She didn't it to the airport, so she missed her flight. A. get B. put C. make D. mean [答案] C [解析] 本题考查动词的区别.make it有 “及时到达 的意思.“她没能及时赶到机场.所以错过了航班. 查看更多






1.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to ask for a leave.

B.He wants the woman to take care of the dog.

C.He wants to go to visit her.

2.What’s the woman’s real opinion?

A.She is too busy.

B.She will type the work plan.

C.She wants to be the man’s secretary.

3.Why will the woman not go to the concert?

A.Because she hasn’t got a ticket for the concert.

B.Because she is too busy at work.

C.Because of some visitors’ arrival.

4.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.On the telephone.

B.At home.

C.In a park.

5.Which of the following may happen at last?

A.They will go to have dinner together.

B.They will go to the ground floor.

C.They will not go to the restaurant.




6.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.To have a meeting.

B.To study art in middle school.

C.To draw some posters for the club.

7.What does the man ask some students to do?

A.To have a meeting.

B.To help him prepare for the meeting.

C.To attend the club.

8.Where can the man get the posters at last?

A.In the woman’s office.

B.In the art department.

C.In his own office.


9.What happened to the man?

A.He was driving along the road.

B.He was frightened at the news.

C.A traffic accident happened to him.

10.Why did the man lose control of the car?

A.Because he wanted to drive around the corner.

B.Because he had a bet with others.

C.Because he hit an icy patch(块).

11.What can we know about the other man?

A.He was just a little frightened.

B.He was seriously hurt.

C.He might just be fine.


12.What’s the possible relationship between the man and the woman?


B.Husband and wife.


13.What happened to Danny?

A.He played ball with the woman speaker.

B.He rode the motor for fun.

C.He fell out of the boat and was wet to skin.

14.What did the woman do to the boy’s clothes?

A.She dried them on the clothes line.

B.She washed them before drying them.

C.It wasn’t mentioned.


15.Which of the following is true about the lady?

A.She studied physics all night long.

B.She found an apple falling out of a tree.

C.She didn’t sleep quite well.

16.What are they talking about?




17.What can we know from what the man says?

A.Dreams are sometimes terrible to remember.

B.He once also had the same experience as the woman.

C.He knows French better than English.


18.What is the speaker doing now?

A.Flying to Washington D.C.

B.Taking a taxi to the airport.

C.Waiting for his parents.

19.What could happen now if the parents had arrived the airport 15 minutes early?

A.They are on the plane.

B.They have been back already.

C.They are at the airport.

20.What does the speaker mean?

A.His parents didn’t take a taxi.

B.The flight was delayed, so his parents had to wait at the airport.

C.His parents didn’t arrive at the airport on time and missed the flight.





1.What does the woman mean?

A.His brother should let them use the car.

B.The subway is fine with her.

C.A car wouldn’t be any faster.

2.What does the man have to do now?

A.Complete the research.

B.Write the research paper.

C.Finish typing the paper.

3.What do you know about the woman?

A.Perhaps she is a doctor.

B.She was seriously ill.

C.She didn’t want to see the film.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.The light isn’t bright enough.

B.The dining hall isn’t large enough.

C.She agrees with the man.

5.What does the man mean?

A.His daughter is too old for the club.

B.His daughter is too young to join the club.

C.His daughter is the eldest.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:I’d like to drive to the concert but my brother has the car tonight.

W:Who needs a car?We can take the subway if we go a little earlier.

(Text 2)

W:How are you getting on with research paper?

M:I’ve finished all my research, but I haven’t been able to organize it, therefore I haven’t begun the paper yet.

(Text 3)

M:What a pity you missed the film last night.It was wonderful.

W:I would have gone to see it.But there was a patient seriously ill.

M:No wonder you didn’t come.

(Text 4)

M:The light in this dining hall is a little too bright, don’t you think so?

W:I’d say it’s perfect for a football stadium.

M:Quite right.

(Text 5)

W:Can I join your club, Dad?You know I’m interested in it, too.

M:You can when you get a bit older.




6.What time is it now?

A.It’s 10∶10 p.m.

