10.(江苏省六合高级中学 2010届高三第一次调研考试) --- We as well go straight home. There’s nothing better to do. --- OK, though I hate to do so. A. might B. can C. should D. must 答案 A 查看更多



(2010·江苏省六合高级中学高三下学期第五次调研考试)   22. The digital camera in our shop is of high quality. If there_________ be something wrong with it while it is still under guarantee, we would repair it __________ our expense.

A. would ; on    B. might; from     C. could; with       D. should; at


(2010·江苏省六合高级中学高三下学期第五次调研考试)   24.—Dad, can I surf the Internet?

    —Again? I wish that you ______ going on line ______ your health.

A. know; will do harm to             B. knew; are doing harm to   

C. know; have done harm to  D. knew; were doing harm to


(2010·江苏省六合高级中学高三下学期第五次调研考试)   23. —I wonder why he has been acting so strange these days.

—Recent pressure at work may ______ his behavior.

A. account for     B. make for      C. change for       D. stand for


(2010·江苏省六合高级中学高三下学期第五次调研考试)   29. —Why did you ______ the third paragraph of your rewritten composition?

—Because I thought it was off the point.

 A. put out       B. make out        C. figure out       D. leave out


(2010·江苏省六合高级中学高三下学期第五次调研考试)   32. Exciting as its special effects are ______, there is too much violence in the film.

A. to watch           B. to be watched         

C. watching           D. being watched

