He failed the exam, to what I expected. 第四节 书面表达 假如你是李勇.担任学校英文报纸English Corner的编辑.该报打算开办“校园报道 .你为此写则100单词左右的征稿启事.该版的主要栏目与相关内容要求如下: 开设栏目 内容 说说你我 校园内新闻趣事 怎么了 对不当之事提出意见 透视 剖析事理.发表看法 我身边 个人经历 关注 介绍学校重要活动 注意:来稿内附照片,所有内容与学校有关,系自己作品,稿件可投入学校大门口的信箱或发电子邮件到:englishcorner2008@. 参考词汇:征稿启事:Invitation to contribute,透视:insight. Invitation to Contribute 查看更多



Tim is third-grade pupil. Recently he failed in exams. When he     1.  

got his report , he was deep worried. The report should be signed by  2.   

his father in order that his father can know his poor work at school. On   3.   

the way to home, an idea appeared in his mind. When he got home, his 4 

father was reading a newspaper. Tim said jokingly,“Dad ,can you    5.   

write your name without your eyes shut?” His father replied with a smile 6.  

“I can try,son,give a pencil or a piece of paper.”As his father shut his eyes,  7.   

Tim placed a report on the table just beneath the pencil. “okey! His    8. 

father wrote his name in “a piece of paper”,The father went on reading  9.   

his paper and Tim was satisfied with the report sign by his father.    10. 



—He didn’t devote his time to his study,did he?

    --_______.As a result,he failed all the final exams.

  A.Yes,he did            B.No,he didn’t   C.Yes,he didn’t      D.No,he did



______ he had worked hard all the time, he failed the exam again.







When he was senior 3 student in a high school, Li Hua studied    1.   

very hard so as to go to a famous university. He often stays up late    2.   

in the night. Finally he passed the College Entrance Examination    3.    

and was admitted to a key university. And after he went to university,  4.    

he became very lazy. He wasted time in going to the cinema, played     5.    

cards, making friends and doing things that had something to do with   6.   

his studies. He often got up late. At many times, he was still in      7.   

bed while others were having his lessons in the classroom at ten in   8.   

the morning . Int the end of the first term he failed in all exams. As a     9.   

result, he had to give up his schooling and leave the university.       10.    


--Was the test hard?

--The test was so hard that he ________ failed.