B.It’s 10∶30 p.m.

C.It’s 9∶50 p.m.

7.How long will it take the woman to get to the railway station?

A.Fifteen minutes or less.

B.More than fifteen minutes.

C.Less than fifty minutes.

8.Why did the man invite the woman to his house?

A.They had a tea party.

B.They had a dinner party.

C.They had a dancing party.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:What’s the time by your watch, David?

M:Just a minute.It’s ten to ten by my watch.

W:Is it?I had no idea it was so late.I must be going now.

M:Can’t you stay a bit longer?

W:I’m afraid not.I must catch the ten-thirty train back.

M:You’ve got plenty of time yet.The railway station’s very near.It won’t take you more than fifteen minutes to get there.

W:Well, I hate to rush at the last minute.

M:OK, drop in whenever you like.

W:Yes, I’ll do that.Thank you for asking me to dinner.It was a nice dinner party and I’ve enjoyed your cooking.

M:I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.Good night.

W:Good night.


9.Why does the man want to have a word with the waitress?

A.Because he has been kept waiting for a long time.

B.Because he wants to complain about the food.

C.Because he wants to pay the bill.

10.What do we learn about the restaurant?

A.It must be a new one.

B.They don’t know how to serve the people.

C.They need more waiters.

11.If the head waitress had known about his situation, what would

have happened?

A.She would have served him much earlier.

B.She would have brought another drink.

C.She would have turned to her boss for help.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:Head waitress! I want to have a word with you.

W:Yes, sir.I’ll be with you in a minute.Is there anything else you’d like to have, sir?

M:Anything else?We have been kept waiting here for almost an hour for the meal!

W:I’m terribly sorry about that, sir.There might be something wrong.You see, we’re short of help today.I’ll see to it at once.Would you like to have a drink while waiting?

M:Well, another martini.

W:Yes, sir.One moment.Here you are.I’ll be back in a minute.Here are the dishes you ordered, sir.

M:Thank you.

W:I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting.I wish I could have known earlier.

M:That’s all right.

W:Thank you for your understanding.I assure you it won’t happen again.


12.Who is Mary?

A.A student.

B.A worker.

C.A teacher.

13.What can we infer about Washington’s birthday from the conversation?

A.Maybe there was a national holiday near that day.

B.It was fine that day and nobody wanted to stay in.

C.It is perhaps a national holiday.

14.How did Mary go to the mountain on Washington’s birthday?

A.By bus.

B.By car.

C.By train.

听力原文:(Text 8)

M:Hey, Mary!You have really been gone a long time.Why is that?

W:Hi!Well, I talked with my teachers before I left about the work I would miss.Besides, my aunt in Denver made me study a lot there.

M:I thought she was your rich aunt.

W:Not very.But she didn’t have any children to raise, so she does have some money, even though she was a teacher.

M:How was the holiday? least three of the days while I was there.And I saw so many people on the mountain on Washington’s birthday.

M:The beaches were full on Washington’s birthday, too.It really was warm here, so lots of people went swimming.

W:Well, we should have stayed home that day.There were so many people.We took the train over to the mountain, so that at least we didn’t have to drive.It was a good thing we did-there were so many cars and buses, and no place to park anywhere.

M:Just like the beaches here.


15.When will the man come back from the trip?

A.December 22.

B.January 3.

C.January 13.

16.Which flights is the man going to take for his round trip?

A.Flight 220 and Flight 476.

B.Flight 476 and Flight 220.

C.Flight 220 and Flight 414.

17.How much will the man probably pay for the tickets?

A.About $952.

B.About $414.

C.About $476.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:United Airlines.May I help you?

M:Yes.I’d like to book some tickets on your Flight 220, departing for Honolulu on December 22 at 7:30 in the evening.

W:Your name, please.

M:Mr.Wang Lin and Mrs.Li Fang.

W:Do you want to fly first or economy class?

M:Economy, please.

W:Yes, we still have room on that flight.Will this be a one-way trip?

M:No, round trip back to Chicago-on January 3.By the way, do you have any direct flights coming back?

