were 改为was.不可数名词谓语动词用单数. 查看更多



-----Did Mr Black resign his post as principal?

  -----No,________ was telling a lie.

  A. whoever told you that   B. those who told you that

  C. No matter who told you  D. Anyone told you that

 A 句意:Mrs Black 辞去校长职务了吗?没有,不管谁告诉你的,他都在说谎。Whoever引导的主语从句,相当于anyone who。如果选B,则those作主语,谓语应用were。 C项引导让步状语从句,不能引导主语从句;D项错误,应改为Anyone who told you that。



  Look, what are those persons up   [1]  (介词)?They are surfing on the Internet.Many of them are part of a new addiction(瘾)called Internet addiction.Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours   [2]  (live)online every week.The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug(毒品)use.People lose control(控制)of the time they spend on   [3]  (冠词)Internet.

  For example, one college student was   [4]  (miss)for several days.His friends were worried, and they called the police   [5]  (副词短语)his parents.[6]He was found by the police in a computer lab.(改为主动语态)He was surfing the net for several days straight.

  [7]A study is done.It shows that about 6% to 10% of Internet users become addicted(合并成一个句子).  [8]  (连词)people worry about the teens(青少年)because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them.They spend more time in cyberspace than in the real? world of friends and family.[9]If the Internet made all the teens care about virtual life instead of real life, our world will be of no hope.(改错)

  Is “surfing the net” a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms(症状):

  ·You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet.

  ·You can’t wait for your next online time.

  ·You plan to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.

  ·You go out with your friends less and less.

  But don’t be   [10]  (pessimist)about your future.



1.The names are _________(排列)in alphabetical order.

2.The two leaders are _________(争夺)for power.

3._________(除了)other considerations, time is a factor.

4.More and more people are _________(相信)vegetarianism and diet for health.

5.She _________(贡献)her whole life to helping homeless children.

6.The hospital was quickly _________(改为)the special needs of the sick children.

7.Everyone _________(羡慕)him for his achievements.

8._________(如果)my not being there, ask my brother to help you.

9.He felt a little _________(困惑)about it.

10._________(在……之前)himself he places his career.

11._________(别气馁).Remember:it takes more than a hazy mist to veil the sunshine.

12.He felt that socialism was the most important cause to which he could _________(贡献)himself.

13.This task was _________(完成)by great effort.

14.We were in such an anxious _________(匆忙)when we found that we had left forgetting the airline tickets.

15.The teacher was amazed to find that a poor student had achieved the _________(最多的)marks in an important test.

16._________(回顾过去), I don’t suppose we are any worse now than people who were one hundred years ago.

17.The computers _________(帮助)us with the boring things.

18.They used carrier pigeons to _________(取得联系)with their headquarters.

19.His insurance _________(保证)him against money loss in case of fire.

20.I have received your letter of the 9th _________(当月的).

21.Her enthusiasm _________(鼓励)all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.

22.His crime will _________(使……付出)him his life.

23.Don’t just make criticism; give us some _________(实际的)help.

24.The country people are _________(以……自豪)of their houses and land.

25._________(无论什么)he did was right.

26.He tried his best to _________(引导)some young men into the right path.

27.How can you _________(保持)silent on this point?

28.I believe truth will _________(获得胜利).



He said, “What are you thinking about? ”→He asked me ________ thinking about.

[  ]

A.if were you
B.what you were
C.what I was
D.what was I

