6.(海格致中学2010届高三第一学期期中考试) To our great joy, it snowed the night of Feb.14 this year in Shanghai, arousing the curiosity of the residents. A.in B.for C.at D.on 答案 D 查看更多





Taiwan will finalize a plan by the end of June to open up the island to tourists from mainland China, though no date has been fixed for formal implementation(执行), an official at the Mainland Affairs Council(MAC) said on Monday.

The official said the reports in the local press on Monday that the MAC has decided to postpone its plan to announce the implementation of the new plan on July 1 were inaccurate.

The official said cooperation between different organizations was still underway.The United Daily news quoted the director of the MAC’s legal affairs department, Liu Thehsun, as saying the plan to open up to mainland tourists would not be implemented as scheduled due to a lack of cross-strait communication.

Although relevant authorities, including the Bureau of Immigration and the Tourism Bureau, have complete reports on how to deal with visitors from mainland China, the decision has been taken not to press, ahead with announcement of the plan’s implementation on the first of July, Liu was quoted as saying.

The report also said that while no restrictions would be imposed on the mainland visitors in terms of age or residence in China, the visitors would need to hold a steady job or have more than 50,000RMB(about 6,000, U.S.dollars)in bank savings before they would be eligible(有资格的)to visit Taiwan.

In addition, Taiwan bound mainland tourists would have to come as part of a tour group and would be allowed to stay a maximum of 10 days each time.

The number of mainland tourists allowed to enter the island would also initially be limited to 1,000 people a day.

Although most people from Taiwan are free to travel to China, only a small number of mainland Chinese have been able to visit the island due to restrictions imposed by both sides of the Taiwan Strait after the end of a civil war in 1949.

65.At the moment, according to the passage,     

       A.no mainland Chinese can visit Taiwan now

       B.any mainland Chinese can visit Taiwan now

       C.many mainland Chinese have ever visited Taiwan since 1949

       D.a few mainland Chinese have ever visited Taiwan since 1949

66.When Taiwan opens up the island to tourists from mainland China,.

       A.there will be no restrictions to mainland visitors

       B.mainland visitors who want to travel in Taiwan must have at least ¥50,000 in the bank savings account

       C.there will be no age restrictions to the mainland visitors

       D.mainland visitors will be free to travel to Taiwan

67.We can infer from the passage that get(s) involved in the implementation of the plan.

       A.MAC                  B.United Daily

       C.several organizations                            D.Bureau of Immigration

68.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

       A.The implementation of the plan has not been fixed.

       B.It was originally fixed on July 1 to announce the plan’s implementation.

       C.For lack of cross-strait communication, the plan will not be officially completed until July.

       D.When the plan is finalized, it will be announced immediately.



Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of one’s intelligence.But people fail to realize the importance of training these factors in young people.

The so-called “non-intelligence factors” include one’s feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits.After a 30-year follow up study of 8,000 males, American psychologists50that the main cause of disparities in intelligence is not intelligence51      , but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence.

52people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to      53      these factors.

Some parents are greatly worried when their children fail to do well in their studies.They blame either genetic factors, malnutrition(营养不良) or laziness, but they never take54consideration these non-intelligence factors.At the same time, some teachers don’t inquire into these, as reasons55students do poorly.They simply give them more courses and exercises, or56      criticize or laugh at them.After all, these students lose self-confidence.Some of them just feel defeated and57themselves up as hopeless.Others may go astray(堕落)because they are sick of learning.An investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 46.5 percent of them were58of learning, because of examinations, 36.4 percent lacked persistence, initiative and consciousness and 10.3 percent were sick of learning.

It is clear that the lack of cultivation of non-intelligence factors has been a main      59

to intelligence development in teenagers.It even causes an imbalance between physiological and  60  development among a few students.

If we don’t start now to61the cultivation of non-intelligence factors, it will not only affect the development of the intelligence of teenagers, but also affect the quality of a whole generation.Some experts have put forward62about how to cultivate students’ non-intelligence factors.

First, parents and teachers should63understand teenage psychology.On this basis, they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning,      64their interests and toughening their willpower.

50.A.came out             B.found out            C.made out             D.worked out

51.A.in itself                B.by itself               C.itself                   D.on its own

52.A.Though               B.Nevertheless        C.However             D.Moreover

53.A.believing             B.studying              C.cultivating           D.developing

54.A.for                     B.in                        C.into                     D.over

55.A.why                    B.that                     C.when                 D.how

56.A.ever                    B.even                    C.still                     D.more

57.A.put                     B.get                      C.handle                 D.give

58.A.afraid                  B.ahead                  C.aware                 D.ashamed

59.A.difficulty             B.question              C.threat                  D.obstacle

60.A.intelligent             B.characteristic      C.psychological       D.physical

61.A.practice               B.thrust                  C.strengthen           D urge

62.A.projects               B.warnings             C.suggestions         D.decision

63.A.fully                    B.greatly                C.very                    D.highly

64.A.insuring               B.going                  C.encouraging        D.exciting


