8.(甘肃省天水一中2010届高三第一学期第二次段考) You can’t wear a light blue coat that jacket -it looks terrible. A.over B.above C.up D.on 答案 A 查看更多





       My senior year, I can't believe it's almost over. Now when I look back, it was stressful, but exciting, the ball, graduation, and then of course, college.

    I started my college application process months before Christmas. My parents told me it would be smart if I set up interviews and tours. But 1 didn't have clear aim. I wanted to go to college, but I didn't want to deal with the stress.

    As the days flew by, my applications lay on my desk just as I had left them three months before. "You are wasting valuable time, "my parents complained. Sweeping away the gathered dust on the applications, I worked on them every Sunday until I finished. Next came writing the essays.

I had many ideas, but every school had different requirements. I changed them until I was pleased. Finally, everything was underway.

    Now I just had to wait. In March, I started receiving letters of rejection. I began to think that I had set myself up for disappointment. I had a letter from Salem State College stating that they wanted to see my third quarter grades before they made their decision. Yes! At least someone wanted to consider me. At the beginning of April, I received a letter from Keens State. I had been rejected. Those opening words" We regret to inform you..." made me sit down and cry. I had lost all hope. Then I heard from Plymouth State. Not my first choice, but...I had been accepted. Maybe if I get my grades up, l can transfer to another school...

    The college application process hurt me deeply. All my friends had dozens of schools to choose from. I guess my parents were right. High school grades are undoubtedly important to your future plans. If I could do it all over again, I would take it more seriously.

49.How did the writer feel in the way of going to college?

    A.Happy.             B.Sad.               C.Mixed.           D.Changeable.

50.Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.The writer thought senior year was stressful.

    B.The writer didn't set up interviews and tours.

    C.The writer had a strong desire to get to college.

    D.The writer was afraid of the pressure of college.

51.What does the underlined sentence mean?

    A.The writer was fired by the college.

    B.The writer was rejected by the college.

    C.The writer couldn't go to any college.

    D.The writer couldn't go to college forever.

52.The writer felt       at the end of the passage.

      A.honorable          B.relieved             C.regretful            D.hopeless   





Business Week ( Oct.8,2008 )

       Introducing Business Week's Power 100, our ranking of the most influential people in the world of sports.

Prospect(展望) ( Oct. 20,2008)

       In July, Gordon Brown published a green paper called "The Governance of Britain.” The final section said that we need to be clearer about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be British. It proposed(倡议) "to work with the public to develop a British statement of values. "  We asked 50 writers and intellectuals to give us their thoughts on this statement and what should inform it.

Science( Sep. 28,2008)

       In the journal's 28 September 2008 issue, Science, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, is pleased to present the winners and honorable mentions in the fifth annual Science and Engineering Visualization(视觉) Challenge.

Time( Sep. 1,2008 )

       From the phone that has changed phones forever, to futuristic cars, to a building made of water, to a remote controlled dragonfly(蜻蜓)—a dazzling display of ingenuity(独创性).

Guardian( Oct. 17,2008)

       Against all the odds, and seeing off competition from favourite to win Ian McEwan and Lloyd Jones, rank outsider Anne Enright,45, has been awarded the Man Booker prize for what the judges called a "powerful, uncomfortable and even at times angry book," The Gathering.

53.What do these five books have in common?

    A.Each of the articles in each book is introduced in detail.

    B.They are all published in the year and have one article digest.

    C.Each of them is commented by a great man in the world.

D.They all introduce the most influential people.

54.What would be the best title for the article from Prospect?

    A.In Search of British Values.

    B.The Final Section.

    C.The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.

    D.50 Writers and Intellectuals.

55.Who wins the Man Booker prize according to the passage?

    A.Gordon Brown.                               B.Ian McEwan.

    C.Lloyd Jones.                                     D.Anne Enright.

56.The passage probably appears in a _______.

    A.report          B.magazine            C.text book          D.science book




       Avi Sadeh, a Psychology Professor at Tel Aviv University, said recently:" In real life, the daily struggles between parents and children are around these narrow problems of an extra hour, extra TV show, and so on," he added, "Too little sleep and more accidents".

