purpose n. 目的,意图 The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university. 用法拓展:(1)on purpose 故意地= with the purpose of doing (2) for the purpose of doing 为了 --的目的 He held out his fist before the young man and tried to anger him . A. for purpose B. on purpose C. in purpose D. from purpose (B) ★19.dare vt./ vi. Aux. 敢,胆敢 用法拓展:(1) dare 作情态动词.一般用在否定句.疑问句和条件状语从句中.后跟不带to 的不定式.有自己的过去式dared, 无人称和数的变化. He dared not go near the dog. If you dare speak to me like that again , you’ll be sorry. (2) dare 用作实义动词.后跟带to 的不定式.有人称.数及时态的变化. 但在否定句和疑问句中可省略to. Do you dare (to) jump off the high wall? She doesn’t dare (to) say anything ? 注意:做题时.应先判断dare 是情态动词还是实义动词. He his parents about his failure in the examination. A. dare not tell B. dares not to tell C. dare not to tell D. dare not tell I wondered how he that to the teacher. A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say (D, 本题考察dare 的用法.做题时.应先判断dare 是情态动词还是实义动词.A\B\C三项从dare not 判断显然是情态动词.后应跟动词原形.排除B\C二项.A项dare 是情态动词.无人称和数的变化.不应加 “s ,故答案选 D.) (D.本题考察dare 的用法.Dare 用作行为动词有人称.数和时态的变化.A项从to say 来看.dare 是实义动词.有时态的变化.应把dare 改为dared.用作情态没有人称和数的变化.但有时态变化.其后接省to 的不定式.但不能接动名词.排除B .C没有这种形式.故答案选D.本句中dared say =dared to say 查看更多



Last weekend, my kids along with a few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car.My 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of 31 other people’s cars as well.It was pretty  32  outside and I had no plans to  33  being in the bright sun.She  34  wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passers-by for free.I had seen little kids 35  and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not free.Although I felt 36 , I decided to help her.

   37  she asked me, “What if we 38  this a smile car wash?” I couldn’t hold back my tears and  39  her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with  40  ideas.While I kept myself busy in drying the car, the gang walked up to me with a(n) 41  with beautiful images of smiles.They had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the  42  of their exercise was “smile”.It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the 43  to do something for others.

    All that seemed 44  and came right from their heart.Nothing seemed to  45  to them: their playtime, the heat outside—they just wanted to  46 others and do something nice in the community!

    I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional  47 to help clean cars.Passers-by were  48  and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids…” One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars, which they refused.A pretty heartwarming  49  !

    I feel blessed by being 50  by such wonderful and loving souls.

31. A. drying B. repairing C. washing          D. decorating

32. A. quiet          B. hot                C. different          D. dirty

33. A. suggest        B. avoid              C. continue          D. practise

34. A. further         B. therefore            C. already           D. hardly

35. A. choose        B. enjoy              C. buy              D. serve

36. A. worried        B. popular             C. confused          D. difficult

37. A. Finally         B. Simply             C. Then             D. Luckily

38. A. show          B. leave               C. make            D. order

39. A. challenged      B. expected C. invited D. encouraged

40. A. creative        B. ready              C. changed          D. familiar

41. A. board         B. picture             C. idea             D. car

42. A. purpose        B. trouble             C. secret            D. theme

43. A. need          B. duty               C. imagination        D. sense

44. A. important       B. disappointing         C. hopeful           D. natural

45. A. matter         B. mean              C. belong            D. refer

46. A. relax          B. try                C. help             D. smile

47. A. food          B. rags               C. money           D. fruit

48. A. interested       B. amazed C. bored D. frightened

49. A. scene         B. scenery             C. story             D. view

50. A. supported B. understood C. refused D. surrounded


What are you waiting for? Live life to the fullest. We are not promised tomorrow, so enjoy today.

