concerned 54. series 查看更多



Forty years ago Sadie left her drunk and violent husband. Needing shelter(住所)for herself and her young son, she took a job as a doorkeeper in a housing project for ___36___people. It meant she could live “on site” in one of the ___37___.
Eventually, she got to know the residents(居民). One resident, Archie, didn't have a family of his own, ___38___his nephew’s wife and her naughty kids would drop in from time to time. They were there to help the old guy.    
Sadie helped care for Archie as he ___39___illness and it was she who called the ___40___who diagnosed(诊断) his deadly cancer.
___41___time passing, Sadie’s son ___42___up, got married and settled several hundred miles away. Sadie ___43___and moved into a nice little house of her own. To ___44___the loneliness, she took in a series of ___45___over the years.
A heavy fall of snow came a year and a half ago. She was pleased when a neighbor ___46___to walk her current dog, Muffin, until the weather improved. Each day he would ___47___a while talking to her, making sure she was okay, and ___48___if she needed anything.
Although she had known him for a long time, Sadie ___49___thought to wonder what his last name was. This morning she asked. His surname was the same ___50___old Archie’s. It brought back a memory and she talked about the ___51___. She told him about working at the old residents’ flats and was ___52___to discover the man who had been “caring” for her for the past year and a half had been one of the little kids who used to run ___53___on his way to visit “Uncle Archie”.
She had cared for his family, now he was caring for her. ___54___of them knew it until that moment but they were living proof of the old saying,  “What goes around comes around, ” and the ___55___of kindness will not be broken.

A.poorB.seniorC.disabled D.unfortunate
A.groceriesB.stadiumsC.flats D.cages
A.otherwiseB.butC.though D.because
A.battledB.bannedC.cured D.beat
A.AsB.SinceC.With D.When
A.grewB.gotC.went D.came
A.complainedB.retiredC.fired D.hesitated
A.refuseB.reduceC.stop D.escape
A.programsB.projectsC.birds D.dogs
A.attemptedB.declaredC.offered D.wished
A.spendB.costC.take D.spare
A.observingB.requiringC.indicating D.checking
A.oftenB.neverC.sometimes D.once
【小题15】 D.of
A.coincidenceB.comprehensionC.tradition D.statement
A.puzzledB.frightenedC.concerned D.surprised
A.callingB.screamingC.barking D.whispering
A.AllB.NoneC.Neither D.Both


Forty years ago Sadie left her drunk and violent husband. Needing shelter(住所)for herself and her young son, she took a job as a doorkeeper in a housing project for ___36___people. It meant she could live “on site” in one of the ___37___.

    Eventually, she got to know the residents(居民). One resident, Archie, didn't have a family of his own, ___38___his nephew’s wife and her naughty kids would drop in from time to time. They were there to help the old guy.    

    Sadie helped care for Archie as he ___39___illness and it was she who called the ___40___who diagnosed(诊断) his deadly cancer.

    ___41___time passing, Sadie’s son ___42___up, got married and settled several hundred miles away. Sadie ___43___and moved into a nice little house of her own. To ___44___the loneliness, she took in a series of ___45___over the years.

    A heavy fall of snow came a year and a half ago. She was pleased when a neighbor ___46___to walk her current dog, Muffin, until the weather improved. Each day he would ___47___a while talking to her, making sure she was okay, and ___48___if she needed anything.

    Although she had known him for a long time, Sadie ___49___thought to wonder what his last name was. This morning she asked. His surname was the same ___50___old Archie’s. It brought back a memory and she talked about the ___51___. She told him about working at the old residents’ flats and was ___52___to discover the man who had been “caring” for her for the past year and a half had been one of the little kids who used to run ___53___on his way to visit “Uncle Archie”.

    She had cared for his family, now he was caring for her. ___54___of them knew it until that moment but they were living proof of the old saying,  “What goes around comes around, ” and the ___55___of kindness will not be broken.

