Lucy gets on with all her classmates. A. good B. better C. best D. well 查看更多



Great Wall Xmas BBQ

Beijing Hikers are organizing a three-hour hike on a rarely visited part of the Great Wall and will celebrate Christmas afterwards with a Christmas barbecue dinner in a small hotel at the foot of the Great Wall . Meet at 8:30 am. Dec. 25 in front of Starbucks at Lido Holiday Inn , Jiangtai Lu. Please write to or 139-100-25516.

Pingyao tour

High Club will guide a weekend trip to Pingyao , an ancient walled town near Taiyuan , capital city of Shanxi Province . The town is one of the best-preserved(保护) featuring courtyard buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) . Among them is the Qiao family courtyard house, the shooting location of Zhang Yimou’s Raise the Red Lantern (《大红灯笼高高挂》). Leave on Friday (December 23) night by train and back to Beijing on Sunday morning . For sign-up and more information , contact Lucy at or 8580-5080,130-11171326.

New Year Harbin trip

The Chinese Culture Club is running a new year trip to Harbin , to catch a fresh view of its yearly ice and snow lantern festival .

As the temperature is expected to fall between minus 20 to 30℃, visitors are warned to prepare well with jackets , masks , fur gloves and boots. The trip sets out by train at night on December 31 and gets back on the morning January 2. The cost is 2,300 yuan (US$ 284) . Reservation(预订) is required at 8457-2772.

1.One who is interested in life of ancient Chinese is more likely to contact ______.





2.The term “BBQ” in the topic “Great Wall Xmas BBQ” should mean a kind of ________.




3.Pingyao is worth seeing mainly because ________.’s a town surrounded by walls’s near the capital of Shanxi

C.its buildings are old and in good condition

D.a famous film was shot there

4.The last advertisement of New Year Harbin trip offers NO information about _____.

A.what to take there

B.what to buy there

C.when to leave and return much to pay




When Lucy walked into Hardaway High school on her first day as a high school student. She felt  36  by so many classes and the crowded  37 .

“I don’t like being in a big crowd.” Lucy said “It was  38 at first, because the school was really big. I lost  39  many times. I wasn’t  40  to seeing people so tall and big.

But a few weeks later, Lucy has felt  41  at home at school now, thanks to the school’s Mentoring(指导) Matters program. The club  42  a senior student and a new student a pair, in order to help new students easily adapt to the new  43 .

“It really  44 with my problems and helped me choose the right  45  ”said Lucy. She has made friends with a senior student  46 this program.

“We  47  get along well” she said. “We talked on the phone and she  48  my mother and my little sister.”

Kevin is working with a new student called Susan. He said, “At first I was saying  49  I made mistakes in my first year. I hope it can help her in some way.

Linda, a senior student, is in seven different  50  and has encouraged the new student Tony to  51 them, too.

“Don’t lose heart if no one talks to you at first Linda said, “Join clubs. Surround yourself with  52  people.” Besides, the two of them have worked together to  53 Tony’s science grades.

“I’m good at science myself, and I’m helping him pass.” Linda said.

Tony said he  54  the help and advice.

“If she didn’t do it, I would just be sitting in my  55  by myself.” Tony said, “she pushed me to want to do more.” Now the students are living in harmony.

36. A. puzzled          B. shocked      C. pleased          D. excited

37. A. doors            B. students     C. hallways         D. balcony

38. A. frightening      B. satisfactory     C. disappointing        D. comfortable

1. A. it                B. myself           C. one              D. me

2. A. attached          B. suited           C. devoted          D. used

3. A. much          B. well         C. more             D. better

4. A. makes         B. gets         C. has              D. allows

5.A. study          B. life         C. touch                D. subject

6. A. developed         B. treated          C. marked           D. helped

7.A. book               B. method           C. path             D. course

8. A. by                    B. through          C. on               D. across

9.A. could              B. should               C. would                D. must

10. A. surprised            B. met              C. discussed            D.informed

11. A. whether              B. when             C. what             D. how

12.A. clubs             B. groups               C. teams                D. classes

13.A. part              B. join             C. miss             D. attend

14.A. loyal             B.inactive          C. positive         D. important

15. A. change               B.correct               C. test             D. improve

16. A. considered           B. noticed          C. enjoyed          D. wondered

17.A. box               B. chair                C. room             D. class   




Great Wall Xmas BBQ
Beijing Hikers are organizing a three-hour hike on a rarely visited part of the Great Wall and will celebrate Christmas afterwards with a Christmas barbecue dinner in a small hotel at the foot of the Great Wall . Meet at 8:30 am. Dec. 25 in front of Starbucks at Lido Holiday Inn , Jiangtai Lu. Please write to or 139-100-25516.
Pingyao tour
High Club will guide a weekend trip to Pingyao , an ancient walled town near Taiyuan , capital city of Shanxi Province . The town is one of the best-preserved(保护) featuring courtyard buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) . Among them is the Qiao family courtyard house, the shooting location of Zhang Yimou’s Raise the Red Lantern (《大红灯笼高高挂》). Leave on Friday (December 23) night by train and back to Beijing on Sunday morning . For sign-up and more information , contact Lucy at or 8580-5080,130-11171326.
New Year Harbin trip
The Chinese Culture Club is running a new year trip to Harbin , to catch a fresh view of its yearly ice and snow lantern festival .
As the temperature is expected to fall between minus 20 to 30℃, visitors are warned to prepare well with jackets , masks , fur gloves and boots. The trip sets out by train at night on December 31 and gets back on the morning January 2. The cost is 2,300 yuan (US$ 284) . Reservation(预订) is required at 8457-2772.
【小题1】One who is interested in life of ancient Chinese is more likely to contact ______.

【小题2】The term “BBQ” in the topic “Great Wall Xmas BBQ” should mean a kind of ________.
【小题3】Pingyao is worth seeing mainly because ________.’s a town surrounded by walls’s near the capital of Shanxi
C.its buildings are old and in good condition
D.a famous film was shot there
【小题4】The last advertisement of New Year Harbin trip offers NO information about _____.
A.what to take thereB.what to buy there
C.when to leave and much to pay



56. Hearing the 2009 World Winter University Games______(宣布) open, all the people in the Harbin Sports Center Gym burst into cheers.

57. The well-known singer was ________ (伴奏)at the piano by Mr Wang.

58. If you want to get the job, you have to speak _____(坚定地)and bravely to the boss to make him believe in you.

59. Finally, after years of unhappy marriage, Lucy got _______(离婚).

60. The teacher smiled with________ (满意)at the progress of his students.

61. Mr. White gets up early and runs every day, which he thinks is b______ to his health.

62. They say such ill things about you out of e______.

63. This species has a________ well to winter climates.

64. I feel much s________ for those homeless people on the street.

65. Don’t waste p________ time talking to him. He is not worth it.



第II卷 主观题(满分35分)


56. Hearing the 2009 World Winter University Games______(宣布) open, all the people in the Harbin Sports Center Gym burst into cheers.

57. The well-known singer was ________ (伴奏)at the piano by Mr Wang.

58. If you want to get the job, you have to speak _____(坚定地)and bravely to the boss to make him believe in you.

59. Finally, after years of unhappy marriage, Lucy got _______(离婚).

60. The teacher smiled with________ (满意)at the progress of his students.

61. Mr. White gets up early and runs every day, which he thinks is b______ to his health.

62. They say such ill things about you out of e______.

63. This species has a________ well to winter climates.

64. I feel much s________ for those homeless people on the street.

65. Don’t waste p________ time talking to him. He is not worth it.

