A. alone B. alike C. likely D. lonely 查看更多



      I dropped my 5-year-old daughter off at the day care centre (育儿中心) yesterday. There we saw one
of her friends sitting at a table   1  , crying. She sometimes gets   2   when her mom leaves. My daughter
often   3   with her, and they're good friends. When we saw the little girl   4  , I asked my daughter if she
wanted to go and   5   with her. She said, "Yes, I don't want her to be   6 ," and then took her breakfast to
sit beside her friend. I watched her   7   her food and talk to the little girl. 
      Walking back to my car I was very  8   to know that my little girl had a kind   9  . When I got home
last night, I asked her how her day had been. She said that her  10  wasn't sad any more. She was proud
to have shared (分享) her  11  with her and played with her all day. I praised my daughter for being such
a caring friend and  12  her that I was very proud of her. She  13 , and told me that she didn't like to see
people sad.
      I hugged her and told her what a wonderful girl she was.  14 , she said "I'm Daddy's little girl!" I
couldn't help but smile, and was proud to be her dad. My little girl has  15  me a lot. Because of her I do
my best to make people who may be sad smile.
(     )1. A. alone       
(     )2. A. bored       
(     )3. A. agrees      
(     )4. A. singing     
(     )5. A. sit         
(     )6. A. Frightened      
(     )7. A. make        
(     )8. A. happy       
(     )9. A. mind        
(     )10. A. daughter    
(     )11. A. feeling     
(     )12. A. taught      
(     )13. A. cried       
(     )14. A. quickly     
(     )15. A. encouraged  
B. alike       
B. surprised   
B. plays       
B. talking     
B. wait        
B. nervous     
B. eat         
B. disappointed      
B. heart       
B. teacher     
B. drink       
B. wrote       
B. smiled      
B. luckily     
B. suggested   
C. likely   
C. excited  
C. fights   
C. crying   
C. pass     
C. afraid   
C . enjoy   
C. helpful  
C. feeling           
C. toy      
C. food     
C. told     
C. shouted  
C. proudly  
C. taught   
D. lonely           
D. worried          
D. argues           
D. dancing          
D. drop             
D. sad              
D. share            
D. great            
D. idea             
D. friend           
D. dream                          
D. asked            
D. disagreed        
D. rudely (粗鲁地)   
D. told             


     I dropped my 5-year-old daughter off at the day care centre yesterday. There we saw one of her 
friends sitting at a table __1__, crying. She sometimes gets __2__ when her mom leaves. My daughter 
often __3__ with her, and they're good friends. When we saw the little girl__4__, I asked my daughter if 
she wanted to go and __5__ with her. She said, "Yes, I don't want her to be__6__,"and then took her 
breakfast to sit beside her friend. I watched her __7__ her food and talk to the little girl.      
     Walking back to my car I was very __8__ to know that my little girl had a kind __9__. When I got 
home last night, I asked her __10__ her day had been. She said that her __11__ wasn't sad any more. 
She was proud to have shared (分享) her __12__ with her and played with her __13__. I praised my 
daughter for __14__ such a caring friend and __15__ her that I was very proud of her. She __16__, and 
told me that she didn't like to see people sad.      
     I hugged her and told her what a / an __17__ girl she was. __18__, she said "I'm Daddy's little girl!" I 
couldn't help but smile, and was proud to be her dad. My little girl has__19__ me a lot. Because of her I 
do my best to make people that __20__ be sad smile.
(     )1. A. alone      
(     )2. A. bored      
(     )3. A. agrees      
(     )4. A. singing    
(     )5. A. sit        
(     )6. A. frightened  
(     )7. A. make        
(     )8. A. happy      
(     )9. A. mind        
(     )10. A. how        
(     )11. A. daughter  
(     )12. A. feeling    
(     )13. A. day and night
(     )14. A. having    
(     )15. A. taught    
(     )16. A. cried      
(     )17. A. wonderful  
(     )18. A. Quickly    
(     )19. A. encouraged
(     )20. A. should    
B. alike      
B. surprised  
B. plays      
B. talking    
B. wait      
B. nervous    
B. eat        
B. disappointed
B. heart      
B. what      
B. teacher    
B. drink      
B. day and day
B. making    
B. wrote      
B. smiled    
B. interesting
B. Luckily    
B. suggested  
B. will      
C. likely  
C. excited
C. fights  
C. crying  
C. pass    
C. afraid  
C. enjoy  
C. helpful
C. feeling
C. when    
C. toy    
C. food    
C. all night
C. acting  
C. told    
C. shouted
C. fearless
C. Proudly
C. taught  
C. need    
D. lonely    
D. worried  
D. argues    
D. dancing  
D. drop      
D. sad      
D. share    
D. great    
D. idea      
D. why      
D. friend    
D. dream    
D. all day  
D. being    
D. asked    
D. disagreed
D. brave    
D. Rudely    
D. told      
D. may      


第二节 完形填空(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)


I dropped my 5-year-old daughter off at the day care centre(育儿中心) yesterday. There we saw one of her friends sitting at a table  16    , crying. She sometimes gets   17   when her mom leaves. My daughter often  18  with her, and they’re good friends. When we saw the little girl   19  , I asked my daughter if she wanted to go and   20   with her. She said, "Yes, I don’t want her to be 21   ,"and then took her breakfast to sit beside her friend. I watched her  22   her food and talk to the little girl.

     Walking back to my car I was very  23    to know that my little girl had a kind  24    . When I got home last night, I asked her how her day had been. She said that her 25    wasn’t sad any more. She was proud to have shared (分享) her 26    with her and played with her all day . I praised my daughter for being such a caring friend and 27   her that I was very proud of her. She 28    , and told me that she didn’t like to see people sad.