1.A. poor             B. senior            C. disabled        D. unfortunate

2.A. groceries    B. stadiums                C. flats           D. cages

3.A. otherwise    B. but                     C. though          D. because

4.A. battled    B. banned                    C. cured           D. beat

5.A. servant            B. master            C. neighbor        D. doctor

6.A. As                 B. Since             C. With            D. When

7.A. grew               B. got               C. went            D. came

8.A. complained    B. retired                C. fired           D. hesitated

9.A. refuse             B. reduce            C. stop            D. escape

10.A. programs    B. projects                C. birds           D. dogs

11.A. attempted    B. declared               C. offered         D. wished

12.A. spend             B. cost              C. take            D. spare

13.A. observing    B. requiring              C. indicating      D. checking

14.A. often             B. never             C. sometimes       D. once

15.A. to                B. from              C. as              D. of

16.A. coincidence    B. comprehension    C. tradition          D. statement

17.A. puzzled    B. frightened               C. concerned       D. surprised

18.A. calling    B. screaming                C. barking         D. whispering

19.A. All               B. None              C. Neither         D. Both

20.A. custom            B. glory             C. pattern         D. circle



It is impossible to think about “growing up” in modern America without considering “youth culture” which every young person—even those who do not attend public schools—is confronted by and must deal with. It is impossible to be so isolated that we are untouched by the surrounding culture. Nor should we wish to be—as we are called to be—salt and light in a very confused and broken world. Popular culture deserves neither uncritical acceptance nor knee-jerk rejection, but thoughtful critique(批评).
On the contrary, China paid too little attention to youth culture in the past. However, with society developing, more and more people have realized the importance of analyzing, understanding and promoting youth culture.
About 100,000 young Chinese people from all over the world will attend the first China Youth Culture Week scheduled to open Saturday in Shenzhen’s China Folk Culture Villages, a press conference was told Thursday.
A series of cultural activities will be staged from Saturday to Wednesday, including a huge performance expected to challenge for a listing in the Guinness Book of World Records.
About 10,000 young people will attend the opening ceremony Saturday. A final list of the Chinese Youth Idol Award to five outstanding young Chinese was announced at the conference. They are the country’s first astronaut, Yang Liwei, Chinese NBA star, Yao Ming, IT entrepreneur, Ding Lei, anchorperson, Wu Xiaoli, and Olympic Games gold medalist, Deng Yaping. The youth idols were selected by
Chinese teenagers with 380,000 votes cast nationwide.
During the past two months, the organizers received more than 3,000 applications from young people in Hong Kong and Macao who wanted to take part in the performance.
52. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “confronted by”?
A. Concerned about.        B. Thought of.  C. Confused with.    D. Faced with.
53. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1?
A. People can be isolated from the surrounding culture.
B. The American youth accept popular culture without any thought.
C. People shouldn’t refuse popular culture totally.
D. Americans ignore cultures at all while growing up.
54. The list of the five Chinese youth idols indicates that ____.
A. success is considered the most important factor in the Chinese youth’s values
B. the Chinese youth don’t care about their idols’ personalities
C. there are only five people admired by the Chinese youth
D. the parents want to set those people as examples
55. What can we infer from this passage?
A. America paid too much attention to youth culture.
B. China pays more attention to youth culture nowadays.
C. Chinese youth admire movie stars and regard them as their idols.
D. America thinks their youth are more important than the Chinese youth.


It is impossible to think about “growing up” in modern America without considering “youth culture” which every young person—even those who do not attend public schools—is confronted by and must deal with. It is impossible to be so isolated that we are untouched by the surrounding culture. Nor should we wish to be—as we are called to be—salt and light in a very confused and broken world. Popular culture deserves neither uncritical acceptance nor knee-jerk rejection, but thoughtful critique(批评).

On the contrary, China paid too little attention to youth culture in the past. However, with society developing, more and more people have realized the importance of analyzing, understanding and promoting youth culture.

