

45.A. funny         B. important            C. strange      D. embarrassing

46.A. remember           B. forget         C. value        D. appreciate

47.A. enjoy        B. exchange      C. recall               D. imagine

48.A. inspire       B. take         C. mend        D. notice

49.A. letting         B. consisting           C. making        D. dreaming

50.A. distinguish     B. deserve          C. deliver      D. determine


完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Year after year my brothers, sister and I would lie in bed awake on Christmas morning. We were just  36    to hear my father’s voice saying it was all right to    37    . Usually I was the first one jumped out of bed. I can still    38    my growing eagerness(渴望) for the    39    every year.

Even now as I    40    the boxes of Christmas decorations(装饰品) I can see the familiar ones: the presents with our birth years on them, our five stockings, four for the    41    , one for the dog. It used to be easy for us to    42    when to put up the decorations. But now since we all have    43    and social lives, it is usually a hurried activity.

As we get older, the season almost brings a    44    to a little place in our hearts. The worst was year after my grandparents had    45    . We couldn’t go to their house to celebrate the holiday anymore.    46    , we just had a get-together in my house. Now when I    47    to it, I miss the special    48    my grandfather gave me for Christmas. I even miss him    49    me “Jessie”, even though I can’t    50    when people call me that.

Things change, not always for the good,    51    not always for the bad either. And the things that don’t    52    have the most important meaning to us, and I am sure they will be there for the    53    of our lives. After all, every time I hear my father’s    54    “All right you guys, come on down, nice and slow” and we go down the stairs, first my brother, then me, then my sister, then my older brother, I still    55    the true Christmas spirit.

1.A.advising        B.starting          C.wishing           D.forgetting

2.A.come up         B.come down         C.come on           D.come out

3.A.discover        B.understand        C.receive           D.remember

4.A.year            B.season            C.habit             D.result

5.A.throw away B.set down               C.look through      D.give up

6.A.kids            B.girls             C.boys              D.babies

7.A.wonder          B.get               C.record            D.decide

8.A.toys            B.balls             C.jobs              D.candies

9.A.surprise        B.pain              C.joy        D.disappointment

10.A.died           B.failed            C.succeeded         D.married

11.A.Possibly       B.Indeed            C.Instead           D.Luckily

12.A.move back B.turn back              C.step back         D.think back

13.A.gifts          B.news              C.replies           D.tools

14.A.bringing       B.calling           C.telling           D.introducing

15.A.follow         B.listen            C.watch             D.stand

16.A.and            B.so                C.but               D.thus

17.A.change         B.grow              C.appear            D.happen

18.A.beginning B.rest                   C.truth             D.happiness

19.A.letters        B.dreams            C.promises          D.words

20.A.need           B.hate              C.feel              D.doubt



How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter,rude boss, or an insensitive employee  1  your day?

Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson in the back of a New York City taxi cab. One day I was in a taxi and we headed   2  the airport. We were driving in the  3  lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us.  My taxi driver slammed on his  4, slide sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and  5  the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, looked around and started  6  at us.

My taxi driver just  7 and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was  8, so I said,"Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!” This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call "The Law of the Garbage Truck".

He said, “Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of 9 full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage  10  up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on 11 .  Don’t take it personally; Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be  12 .”

So I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and  13  it to other people at work, at home, or on the street? It was then that I said, “I don’t want their garbage and I’m not going to spread it anymore.”

Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with 14 . The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what’s 15  in your life. See, Roy Baumeister, a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you __16  bad things more often than good things in your life. You store the bad memories more easily, and you __17  them more frequently. So love the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who don’t. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you _18  it!The odds are against you when a Garbage Truck comes your way, but when you follow “The Law of the Garbage Truck”,you take back control of your life. You make room for the good by  19 go of the bad.

Have a Garbage-Free Day!Have a marvelous, garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today  20  the harvest you reap tomorrow.

1.                A.enrich         B.ruin            C.spare D.obtain


2.                A.through        B.to             C.in   D.for


3.                A.latter          B.right           C.opposite  D.free


4.                A.brakes         B.door           C.window   D.seat


5.                A.knocked        B.overtook        C.missed   D.lost


6.                A.laughing        B.throwing        C.glancing  D.yelling


7.                A.wondered      B.smiled          C.ignored   D.guessed


8.                A.friendly        B.angry          C.tired D.disappointed


9.                A.expectation     B.passengers      C.garbage  D.goods


10.               A.turns          B.pushes         C.holds D.piles


11.               A.roads          B.children        C.you  D.dustbin


12.               A.upset          B.happier        C.pitiful D.frightened


13.               A.spread         B.share          C.explain    D.contribute


14.               A.surprise        B.pleasure        C.doubt D.regrets


15.               A.funny          B.important       C.strange    D.embarrassing


16.               A.remember      B.forget          C.value D.appreciate


17.               A.enjoy          B.exchange       C.recall D.imagine


18.               A.inspire         B.take           C.mend D.notice


19.               A.letting         B.consisting       C.making    D.dreaming


20.               A.distinguish      B.deserve        C.deliver    D.determine



