答案:right→the right 解析:方位名词前腰加定冠词 查看更多




I can't be in two places ______.

[  ]

Aat once   Bright away   Cin no time   Dat same time



You didn't spell _____ word right. You missed _____ “u” here.

[  ]

Athe; an   Bthe; a   Ca; an   Da; a



What Wasn't Obvious to the Audience?

  Early in this century, a horse named Hans amazed the people of Berlin by his extraordinary ability to perform rapid calculations in mathematics. After a problem written on a blackboard placed in front of him, he promptly counted out the answer by tapping the low numbers with his right forefoot and multiples of ten with his left. Trickery was ruled out because Hans's owner, unlike other owners of other Performing animals, did not profit financially and Hans even performed his feats whether or not the owner was present. The psychologist O. Pfungst witnessed one of these performances and became convinced that there had to be a more logical explanation than the uncanny intelligence of a horse.

  Because Hans performed only in the presence of an audience that could see the blackboard and therefore knew the correct answer, Pfungst reasoned that the secret lay in observation of the audience rather than the horse. He finally discovered that as soon as the problem was written on the blackboard, the audience bent forward very slightly in anticipation to watch Hans's forefeet. As slight as that movement was, Hans perceived it and took it as his signal to begin tapping. As his taps approached the correct number, the audience became tense with excitement and made almost imperceptible movements of the head which signaled Hans to stop counting. The audience, simply by expecting Hans to stop when the correct number was reached, had actually told the animal when to stop. Pfungst clearly demonstrated that Hans's intelligence was nothing but a mechanical response to his audience, which unwittingly communicated the answer by its body language.

(1)Why was Hans's performance considered amazing by his audience?

[  ]

A. Horses usually can't do math problems.

B. Hans was faster than the average horse.

C. Hans's owner didn't make a profit.

D. Hans obviously enjoyed his unusual work.

(2)Which of the following statements is the most important about what Pfungst concluded regarding Hans's performance?

[  ]

A. The performance had to be in front of an audience.

B. The audience already knew the answer.

C. Hans's response was mechanical.

D. Body language can communicate expectations.

(3)If Hans were a man instead of a horse, he could have enhanced his act by ________.

[  ]

A. adding a few magic tricks

B. doing calculus problems

C. removing the blackboard

D. paying even closer attention to the audience

(4)Why does the author use the words logical and reasoned in connection with psychologist Pfungst?

[  ]

A. To make him seem more intelligent than the audience.

B. To emphasize the scientific validity of the discovery.

C. Because they contrast with body language.

D. Because they are the basis of spoken language.




Living in a foreign country is fun but it isn’t always easy. There are many differences between cultures and although some of these differences are unimportant, some can cause a lot of embarrassment. In addition to the obvious language problems of living in a foreign country, I certainly experienced culture shock when I was living in Paris. I know I’m not the only one so I spoke to a few foreign friends about how they experienced culture shock in China.

   Aubin arrived two months ago from Europe to take part in a language programme in Shanghai. Before he left, he was actually taught the differences between European and Chinese Cultures, including everything from table manners to classroom behavior. However, some things have still taken him by surprise. For example, he couldn’t understand why waiters did not want to accept the tips he gave them after meals in restaurants. He said that in Europe waiters got angry if you didn’t leave them a tip! I had to explain to him that people don’t usually tip in China and that this comes from the Confucian idea that one must avoid accepting any undue income.

   Another friend, Julia, came to Guangzhou from London to teach at a language school. After a month, she told me that she was really let down by her students. I asked her why and she told me that they were so quiet that she was the only person talking in class and it felt like the children were being respectful but she said it would be more respectful if they answered her questions. I think we should be proud of the Chinese tradition that stresses politeness but I do think Julia has a good point.

   And it is not only the West and the East that have cultural differences. Even Korea and China, two countries that are very close to each other, have differences too. “I thought Chinese and Korean people were the same,” said my friend Ji-Hyun in perfect Chinese, “but I was wrong . In ancient times the Chinese used to take their shoes off. They don’t do that any more, but Korean people still do! I keep getting that wrong even though I’ve been here for five years!”

   Luckily, whether we take our shoes off or not, or leave unnecessary tips, the world still runs perfectly. In my opinion, cultural differences should simply be seen as a way of making life interesting. Imagine how boring it would be if we all did everything exactly the same way! Learning to understand and respect differences is, after all, what life is all about.  


Living with Differences


One problem of living abroad is to experience cultural    71    .  

Experiences and reasons

Waiters    72     to accept tips under the    73    of the Confucian idea.

Students are    74    in class because they are    75    to teachers.

Chinese don’t    76     their shoes as they    77    to.

Right    78     to cultural differences

Learn to understand and    79     them.

   80     of them as fun in life.



Millions of people all over the world use the word OK. In fact, some people say the world. OK means all right or acceptable it expresses agreement or approval.

______ .Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaw. The Choctaw word “oken” means the same as the American word “okay”. Experts say early explorers in the American West spoke the Choctaw language in the 19th century.

But many people doubt this. Language expert Allen Walker Read wrote about the word OK in reports published in the 1960s. He said the word began being used in the 1830s. _____.Some foreign –born people wrote “all correct” as “o-l-l k-o-r-r-e-c-t”, and used the letters O.K. Other people say a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word long ago. They said he put the first letters of his names--- O and K --- on each object people gave him to send on the train.

___ The organization supported Martin Van Buren for president in 1840. They called their group the OK Club. The letters were taken from the name of the town where Martin Van Buren was born--- Old Kinderhook, New York.

Then there is the expression A-OK. It is a space-age expression. It was used in 1961 during the flight of astronaut Alan Shepard. He was the first American to be launched into space. His flight ended when his spacecraft landed in the ocean, as planned. Shepard reported, “Everything is A-OK.”____ One story says it was first used during the early days of the telephone to tell an operator that a message had been received.

There are also funny ways to say okay. ____ .These expressions were first used in the 1930s. Today, a character on the American television series, “The Simpsons”, says it another way. He says okely-dokely.

Some people say okey-dokey or okey-doke.

Still others say a political organization invented the word.

Therefore, it has become popular in that area from then on.

But many experts don’t agree on what the expression means.

Language experts do not agree about where the word came from.

It was a short way of writing a different spelling of the words “all correct”.

However, some exerts say the expression did not begin with the space age.