About 100,000 young Chinese people from all over the world will attend the first China Youth Culture Week scheduled to open Saturday in Shenzhen’s China Folk Culture Villages, a press conference was told Thursday.

A series of cultural activities will be staged from Saturday to Wednesday, including a huge performance expected to challenge for a listing in the Guinness Book of World Records.

About 10,000 young people will attend the opening ceremony Saturday. A final list of the Chinese Youth Idol Award to five outstanding young Chinese was announced at the conference. They are the country’s first astronaut, Yang Liwei, Chinese NBA star, Yao Ming, IT entrepreneur, Ding Lei, anchorperson, Wu Xiaoli, and Olympic Games gold medalist, Deng Yaping. The youth idols were selected by

Chinese teenagers with 380,000 votes cast nationwide.

During the past two months, the organizers received more than 3,000 applications from young people in Hong Kong and Macao who wanted to take part in the performance.

52. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “confronted by”?

A. Concerned about.        B. Thought of.  C. Confused with.    D. Faced with.

53. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1?

A. People can be isolated from the surrounding culture.

B. The American youth accept popular culture without any thought.

C. People shouldn’t refuse popular culture totally.

D. Americans ignore cultures at all while growing up.

54. The list of the five Chinese youth idols indicates that ____.

A. success is considered the most important factor in the Chinese youth’s values

B. the Chinese youth don’t care about their idols’ personalities

C. there are only five people admired by the Chinese youth

D. the parents want to set those people as examples

55. What can we infer from this passage?

A. America paid too much attention to youth culture.

B. China pays more attention to youth culture nowadays.

C. Chinese youth admire movie stars and regard them as their idols.

D. America thinks their youth are more important than the Chinese youth.



It is impossible to think about “growing up” in modern America without considering “youth culture” which every young person—even those who do not attend public schools—is confronted by and must deal with. It is impossible to be so isolated that we are untouched by the surrounding culture. Nor should we wish to be—as we are called to be—salt and light in a very confused and broken world. Popular culture deserves neither uncritical acceptance nor knee-jerk rejection, but thoughtful critique(批评).

On the contrary, China paid too little attention to youth culture in the past. However, with society developing, more and more people have realized the importance of analyzing, understanding and promoting youth culture.

About 100,000 young Chinese people from all over the world will attend the first China Youth Culture Week scheduled to open Saturday in Shenzhen’s China Folk Culture Villages, a press conference was told Thursday.

A series of cultural activities will be staged from Saturday to Wednesday, including a huge performance expected to challenge for a listing in the Guinness Book of World Records.

About 10,000 young people will attend the opening ceremony Saturday. A final list of the Chinese Youth Idol Award to five outstanding young Chinese was announced at the conference. They are the country’s first astronaut, Yang Liwei, Chinese NBA star, Yao Ming, IT entrepreneur, Ding Lei, anchorperson, Wu Xiaoli, and Olympic Games gold medalist, Deng Yaping. The youth idols were selected by

Chinese teenagers with 380,000 votes cast nationwide.

During the past two months, the organizers received more than 3,000 applications from young people in Hong Kong and Macao who wanted to take part in the performance.

52. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “confronted by”?

A. Concerned about.        B. Thought of.  C. Confused with.    D. Faced with.

53. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1?

A. People can be isolated from the surrounding culture.

B. The American youth accept popular culture without any thought.

C. People shouldn’t refuse popular culture totally.

D. Americans ignore cultures at all while growing up.

54. The list of the five Chinese youth idols indicates that ____.

A. success is considered the most important factor in the Chinese youth’s values

B. the Chinese youth don’t care about their idols’ personalities

C. there are only five people admired by the Chinese youth

D. the parents want to set those people as examples

55. What can we infer from this passage?

A. America paid too much attention to youth culture.

B. China pays more attention to youth culture nowadays.

C. Chinese youth admire movie stars and regard them as their idols.

D. America thinks their youth are more important than the Chinese youth.

