6.(山东省淄博市2010届高三第一次摸底考试) Only when they were told the date of the wedding their daughter would get married. A. realized they B. did they realized C. did they realize D. they did realize 答案 C 查看更多





LONDON, England(CNN)--- The youngest person to sail solo around the world returned home Thursday from his 30,000-mile, 282-day ocean journey.

Mike Perham, 17, sailed into Lizard Point in Cornwall, the southernmost point in Britain, at 9:47 a.m., his race team said.

“It feels absolutely brilliant,” Mike told CNN by phone hours before crossing the finish line. “I'm really, really excited to be going across the line at last. It doesn't feel like long since I crossed it first.”

Mike set off on his round-the-world trip on November 18, 2008. He has been sailing his yacht, TotallyMoney.com, single-handedly, though a support team has been sailing next to him along the way.

The teen has now achieved the title of Youngest Sailor to Circumnavigate the Globe Solo, according to the Guinness World Records.

Mike learned how to sail when he was seven years old from his father, Peter and at age 14, he sailed across the Atlantic alone.

The teenager's school --- which Mike describes as “highly supportive” of his trip --- has redesigned his coursework to fit in with his trip. It also gave him some coursework to do during “quiet moments,” according to Mike's Web site.

There haven't been many of those quiet moments. Repeated autopilot failures forced him to stop for repairs in Portugal, the Canary Islands, South Africa, and twice in Australia, according to his Web site.

Bad weather in the Southern Ocean --- between Australia and Antarctica --- forced Mike to battle 50ft waves and 57 mph winds. He said at one point, a “freak wave” picked up the boat and turned it on its side.

“My feet were on the ceiling at the time,” he told CNN. “That was a really hairy moment, and I was certainly thinking, ‘Why am I here?’ But we took the sails off and the day after I thought, ‘This is brilliant!’”

Mike describes his father as his biggest hero, always supportive of what he wanted to achieve. Peter Perham said he wasn't too worried about his son facing dangerous situations at sea, as long as he knew what to do and stayed safe.

71. Mike Perham returned to Britain in ________.

A. August      B. September      C. October            D. November

72. Mike Perham is ________ that went on the round-the-world trip in the world up till now.

A. the first      B. the bravest    C. the luckiest    D. the youngest

73. We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. the English school is the same as ours

B. the English school doesn’t care for students

C. the English school has a humane management

D. the English school gives students a lot of course work

74. According to the passage, Mike did anything EXCEPT ________ on his trip.

A. regret        B. worry     C. abandon     D. fear

75. The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. Mike’s exciting sail trip around the globe

B. how Mike’s father taught him to sail a boat

C. why CNN wanted to report the news to the public

D. the introduction of the Guinness World Records




A special education teacher and former police officer was honored by President Barack Obama at the White House as the 2009 National Teacher of the Year for his innovative(创新的)approach, community focus, and teamwork with other teachers. “In a global economy where the greatest job qualification isn't what you can do, but what you know, our teachers are the key to our nation's success,” President Obama stated.

Mullen, a ninth-through twelfth-grade special education teacher at the ARCH School in Connecticut, is the 59th National Teacher of the Year. Mullen's goal is to provide passion, professionalism(职业特质), and perseverance as an educator. “A teacher can receive no greater reward than the knowledge that he or she helped recover a lost student,” Mullen remarked. He will travel for one year as a full-time national and international spokesperson for education beginning June 1, 2009.

The National Teacher of the Year Program focuses public attention on teaching excellence and is the oldest and most famous national honors program for teachers. “ACEI is a proud participant in the selection process for the National Teacher of the Year, and we are pleased to see Anthony Mullen selected. Mr. Mullen is a dedicated individual who possesses a wealth of talents and skills as a teacher. His devotion to young people, however, reaches beyond the call of duty. Mr. Mullen extends himself to adviser and guides children who need to know that they are not forgotten and that they, too, are unique and special,” stated ACEI Executive Director Diane Whitehead.

ACEI is one of 15 national education organizations that select the National Teacher of the Year from among the state teachers of the year, including those representing the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five U.S. extra state departments.

61. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A White House ceremony.

B. An innovative teaching approach.

C. The 2009 National Teacher of the Year.

D. The national education organizations.

62. We can learn from the first paragraph Obama stresses ____________.

A. teachers’ role                       B. community lives

C. teachers’ teamwork                   D. innovative approach

63. According to Mullen, his success as an educator lies in ____________.

A. being a full-time national and international spokesperson

B. providing passion, perseverance and professionalism

C. helping those who cannot find their way home

D. helping the students achieve high scores

64. Which of the following statements of Mr. Mullen is NOT true?

A. He is totally devoted to the students.

B. He gets the honor for his special talents.

C. He is a talented teacher as well as an adviser.

D. He encourages children to achieve a better future.

65. It can be inferred from the passage that___________.

A. the National Teacher of the Year Program hasn’t been well-known

B. ACEI is the only organization in charge of selecting excellent teachers

C. Mullen is devoted to teaching the students for the call of duty

D. Mullen’s success may be due to his previous work experience.




Doctors are reporting a severe form of swine flu that goes straight to the lungs, causing severe illness in otherwise healthy young people and requiring expensive hospital treatment, the World Health Organization said on Friday.

Some countries are reporting that as many as 15 percent of patients infected(感染)with the new H1N1 virus need hospital care, further straining already overburdened healthcare systems, WHO said.

“During the winter season in the southern parts of the world, several countries have viewed the need for intensive care as the greatest burden on health services,” it said.

“Preparedness measures need to predict this increased demand on intensive care units, which could be overwhelmed by a sudden burst in the number of severe cases.”

Earlier, WHO reported that H1N1 had reached epidemic(蔓延)levels in Japan, signaling an early start to what may be a long influenza season this year, and that it was also worsening in tropical regions.

“Perhaps most significantly, clinicians from around the world are reporting a very severe form of disease, also in young and otherwise healthy people, which is rarely seen during seasonal influenza infections,” WHO said.

“In these patients, the virus directly infects the lung, causing severe respiratory(呼吸)failure. Saving these lives depends on highly specialized and demanding care in intensive care units, usually with long and costly stays.”

WHO estimates that more than 230 million people globally have asthma(哮喘), and more than 220 million have diabetes(糖尿病). Obesity may also worsen the risk of severe infection, WHO said. The good news -- people infected with AIDS virus do not seem to be at special risk from H1N1, WHO said.

66. The newly-discovered swine flu is quite different in that ___________.

A. it needs no hospital treatment

B. it can attack elder citizens easily

C. it directly destroys people’s brains

D. it causes people respiratory failure

67. The underlined word “straining” in the 2nd paragraph most probably means ____________.

A. improving      B. reducing      C. worsening      D. causing

68. From the passage we know ____________.

A. the influenza season this year will not last long

B. people don’t necessarily prepare for the burst of swine flu

C. the greatest burden on health services is the shortage of doctors

D. it will cost a lot of money to cure those infected with H1N1

69. According to WHO, people with ____________ are less likely to suffer from H1N1.

A. AIDS virus     B. diabetes      C. asthma        D. obesity

70. The author intends to ___________.

A. introduce a new type of hospital treatment

B. warn people of a severe form of swine flu

C. make people know the cause of swine flu

D. tell people how to protect from swine flu

