A. last B. final C. total D. first 查看更多




  Imagine a sports stadium filled with national soccer team colors. They are on flags, on fan's clothing, and even painted on faces and hair. Imagine the roar of the crowd when the ball flies past the goalkeeper to score. Imagine victory parties in streets and restaurants.

  All this is more than just imagination for nearly a million World Cup ticket holders. Fans have paid between US $300 and US $750 to watch their teams perform all sorts of fancy footwork this month. When it's all over, only one team will become the new world soccer champion.

  The world has been gearing up for the World Cup for two years. National teams from every continent competed first in their own regions. Then World Cup action kicked off on May 31 in Seoul before a crowd of almost 65, 000.

  For a whole month, 32 teams will compete. They'll play in 10 cities in Korea and in 10 cities in Japan. On June 30, more than 70, 500 fans will pack Yokohama's International Stadium to watch the best two teams vie for the World Cup trophy.

  But the playing field isn't the only battleground. Contending for TV rights is just as hard a game. Kirch, a German company, owns the rids. They sold the rights among various South American countries for a total of US $944 million. And the United Kingdom may have paid up to US $240 million(the price was not revealed).

  So if you're not lucky enough or rich enough to be a ticket holder, just turn on the 1'V. See the colors, hear the roar, watch the footwork, and imagine being there yourself.

1.They in the first paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]

A.many football players

B.the teams from all over the world

C.different colors of each team

D.many football fans

2.The competition will last for ________.

[  ]

A.two months

B.one month

C.less than one month

D.less than two months

3.The final will be held ________.

[  ]

A.in Seoul

B.in Yokohama

C.between Seoul and Yokohama

D.in a unknown stadium

4.From the passage we know ________.

[  ]

A.competitions for TV rights is no less fierce than football ones

B.UK has paid $240 million to Germany for TV rights

C.only Germany has got the TV rights

D.Kirch is interested in football

5.Which of the following is right?

[  ]

A.It took Japan and Korea two years to get ready for the World Cup.

B.Nearly one million football fans have been waiting for two years.

C.The competitions began two yeas ago in each region.

D.It is the same to enjoy the World Cup by watching TV.


The Ms. Foundation for Women started the program seventeen years ago, in 1993. At first it was just called Take Our Daughters to Work. Gloria Steinem and other foundation leaders pointed to studies showing that self-image suffers as girls become teenagers. They can lose trust in their abilities and intelligence, especially in areas like science, math and technology. So the Ms. Foundation planned a day for parents in New York City to show girls all the possibilities for them in the professional world. But there was so much interest, the organizers decided to make it national.
At first, girls mostly followed their mom or dad around at work to learn about their jobs. Later, employers and schools began to offer organized activities. But from the beginning there were protests(反对) from parents and others about the exception of boys. So in 2003 the day was renamed Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work.
2007 was the last year that the Ms. Foundation for Women headed the program. Now, the event is run by a twelve-person group called the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation.
The event is connected with Mattel, the company that makes Barbie dolls.
Carolyn McKecuen is president of the foundation. She says a total of about thirty-three million children and adults are involved in the program. About one-third of the adults work at large companies or nonprofit organizations. Another third are in small businesses. The rest work in education.
Carolyn McKecuen says the numbers from this year's event are not final yet. But early reports suggest that participation was up at least ten percent from last year. And she says the foundation is hoping to find support to expand the program internationally. She says there are lots of requests from other countries for information about how to set up similar programs.

  1. 1.

    It was called Take Our Daughters to Work at first because ______.

    1. A.
      girls are considered to be clever than boys
    2. B.
      girls are considered to be more foolish than boys
    3. C.
      girls aren’t confident in some areas as they becomes older
    4. D.
      girls don’t want to learn some science subjects
  2. 2.

    Why was the day renamed as Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day later?

    1. A.
      Because some parents were against only girls’ having the chance.
    2. B.
      Because some parents wouldn’t like to take their daughters to work.
    3. C.
      Because some employers were against parents’ taking their children to work.
    4. D.
      Because some schools didn’t want to give any students’ time to leave school.
  3. 3.

    How many years did the Ms. Foundation for Women head the program?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    From this passage we can learn ______.

    1. A.
      April twenty-second is a day for some American children to stay out of school for punishment
    2. B.
      the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is a national in America
    3. C.
      Mattel is the president of the foundation whose company makes Barbie dolls
    4. D.
      Lots of other countries want to set up similar programs for parents and children
  5. 5.

    The last paragraph shows that ______.

    1. A.
      the program becomes more and more welcome
    2. B.
      the program will come an end without international support
    3. C.
      the program has been copied by many other countries
    4. D.
      Carolyn McKecuen wants more and more children to take part in the program


The traditional dream of Chinese philosophers to be able to “run with the wind” became a reality this New Year's Eve day.

    The Shanghai Transrapid Maglev Line(首次)test run and the first commercial maglev(magnetic levitation)system in the world was put to use.

    The project is a joint effort by China and Germany. It cost 10 billion Yuan and took two and half years to complete.

    The maglev train ran smoothlybuilding up speed to 427 kilometers per hour. It covered a 45-minute journey by car in all easy eight minutes. Howeverthe short trip costs as much as 50 Yuan. There are speculations(推测)that within ten years there could be a line from Shanghai to Beijing1,280 kilometers. The journey would only take three hours. The total cost of the maglev would be about US$24 billion.

    Unlike the current railway system with traditional tracksthe maglev runs on magnetic levitation linen. The powerful electric current enables the fast train to rise above the line and float.

    A maglev system can reach speeds of up to 400500 kilometers per hourmuch faster than any normal railway system. The lack of contact between the train and the maglev “tracks” reduces the noise level and the damaging effect on the land of a city.