     I hugged her and told her what a wonderful girl she was. 29   , she said "I’m Daddy’s little girl!" I couldn’t help but smile, and was proud to be her dad. My little girl has 30   me a lot. Because of her I do my best to make people who may be sad smile.

16. A. alone     B. alike       C. likely      D. lonely

17. A. bored     B. surprised   C. excited     D. worried

18. A. agrees    B. plays       C. fights     D. argues

19. A. singing   B. talking     C. crying     D. dancing

20. A. sit          B. wait        C. pass     D. drop

21. A. Frightened   B. nervous     C. afraid    D. sad

22. A. make       B. eat         C . enjoy    D. share

23. A. happy      B. disappointed C. helpful    D. Great

24. A. mind       B. heart       C. feeling    D. idea

25. A. daughter    B. teacher     C. toy       D. friend

26. A. feeling      B. drink      C. food      D. dream

27. A. taught      B. wrote      C. told       D. asked

28. A. cried       B. smiled     C. shouted    D. disagreed

29. A. quickly     B. luckily     C. proudly    D. rudely(粗鲁地)

30. A. encouraged  B. suggested  C. taught      D. told


      I dropped my 5-year-old daughter off at the day care centre (育儿中心) yesterday. There we saw one
of her friends sitting at a table   1  , crying. She sometimes gets   2   when her mom leaves. My daughter
often   3    with her, and they're good friends. When we saw the little girl   4  , I asked my daughter if she
wanted to go and   5   with her. She said, "Yes, I don't want her to be   6  ," and then took her breakfast to
sit beside her friend. I watched her   7   her food and talk to the little girl.
      Walking back to my car I was very   8   to know that my little girl had a kind   9  . When I got home
last night, I asked her how her day had been. She said that her  10  wasn't sad any more. She was proud
to have shared (分享) her  11  with her and played with her all day. I praised my daughter for being such
a caring friend and  12  her that I was very proud of her. She  13 , and told me that she didn't like to see
people sad.
      I hugged her and told her what a wonderful girl she was.  14 , she said "I'm Daddy's little girl!" I couldn't
help but smile, and was proud to be her dad. My little girl has  15  me a lot. Because of her I do my best to
make people who may be sad smile.
(     )1. A. alone              
(     )2. A. bored              
(     )3. A. agrees             
(     )4. A. singing            
(     )5. A. sit                
(     )6. A. Frightened         
(     )7. A. make               
(     )8. A. happy              
(     )9. A. mind               
(     )10. A. daughter           
(     )11. A. feeling            
(     )12. A. taught             
(     )13. A. cried              
(     )14. A. quickly            
(     )15. A. encouraged (鼓励)   
B. alike       
B. surprised   
B. plays       
B. talking     
B. wait        
B. nervous     
B. eat         
B. disappointed         
B. heart       
B. teacher     
B. drink       
B. wrote       
B. smiled      
B. luckily     
B. suggested   
C. likely      
C. excited     
C. fights      
C. crying      
C. pass        
C. afraid      
C. enjoy       
C. helpful     
C. feeling     
C. toy         
C. food        
C. told        
C. shouted          
C. proudly       
C. taught    
D. lonely          
D. worried         
D. argues          
D. dancing         
D. drop            
D. sad             
D. share           
D. great                                    
D. idea            
D. friend          
D. dream           
D. asked           
D. disagreed       
D. rudely (粗鲁地)  
D. told            


When hunting for a job in a weak economy, every detail counts. It’s no longer good enough to be a qualified applicant, so job clubs can be of much help.

What is a Job Club?  Job connection clubs are small groups of people across America who meet regularly to talk about job searching and career. These clubs support the success of all members. Looking for work chances is made easier when you’re not alone. Job clubs are rooted in the belief that each member has something valuable to contribute and that everyone will benefit from the advice and encouragement. http://www.ks5u.com/

Why start or join a job club?  Job searching can possibly be a lonely and discouraging process, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Becoming part of a local job club can offer valuable help. It may also bring a strong sense of confidence that gets you going in the right direction. When you know that your fellow members expect to hear regularly about your progress, you’re more likely to have a positive attitude towards the club meeting. To support your success, the club will provide practical suggestions, including specific (特定的) discussion topics to get you started and keep you encouraged along the way of overcoming the difficulties in a job hunt.

What are the topics of a job club?  While the form of club activities may be the same, the varied topics of discussion mean that no two meetings are exactly alike. You’ll deal with a number of matters ― where to find proper job directions and how to get your calls returned; preparing for interviews; effectively applying for the right opportunities to satisfy your desire; facing rejections bravely and turning failure into success.

Each member will update the group on his or her progress, and you’ll end each meeting with a suggestion from each member to carry out specific tasks during the week that follows. There’s no shortage of topics to talk about.       


45. The reason to start the job clubs is that they can _______.

   A. offer useful suggestions to job hunters

   B. meet their needs to get together freely

   C. attract many people with various topics

   D. provide a suitable job for every member

46. The advantage of job clubs is to make job hunters more _______.

   A. confident              B. qualified               C. local          D. valuable

47. Which of the following can be used to replace “facing rejections” in the passage?

     A. Defeating difficulties.                              B. Achieving success.                  

C. Accepting failures.                                  D. Losing face.

48. We can find this passage in the following EXCEPT in _______.

   A. a newspaper      B. a magazine             C. a news report           D. a guide book