We believe that life will be    1   after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are discouraged that the kids arent    2   enough and well be more pleased when they are. After that, were discouraged that we have teenagers to   3   . We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our   4   will be complete when we get a nicer car, when we have our    5   house, when we are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire, when we win the lottery(彩票).

The    6   is, theres no better time to be happy than right now. If not now,   7   ?Your life will always be filled with challenges. Its best to admit this to yourself and decide to be    8  

right now.

So,   9   every moment that you have. Recognize that each    10   you take is a gift and be    11   . Remember that time waits for no one. So stop    12   until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you    13   the weight, until you have kids, until your kids    14   the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get    15   , until you get divorced(离婚), until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is    16   , until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until youve had a drink, until you

    17   , until you are born again—to decide, that there is    18   better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is a(n)    19   , not a purpose. So, work like you dont need    20   , love like youve never been hurt, and dance like no ones watching.

1. A. harder          B. better             C. prettier          D. worse

2. A. young           B. clever             C. strong              D. old

3. A. deal with         B. look at            C. take over         D. grow up

4. A. work            B. condition          C. life              D. society

5. A. hope           B. wish              C. dream              D. love

6. A. business         B. truth              C. matter              D. difficulty

7. A. when            B. why             C. where              D. how

8. A. active           B. healthy           C. comfortable          D. happy

9. A. treasure          B. admit             C. grasp               D. consider

10. A. step            B. breath            C. action               D. measure

11. A. helpful          B. meaningful          C. thankful         D. wonderful

12. A. worrying       B. keeping            C. wondering            D. waiting

13. A. lose            B. get               C. overcome           D. reduce

14. A. clean          B. leave              C. afford              D. enjoy

15. A. fired           B. paid             C. satisfied         D. married

16. A. used up         B. broken up         C. paid off         D. taken over

17. A. die            B. succeed            C. fail              D. grow

18. A. little            B. far               C. always             D. no

19. A. idea            B. journey           C. future               D. fact

20. A. rest            B. money            C. comfort         D. support



Last weekends, my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car. My 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of  36 other people’s cars as well. It was pretty  37 outside and I had no plans to  38 to be in the bright sun. She  39 wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passersby for free. I had seen little kids 40 and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not free. Although I felt  41 , I decided to help her. 42 she asked me, “What if we  43 this a smile car wash?” I couldn’t hold back my tears and  44 her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with  45 ideas. While I kept myself busy in drying the car, the gang walked up to me with a(n)  46 with beautiful images of smiles. They had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the  47 of their exercise was “smile”. It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the  48 to do something for others.

All that seemed  49 and came right from their heart. Nothing seemed to  50 to them: their playtime, the heat outside—they just wanted to  51 others and do something nice in the community!

I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional  52 to help clean cars. The passersby were  53 and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids…” One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars, which they refused. A pretty heartwarming  54 ! I feel blessed by being  55 by such wonderful and loving souls.

36. A. decorating B. repairing C. washing D. drying

37. A. dirty            B. hot             C. different             D. quiet  

38. A. practice           B. avoid            C. continue       D. suggest   

39. A. hardly            B. therefore         C. already           D. further

40. A serve                B. enjoy            C. buy             D. choose

41. A. difficult           B. popular           C. confused         D. worried

42. A. Luckily           B. Simply           C. Then           D. Finally

43. A. order                B. leave            C. make           D. show

44. A. encouraged B. expected C. invited D. challenged  

45. A. familiar           B. ready            C. changed         D. creative

46. A. board            B. picture           C. idea            D. car

47. A. purpose          B. trouble           C. secret          D. theme

48. A. need            B. duty             C. imagination        D. skill

49. A. important          B. disappointing      C. hopeful           D natural

50. A. matter            B. object            C. belong          D. refer

51. A. relax             B. try             C. help          D. smile

52. A. friends            B. rags            C. children         D. Fruit

53. A. interesting B. amazed C. bored D. frightened

54. A. scene            B. gift             C. story         D. explanation

55. A. known          B. understood        C. refused           D. surrounded


Last weekends, my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car. My 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of__1__ other people’s cars as well. It was pretty __2__ outside and I had no plans to __3__ being in the bright sun. She __4__ wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passerby for free. I had seen little kids __5__ and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not free. Although I felt __6__ , I decided to help her.

