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“No man is an island” is a well-known line from John Donne’s Devotion. It was written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. No one can live a completely lonely life. Without other people, life will become empty and sad. We all need to have friends.
For some of us, although making friends is not difficult, feeling shy, we may not want to make the first move. It is also difficult at times to keep the friends we already have.
There are many books about friendship, but Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, written in 1936, is the most famous. This “how to” book about getting along with other people became a best seller. It was later put into 28 languages.
Dale Carnegie’s advice seems to be simple, but can his advice help you? Do you need to change the way you act? Here is the list of advice from his book:
Be friendly and polite.
Always greet with a smile. Begin with “Excuse me” or “Would you please” when you want to ask somebody. Remember to say “Thank you” and try to be as helpful as you can.
Go out of your way to be nice.
Find some time to do special things for other people. Making some soup for a sick neighbour may seem like a little thing to you, but it will make your neighbor feel a lot better.
Remember names.
They say that the sweetest music to a person’s ears is the sound of his or her own name.
Be open-minded.
Try to understand other people’s ways and ideas and learn something from them.
Listen patiently.
When someone is talking to you, look at him or her, listen carefully and say something when necessary.
【小题1】The underlined sentence “No one can live a completely lonely life.” means “_____”.

A.No one can live a hard life.B.No one can live without difficulty.
C.No one can live alone.D.No one can live on an island.
【小题2】The best title for the passage should be _______________.
A.How to Make FriendsB.A Famous Book
C.Friendship FirstD.John Donne and Dale Carnegie
【小题3】Some of us find it not easy to make friends because _____________.
A.we are afraid of making bad friends
B.we are shy to take the first action
C.we feel sure that we already have enough friends
D.we feel worried that we won’t be able to keep our friends
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that ________________.
A.John Donne learned something from Dale Carnegie
B.Friends are always friends
C.Few people bought Carnegie’s book
D.The writer of this passage agrees with John Donne and Dale Carnegie
【小题5】Which of the following is not talked about in Carnegie’s book?
A.Say “Excuse me” before you ask.
B.Don’t visit your neighbors too often.
C.Think more about others.
D.People enjoy hearing their own names.


With their weakening bodies, advanced age or increasing pressure of work or study, people have been advised and usually persuaded to have health care products. Do you remember your first time to take a nutritional supplement(营养补充品)? What was your first impression? 
Posted by Amy, Dec. 23, 2010 8:05 PM
Madeline on Dec. 24, 2010 7:25 PM
Years ago, as a young mom with two small children, I struggled to keep up with the demands of a busy life. One day, I woke up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change!
A friend gave me some Royal Jelly—an amazing substance(物质)from the beehive(蜂房). I was doubtful, but desperate…so I tried it! In time, I began to experience renewed energy and vitality(活力)like never before! Now, over two decades later, I travel all round the country, sharing my life-changing experience. I’m grateful for the energy to keep up and love to share this wonderful discovery with others.
Blanca on Dec. 25, 2010 7:02 PM
Ten years ago, when I was 73, my mind wanted to be busy and useful, but my body didn’t. I became tired and lethargic(无精打采的). That’s when my daughter Madeline tried to persuade me to try her special Royal Jelly. It made such a dramatic(巨大的)difference in her life, so she was sure it could help me too! Hesitating for 2 days, I gave in. She was right! I no longer felt worn out. I had a new, youthful zest(热情)for life and I’ve been OK — thanks to Royal Jelly!
Lori on Dec. 25, 2010 10:27 PM
When my mom Madeline was introduced to Royal Jelly, it affected my life, too! Mom gave me some of her fantastic Royal Jelly. Boy, things did turn around! I had more energy and stamina(耐力)and was finally able to keep up with high school and, eventually, college activities. Today, I’m a busy mom in my mid-thirties with two active boys and a new business! I have enough energy to do it all! I’m glad I took my Mom’s advice.
.From the text, we learn that ________________.        .

A.Madeline became more than willing to take Royal Jelly at the very beginning
B.Lori was grateful partly because Royal Jelly helped him to improve his studies
C.Royal Jelly is a product that can help renew a person’s energy and vitality
D.Amy has benefited from Royal Jelly so she posted a topic about the product
Which of the following is true of Blanca?
A.She replied to the topic on Christmas Eve.
B.She tried Royal Jelly without hesitation.
C.She is now supposed to be in her seventies.
D.She was the second one to reply to the topic.
. What’s the relationship between the Royal Jelly takers?
A.Lori and Blanca are Madeline’s grandchildren.
B.Madeline is Blanca’s daughter and Lori’s mother.
C.Blanca is Lori and Madeline’s great grandmother.
D.They have no blood relationship but friendship.
Where can we most probably read this text?
A.In a sports club.B.On an Internet page.
C.In a fiction.D.In a travel magazine.


