6.He didn’t to the news. A.answer B.reply C.react D.hear 查看更多



He didn’t _____ to the news.

A.answer        B.reply          C.react        D.hear


 He didn’t _____ to the news.

       A.answer           B.reply                 C.react             D.hear



He didn’t _____ to the news.







It is sometimes said that the English are polite people. This can make life difficult for foreigners. Suppose a foreign boy asks an English girl to go out with him and she says. “If I finish my work, I’ll meet you in the cafe at 7 o’clock.” Is she saying “yes” or “no” to his invitation?

In grammatical terms, she is using the conditional structure (假设结构). By using the conditional, speakers of English can avoid giving a “yes” or “no” answer to a question. It enables people to be diplomatic(有策略). If the girl doesn’t want to go out with the boy, she won’t turn up at the place she will let him understand she is still working. If she wants to go out with him, but doesn’t want to appear too easy to catch, she has achieved that with her reply. But in this case, as she uses the first conditional which shows probability, she is quite likely to turn up at the café. Being polite can make life very difficult.  

The conditional is often used by people in the news-politicians, for example-who wish to avoid speaking out their ideas. This is very important if they are on their way to discuss an agreement. No one wants to give away his or her points before he or she starts. A government spokesman might say to a group of workers, “if we could pay you more, we would” The use of the conditional here makes room for argument although the speaker is using the second conditional form, which shows improbability. So it is unlikely the workers will get their rise.

 “If” is a small word, which appears often in the English language. It can show politeness and conditionals such as the First-probability-if I can come to your party, I will, the Second – improbability – if I saw you tomorrow. I’d give you the book, and the Third—impossibility (meaning it is too late to change something that has happened)—if you had told me. I would have helped you.

1.The use of conditional can make a speech         .

       A.clearer                B.quicker                C.more polite          D.more exciting

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

     A.Language used in the news should make room to argue.

     B.Usually English girls are not easy to catch.

       C.English people never speak out their ideas in public.

       D.The word “if” can show different meanings.

3.In the passage, “If we could pay you more, we would.” probably means       .  

       A.the workers make more money

     B.the spokesman doesn’t promise anything

     C.the spokesman keeps his word

     D.the workers’ problems aren’t difficult

4.If someone says, “If I were free now, I would go with you”, he means that        .

       A.he is very polite to you

       B.he will go with you

       C.he regrets that he didn’t go with you

       D.he refuses to go with you




 It was Friday, Andy Barton was in a  1  mood(情绪).

 At six o'clock his  2  programme Travel with us was on TV. Andy liked to get home  3  good time for that. But then, just as he was leaving the office to get home a little  4  a customer rang up with a few complaints (牢骚, 抱怨) for the next fifteen minutes. I can  5  get home in time if I hurry.Andy told himself as he  6  out of the office. But then, as he drove off in his car, he  7  that he was almost out of  8  . I'll have to stop at Fenton's.Andy thought. He  9  Fenton's because it was a  10  petrol station. You do all the work yourself, but you pay  11  for the petrol.he used to  12  .

 But at Fenton's, the pump was not working properly and it  13  ages to get petrol.  14  when Andy got home, it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang. Shall I  15  it? Andy though. He tried to  16  his attention on the programme and forgot the phone. But it  17  ringing and finally he picked it up.

 “Mr. Barton? 18  said, Fenton's Garage here.

 “Fenton's?sanid Andy .  19  , I was at your place only a few minutes  20  , getting some petrol. Did I  21  something behind or what?”“No, you didn't, Mr. Barton . the voice went on. That's just the  22  ! You didn't leave anything behind! You went off without paying for your petrol, you  23  ! Now normally, when that happened, we ring up the police. But  24  I recognized you and I know it was a mistake.

 “I'm really very sorry.Andy said.

 “Oh,  25  Mr. Barton. But could you come round now and pay for your petrol? And please hurry! We close at half past six!


(1) A good


B bad


C happy


D worse


[  ]


(2) A favourite


B music


C news


D cartoon


[  ]


(3) A in


B at


C on


D for


[  ]


(4) A late


B later


C earlier


D early


[  ]


(5) A surely


B yet


C still


D also


[  ]


(6) A rushed


B went


C walked


D stepped


[  ]


(7) A observed


B noticed


C understood


D decided


[  ]


(8) A order


B work


C breath


D petrol


[  ]


(9) A liked


B loved


C pleased


D hated


[  ]


(10) A self-service


B good


C strange




[  ]


(11) A less


B much


C the same


D more


[  ]


(12) A say


B complain


C explain


D talk


[  ]


(13) Atook








[  ]


(14) ABut








[  ]


(15) A receive


B accept


C reply


D answer


[  ]


(16) A draw


B pay


C fix


D get


[  ]


(17) A kept


B kept on


C went on


D stopped


[  ]


(18) A he


B a man


C Mr. Fenton


D a voice


[  ]


(19) A Well


B Oh


C Why


D Oh well


[  ]


(20) A ago


B before


C later


D earlier


[  ]


(21) A lose


B leave


C get


D take


[  ]


(22) A trouble


B worry


C programme


D thing


[  ]


(23) A look


B say


C see


D think


[  ]


(24) A suddenly


B certainly


C unfortunately


D luckily


[  ]


(25) A that's all right.


B don't mention it.


  C.       you're welcome.


D.       all the same.


[  ]