   The maglev system is also energy-efficient. Its energy consumption(消耗)is only about half that of cars and a quarter that of aircraft with the same transport capacity.

   The effect of the magnetic force of the maglev system on passengers and nearby  areas is minimal since the effect on humans is less than that of most electric household  appliance(家用电器).

  1. The passage is mainly about    .

    A. the speed of the Shanghai Transport Maglev line

    B. the Shanghai Transport Maglev Line

    C. the influence of the Shanghai Transport Maglev Line

    D. the co-operation between China and Germany

 2. The last three paragraph tell us      .

  A. the advantages of the maglev system

  B. the usage of the maglev system is a final trend

  C. the maglev system can do good to environment protection

  D. the effect of the magnetic force on passengers

 3. It can be inferred that      .

  A. no other countries in the world except China have studied the Shanghai Transrapid Maglev lane

  B. the cost of taking a journey in the maglev train is too high

  C. the Shanghai Transrapid Maglev Line will attract more visitors to Shanghai

  D. Germany is the only partner for China in Shanghai

 4. The author thinks        .

  A. one of China's long—term dreams has come true

  B. Shanghai takes the lead in high-tech in China

  C. the cost of the maglev train is beyond the ability of Shanghai

  D. maglev trains will take the place of many transportation tools



The traditional dream of Chinese philosophers to be able to “run with the wind” became a reality this New Year's Eve day.

    The Shanghai Transrapid Maglev Line(首次)test run and the first commercial maglev(magnetic levitation)system in the world was put to use.

    The project is a joint effort by China and Germany. It cost 10 billion Yuan and took two and half years to complete.

    The maglev train ran smoothlybuilding up speed to 427 kilometers per hour. It covered a 45-minute journey by car in all easy eight minutes. Howeverthe short trip costs as much as 50 Yuan. There are speculations(推测)that within ten years there could be a line from Shanghai to Beijing1,280 kilometers. The journey would only take three hours. The total cost of the maglev would be about US$24 billion.

    Unlike the current railway system with traditional tracksthe maglev runs on magnetic levitation linen. The powerful electric current enables the fast train to rise above the line and float.

    A maglev system can reach speeds of up to 400500 kilometers per hourmuch faster than any normal railway system. The lack of contact between the train and the maglev “tracks” reduces the noise level and the damaging effect on the land of a city.

   The maglev system is also energy-efficient. Its energy consumption(消耗)is only about half that of cars and a quarter that of aircraft with the same transport capacity.

   The effect of the magnetic force of the maglev system on passengers and nearby  areas is minimal since the effect on humans is less than that of most electric household  appliance(家用电器).

  1. The passage is mainly about    .

    A. the speed of the Shanghai Transport Maglev line

    B. the Shanghai Transport Maglev Line

    C. the influence of the Shanghai Transport Maglev Line

    D. the co-operation between China and Germany

 2. The last three paragraph tell us      .

  A. the advantages of the maglev system

  B. the usage of the maglev system is a final trend

  C. the maglev system can do good to environment protection

  D. the effect of the magnetic force on passengers

 3. It can be inferred that      .

  A. no other countries in the world except China have studied the Shanghai Transrapid Maglev lane

  B. the cost of taking a journey in the maglev train is too high

  C. the Shanghai Transrapid Maglev Line will attract more visitors to Shanghai

  D. Germany is the only partner for China in Shanghai

 4. The author thinks        .

  A. one of China's long—term dreams has come true

  B. Shanghai takes the lead in high-tech in China

  C. the cost of the maglev train is beyond the ability of Shanghai

  D. maglev trains will take the place of many transportation tools





    The huge thirst for jobs in the civil service has made the national servant exam one of China’s most competitive tests. The first exam was held in 1995 and since then more and more people have signed up for it, with applications reaching a peak over the last two years.

The latest on-line survey, carried out by China Youth Daily ,found that more then 73 percent of young people want to work as civil servants. Of the 17.330 respondents, about 83 percent said they were attracted by the job’s stability, guaranteed health care and pension. Meanwhile,55 percent said it could bring“practical profits”.Nearly 1 million people applied to take the exam last year, yet only just over 10,000 were finally employed.

This year the competition continued. The exact number of applicants is not known, with the final day for applications today. But the flood of applicants has already broken the exam’s website once. China Youth Daily reported that the site was forced to close for maintenance due to unusually high traffic on the night of October 16.

In a typical year several hundred applicants will apply for many of the jobs listed. For example, the five job vacancies provided by the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party have this year attracted more then 3,880 applicants. In general, the exam means 50 people competing for one post, the report said. Positions as civil servants are attractive, not only because of the stable income and good health care, but also because of the low risks compared with the power and resources the positions enjoy. Among the total 6 million public servants, around 20,000 were dismissed between 1996 and 2003.                                                         

68. Which of the following could NOT be the reason for the attraction of civil servant?

    A. The stable income.                      B. Good health care

      C.Practical power and profits.             D. Low work stress level.

 69. Which paragraph states the fact that the number of applicants of this year is even larger than last year?

      A. Paragraph 1.   B. Paragraph 2.   C. Paragraph 3.   D. Paragraph 4.             

70. Choose the correct statement from the following according to the passage.

       a. Civil servant exam has been held for more than 10 years.

       b. Civil servant exam was carried out by China Youth Daily .

       c. About one percent of applicants were finally employed last year.

       d. Once passing the exam, one will work as a public servant forever.

       e. More and more people sign up for civil servant exam.

       A. c, d, e   B. a, c, e   C. a, b, e   D. b, c, d

71. What would be the best title for the passage?

      A. Civil servant exam in China        B. Deadline for application

      C. Many applicants for one position   D. Civil servant exam turns together