       To investigate the effects on children of adding or reducing an hour of sleep, Sadeh changed the number of hours slept by 77 fourth and sixth graders for five days during a week when the children were healthy and there were no special social events or school activities.

       Sadeh and his colleagues found an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. The children who slept longer, although they woke up more frequently during the night, scored higher on tests, Sadeh reported in the March/April issue of journal Child Development.

       " When the children slept longer, their sleep quality was somewhat weak, but in spite of this, their performance for study improved because the extra sleep was more significant than the reduction in sleep quality. " Sadeh said. "Some studies suggested that lack of sleep as a child affects development into adulthood and it's more likely to develop their attention disorder when they grow older. "

       "Previous research has shown children in elementary school need at least nine hours of sleep a night on a regular basis", said Carl Hunt, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda," and high-school-age children need somewhat less, adding the results of insufficient sleep could be serious. "

       "A tired child is an accident waiting to happen," Hunt said. "And as kids get older, toys get bigger and the risks higher. "Hunt also said too little sleep could result in learning and memory problems and long-term effects on school performance.

       "This is an important extension of what we already know," Hunt said of Sadeh's research, "adding sleep is as important as nutrition and exercise to good health. To put it into reality, parents should make sure they know when their children actually are going to sleep and their rooms are conducive to sleeping instead of playing. "

57.What is Child Development?

    A.A new story.                                       B.A popular book.

    C.A periodical magazine.                        D.A TV programme.

58.How many persons are exactly mentioned in the text?

    A.One.                  B.Two.               C.Three.             D.Four.

59.The underlined phrase "conducive to" ( in the last sentence) could be replaced by ______.

    A.helping to produce                        B.influenced by

    C.full of                                  D.acceptable of

60.The following statements are right EXCEPT _______ according to the passage?

    A.There are some daily struggles between parents and children because of having nothing in common with extra rest time.

    B.The children who sleep longer are weak in their study.

    C.Lack of sleep as a child has great effect on their development into adulthood.

D.In General, children in elementary school need at least nine hours of sleep a night.




       The murder took place around ten o' clock p. m. on June 10th. Thirty-two people watched Kitty being killed right beneath their windows. She was their neighbor. Yet, none of the 32 helped her. Not even one called the police. Was this inhumane cruelty? Was it lack of feeling for one's fellow man?

       "Not so," say scientists Dr. Darley and Dr. Fatane. They've found the reasons why people don't act. According to them, a person has to go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice there is an emergency.

       Suppose you see a middle-aged man fall onto the ground. Is he having a heart attack, or some other physical trouble? Or is he simply about to sleep off a drunk? So it's not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency.

       Second and more important, the person faced with an emergency must feel himself responsible. He must feel that he must help.

       The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around. They asked college students to come in to be "tested". Some came alone, some with one or two others, and some in large groups. When they came in either alone, in pairs, or in groups, a lady went into the next room. Soon the students heard a scream, the noise of something falling and a cry for help. All of these had been pre-recorder.

       Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped.

       In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn't. They do not feel any direct responsibility.

45.Why didn't the thirty two people act to help Kitty according to the passage?

    A.Because they were afraid to be killed.

    B.Because they were cruel in their hearts.

    C.Because they thought others would help.                        ,

    D.Because they didn't notice the emergency.

46.Which of the following is an emergency.'?

    A.Someone is falling onto the ground.

    B.Someone is needing help.

    C.Someone is sleeping off a drunk.

    D.Someone is having a heart attack.

47.The result of the tests shows that_______.

    A.none of the tested students acted to help

    B.the more people there are together, the more people will act to help

    C.the more people there are together, the fewer people will act to help

    D.college students would be more likely to help than ordinary Americans

48.It can be concluded from the passage that Americans don't ______ in a group.

    A.notice an emergency

    B.feel direct responsibility

    C.depend on each other

       D.go through two steps before they act               




注意:词数不少于120。                 提示词:联欢get-together

Dear David,

I am writing to share the great happiness of taking part in the performance in celebration of the 60th national anniversary.____________________________________________ ______


I will enclose some pictures taken that evening.

   Wish you all the best!


Li hua