Poet Dean Young has dealt with impermanence( 无常)a lot in his career, but it's a particularly strong theme in Young's latest collection, Fall Higher.The new collection was published in April, just days after the poet received a life-saving heart transplant (移植) after about a decade of living with a weakening heart condition.
Young, whose work is often frank and rich with twisted humor, tells NPR's Renee Montaigne that as he recovers from operation, he's also slowly returning to his everyday writing habits.
"I'm getting back to it," Young says."Not with the sort of concentration and sort of flame that I look forward to in the future, but I am blackening some pages."
And on those blackened pages you'll find poems like " How Grasp Green," which carries themes of springtime and rebirth.It's one of the first poems Young has written since his transplant.
It's easy to spot clues (线索) to Young's awful health situation in the lines of his poetry. Fall Higher's "Vintage" opens with, "Because I will die soon, I fall asleep, during the lecture on the ongoing emergency." And the poem "-The Rhythms Pronounce Themselves Then Vanish—published in The /Vew Barker in February —opens with the CT scan that revealed Young's heart condition.
Young says "Rhythms" was written about the beginning of his illness.
"I had been having a lot of physical pain so that I could hardly walk a block.I got sent to a gastroenterologist and he did a series of tests, and then the tests came back to me and it was all heart related," he says." And the outlook wasn't good.
Hearts tend to come up a lot in poetry, and that's especially true of Young's work, which has clearly been influenced by the troubles of his own heart,
"A lot of times, it's not just a metaphor (比喻) ," Young says."For me, it's an actual concern because I've been living with this disease for over 10 years.My father died of heart problems when he was 49, so it's been a sort of shadowy concern for me my whole life.
But Young's poems also deal with more abstract matters of the heart.He wrote Fall Higher's, "Late Valentine" for his wife."We've been married since late November and most of it has been spent in the hospital," Young says of his marriage to poet Laurie Saurborn Young, who says " 'Late Valentine' is very sweet.
Today, Young says, his friends can't help but comment on how pink his cheeks have become—the result of a new heart and better circulation (循环).But Young wrote the poems of Fall Higher before the transplant, at a time when, at its weakest point, his old heart was pumping at 8 percent of what it should have been.
He was staring death in the face—but he was still able to look at his life and see art
in it.
Young's work also touches on themes of randomness and fate —two factors that contributed to him getting a second chance in the form of a new heart from a 22-year-old student.
"Everything in life is molecules (分子) bouncing against molecules," Young says, and having a successful transplant is no different." Somebody had to die; it had to be a fit; my blood and his blood had to not have an argument; the heart had to be transported; I had to get it."
There were, in short, an amazing number of variables (变量) that led to Young
being here today.
"I just feel enormous gratitude," he says of his donor (捐献者)."He gave me a heart so I'm still alive-"I'm sure I'm going to think about this person for the rest of my life."
【小题1】The poetry collection Fall Higher _______.

A.was published in February
B.refers darkness as its main theme Young's latest collection of poetry
D.was written after Young's heart transplant
【小题2】We can learn from the text that Young _______.
A.was born with heart disease
B.received a heart transplant in February
C.married a female poet after he wrote "Late Valentine"
D.wrote a poem for his wife in his collection
【小题3】What does the writer try to say in Paragraph 3?
A.The writer expected some bright future, but he was disappointed.
B.The writer had less enthusiasm than before, but he still kept on writing.
C.The writer devoted more time to poems, so he grasped a good chance.
D.The writer wrote poems with less enthusiasm, so he quitted for a while.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A."How Grasp Green" is the first poem in Fall Higher.
B.Young began all his poems with his illness.
C.Young's father died when Young was 49 years old.
D.Young's health situation is mentioned in his poetry.
【小题5】What is the text mainly about?
A.Dean Young and his latest collection.
B.Dean Young and his heart problems.
C.The meaning of Fall Higher.
D.An analysis of Dean Young's poems.