__7__ she asked me, “What if we __8__ this a smile car wash?” I couldn’t hold back my tears and __9__ her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with __10__ ideas. While I kept myself busy in drying the car, the gang walked up to me with a(n) __11__ with beautiful images of smiles. They had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the __12__ of their exercise was “smile”. It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5--11 years with the __13__ to do something for others.

All that seemed __14__ and came right from their heart. Nothing seemed to __15__ to them: their playtime, the heat outside—they just wanted to __16__ others and do something nice in the community!

I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional __17__ to help clean cars. Passersby were __18__ and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids…” One of them even tried giving them a 5 dollars, which they refused. A pretty heartwarming __19_!

I feel blessed by being __20__ by such wonderful and loving souls.

1. A. drying      B. repairing     C. washing      D. decorating

2. A. quiet      B. hot        C. different      D. dirty

3. A. suggest     B.avoid        C. continue     D.practise

4. A. further     B. therefore     C.already       D.hardly

5. A choose     B.enjoy        C. buy        D.serve

6. A. worried     B. popular      C. confused     D.difficult

7. A. Finally     B. Simply      C. Then      D.Luckily

8. A.show      B. leave       C. make       D.order

9. A.challenged    B. expected     C. invited      D.encouraged

10. A.creative     B. ready      C. changed     D.familiar

11. A. board      B.picture      C.idea        D. car

12. A. purpose     B.trouble      C.secret      D. theme

13. A.need       B.duty        C.imagination    D.skill

14. A.important     B.disappointing   C. hopeful      D.natural

15. A.matter      B.object       C.belong      D.refer

16. A.relax       B.try        C.help       D.smile

17. A.friends      B.rags        C.children      D.fruit

18. A.interested    B.amazed       C.bored      D.frightened

19. A.scene      B.gift         C. story      D.explanation

20. A.supported    B.understood     C.refused      D.surrounded



People wear hats for three main reasons: protection, communication, and decoration.

    Protection. People first began to wear hats to    1    themselves from the climate. In hot, sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide    2    from the sun. In cold climates, people often wear wool hats. In some regions, people wear a variety of protective hats,    3    the season. They may wear a wool hat in winter, a rain hat in spring or fall, and a wide-edged hat in summer. Hats also provide protection in certain    4   . Construction workers, football players, military personnel, and people in many other fields wear metal or plastic helmets (头盔) for protection from    5    .

Communication. Hats can communicate various things about the people who wear them. The hats of coal miners, cowboys and firemen indicate the wearer's    6   . Students may wear a mortarboard (学位帽) to show they are graduating from high school or college.

Decoration. Most people wear a hat that they believe makes them look attractive,    7    the hat's main purpose may be protection or communication. Many protective hats are attractive and stylish. Even the caps of police officers and military personnel are designed to    8    the wearer's appearance. Certain decorative hats are worn as a(n)    9   . In Scotland, for example, people wear a cap called a tam-o'-shanter that is part of their national costume (服装). Many people change their style of hat from time to time because they feel more    10    when keeping up with the latest fashion.


A. defend              B. protect

C. prevent             D. hide


A. shade             B. shadow

C. security            D. cover


A. resulting from       B. basing upon

C. relating to           D. depending on


A. seasons            B. climates

C. activities           D. communities


A. injury             B. destruction

C. harm              D. pollution


A. experience          B. occupation

C. personality          D. education


A. as                B. unless

C. though              D. because


A. change             B. increase

C. display              D. improve


A. tradition            B. label

C. honor             D. fashion


A. sociable            B. informal

C. attractive            D. noble


