is not how much you do but what you do that matters. A. This B. It That D. There 查看更多



______ is not how much you do but what you do that matters.
[     ]
A. This  
B. It
C. That 
D. There


_________ is not how much you do but what you do that matters.

A. This              B. It                      C. That              D. There


 _________ is not how much you do but what you do that matters.

A. This        B. It               That       D. There



________ is not how much you do but what you do that matters.

[  ]









Success is everybody’s dream. But what is the key to success? How can you be successful? I think we should measure success based on how much we give rather than how much we receive. Fortunately, it also works nicely the other way around since those who give more almost always will also receive more. So how do you pave your way to success? How do you become more successful? The answer is amazingly simple: the key to success is making yourself as useful as possible to others. Here are some ideas on how to do it.
1. Be observant of needs
To be useful to others, you should always be aware of even the slightest clues of needs. The more sensitive you are to the needs of others, the more appreciative people will eventually become. The best plan is being able to anticipate a need before the other people are even aware of it.
2. Find solutions to the needs
Now that you are aware of needs, the next step is finding solutions to them. The solutions you offer should be as useful as possible. To be able to do so, there is no other way but to continuously build your own value. It is from the value you have that you could give value to others.
3. Be proactive to help
Do not wait for the other person to ask for your help. Be proactive. Give your help even before they ask.
4. _________________
What matters is not only the solution you offer, but also the way you deliver it. Being sincere means being glad to help others without expecting anything in return. Make it your joy to give something to others. People can somehow distinguish whether or not you are sincere.
5. Go the extra mile
Doing the above four steps is good, but add this one if you can: give more than expected. First, give what is expected, and then add a little more. If you do the above four steps people will be appreciative, but if you add this one step they will be impressed.
【小题1】 What is the measure of success according to the author?

A.Success means giving more as well as asking for more.
B.Success is based on how much money you make.
C.The more you receive from others, the more successful you will be.
D.The more you give, the more successful you will be.
【小题2】The underlined word anticipate in para 2 probably means_______
【小题3】What’s the best title for the fifth paragraph?
A.Solutions Are Important.B.Give More Help to Others
C.Expecting More D.Be Sincere
【小题4】The author would NOT agree that______
A.people should continuously build up their own value.
B.the best time to help others is when they ask for help.
C.people should help others without expecting anything in return. is good to give others more help than what is expected.
【小题5】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.How to measure success accurately.
B.How to make your dreams come true.
C.Giving is more important than receiving.
D.How a person can be most useful to others.