Question: I have a one-year-old female bulldog, who has recently taken to biting my shoes when we are in the park and I’m on the mobile. She can be slightly aggressive and I’m starting to get worried and a bit annoyed. How do I stop her? ----Susan, London.
Answer: You need to get this problem under control before it could escalate (恶化). I always advise owners not to talk on the mobile phone when they go for a walk with their dogs, because they should be focusing on this time with their pets, but I know people have busy lives and need to make phone calls.
The behavior she is showing is either controlling or playfulness, but they both result from the same issue ---- you are not paying attention to her. If you must make phone calls while on a walk, try to still engage with your dog by speaking towards her, playing some sorts of game and so on. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to try more of a training approach.
You will need a training line and some treats. Start your walk in the usual way, make a phone call, and when your dog starts displaying the undesired behavior, simply stop walking --- otherwise she will see it as a game. When she is calm and looking at you, or if she sits, give her a treat; then continue walking. If she starts up again, pick up the lead, gently pull it, and tell her “no”.  Then ask her to sit and give her a treat if she does.
The aim of this is to try to get her to forget how much fun it is biting your shoes. Do little sessions every day --- and try not to answer the phone if you know it’s going to be a long conversation. Be patient and good luck!
Remember that if an animal shows signs of distress or discomfort, an early visit to the vet is always recommended.
【小题1】What is Susan complaining about in her question?

A.She doesn’t know how to make phone calls while walking a dog.
B.She has no idea how to get along well with her dog.
C.She gets worried that her dog is getting annoyed.
D.She finds her dog is getting a little aggressive.
【小题2】The probable reason why the pet dog bites its owner’s shoes is that ______.
A.the owner isn’t paying attention to her
B.the owner often makes trouble for the dog
C.the owner plays some dull games with her
D.the owner doesn’t like the pet dog any more
【小题3】The solution to dealing with the distress or discomfort of pets is to _____. with them regularly
B.take them to see the vet games with them
D.let them bite your shoes
【小题4】How can Susan get her pet dog to forget the fun from biting her shoes?
A.By playing some sort of game with the pet dog.
B.By punishing the pet dog strictly.
C.By training her not to do so.
D.By leaving her at home.


“I’m seventy years old,” says the gray-haired lady proudly to the entertainer at her Community Club dinner.
“Did you hear that, everyone?” says the entertainer. “This lovely lady is just seventy years young! And she doesn’t look a day over fifty.” He has been careful not to use the word “old”. In a society where youth is so admired, old age is often seen as something sad, something to fight against. Americans prefer not to say “old” people. They use the expression “senior citizens”. They do not talk about “old people’s” homes, but “retirement” homes.
In fact, the entertainer is not so wrong. Seventy is not very old these days. People in the US are living longer and longer. In1980, 12 percent of Americans were over sixty-five years old. By 2030, 21 percent will be over sixty-five. One reason for this is that families are getting smaller. The average couple now has only 1.8 children. At the same time, improved medical care means that people are living longer.
This change in the age of Americans is going to have serious results. For one thing, medical costs are rising. The government is unable to pay the elderly people’s medical bills that have gone up very much. Some old people have to leave hospital “sicker and quicker” than they should, before they are really better.
More fortunate senior citizens, though, who still have good health, want new laws to be passed to allow them to stay at work. In the past, the retirement age was sixty-five, but that is changing now. Older people are stronger and more energetic than ever before. Many of them refuse to stop working just because they have reached a certain age.
There is a change, too, in the way in which elderly people see themselves. Many are no longer happy to accept the gray hair, bald heads, and boring clothes of their own parents. They like to wear younger-looking clothes and bright makeup(化妆品).American women spend millions of dollars a year on operations to lift their faces and make those ugly wrinkles disappear. Men are prepared to spend even more on operations to plant new hair on their bald spots. It’s worth any money to look younger.
60. In America people try to avoid using the word “old” because    ____.
A. the old age is seen as something that isn’t admired
B. it is now believed to bring bad luck to elderly people
C. the standard of getting old has changed  
D. the change in the age has caused a healthy problem
61. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT describe the American society correctly?
A. People live longer because of improved medical care.
B. The government finds it difficult to afford the medical bills of the elderly.
C. People use polite expressions when talking about old age.
D. The old patients’ time in hospital is strictly limited.
62. Which of the following is not the result of the changing in the age of Americans?
A. Medical costs are rising.          
B. The family becomes smaller.
C. The retirement age needs changing. 
D. Elderly people spend a lot on keeping young.
63. This passage is most probably taken from        .
A. a travel booklet     B. a magazine   
C. an advertisement     D. a medical report 