W:Yes, we do.Flight 414, leaving Honolulu at 3∶00 p.m.flies non-stop back to Chicago.

M:That’s perfect.What’s the exact air fare?

W:Economy fare round trip from Chicago to Honolulu is $476 during busy season.

M:I see,…then our tickets are confirmed.

W:Yes, your seats are confirmed on those two flights.Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure.


18.How long does Mr.Hill have to work every day?

A.6 hours.

B.7 hours.

C.8 hours.

19.What’s the worst thing that can happen to a postman?

A.Having too many items to deal with a day.

B.Going to work late in the morning.

C.Delivering letters to people from abroad.

20.How does Mr.Hill feel about his work?




听力原文:(Text 10)

  I’m Harley Hill.I was chosen as a postman of the year 1975.I have been a postman for 23 years.I love my work very much and it’s a fine life for me.Every week I work forty hours.I work from six o’clock in the morning to about two o’clock in the afternoon.The worst thing is being late in the morning.We handle 50 000 to 60 000 items a day.I deliver to probably 278 addresses.Some of them are from abroad.

  I’m happy to see the smile on their faces when I give them a letter from home.I think if there is anything I don’t like about the job, it’s the snow and ice and especially dogs.I’ve been bitten about half a dozen times.I have got 3 years before I retire.I’m going to miss the job when I retire.


In 1988, Mary Anderson was at the Miami airport checking in for a flight to Norway to be with her husband when she was told she wouldn’t be able to check her luggage without paying a $100 surcharge (超载) .

Mary had no money as her new husband had left for Norway and she had no one else to call .

 “ I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without ,” says Mary .

As tears ran down her face , a voice behind her said , “That’s okay, I’ll pay for her .”

Rather surprised , Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before . He had a gentle and kind voice that was firm and decisive .

Although this happened twenty years ago , Mary still remembers the authority that radiated (发出)from the man .

Mary was pleased to bring her luggage to Norway and told the stranger she would give his money back . The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper and gave it to Mary . She thanked him repeatedly . When she finally walked off towards the boarding gate, he waved goodbye to her .

That man turned out to be Barack Obama .

Mary paid the money back to Obama the day she joined her husband . At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker in Chicago , and had started his law studies at Harward University .

In the spring of 2006 , Mary’s parents heard Obama was considering a run for President . They wrote a letter saying that they would support him. At the same time , they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier .

And Obama replied , “ I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport . I’m happy I could help her then , and I’m delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway . Please send her my best wishes . Sincerely , Barack Obama,

United States Senator .”

Why did Mary feel completely desperate ?

 A. She had missed the only flight to Norway .

 B. Her new husband abandoned her suddenly .

 C. She didn’t have the money to buy a ticket .

 D. She had no money to pay for the surcharge .

How did Mary feel when someone offered to help her ?

 A. Amazed       B. Puzzled     C. Delighted      D. Annoyed

Mary asked the stranger to leave his name and address _________ .

  A. in order to contact him later              B. so that she could repay him

  C. because he impressed her deeply          D. because she fell in love with him

What’s the passage mainly about ?

  A. A letter from Barack Obama           B. Mary’s parents support Obama

  C. Obama helped a stranger 20 years ago    D. Mary was lucky to get help at the airport


Not many foreigners can say that they have lived in China for as long as I have. Perhaps some can hack(应对) it for about two or three years and then they want to either go back home or move on to another country. As for me, I cannot get 36 of this place. I love it here so much and I honestly believe that I am very comfortable here. It feels just like 37. And, here 38 the story.
It was August 2001 and I had just said 39 to my family and friends as I 40 to Los Angeles International Airport to catch my 41 to Incheon, South Korea which would then 42 me to Beijing. When I arrived in LA I was very excited and a little 43 because I didn't know what to 44 when I arrived in China. It 45 like receiving a wrapped gift and you had no idea what was in it 46 you opened it. As I 47 the Korean Airlines 48 desk I gave the attendant(空乘人员) my ticket. He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, sir. This flight was yesterday." I was in 49 and lost for words. The attendant told me I had to wait several hours until they could 50 whether I could get onto another flight.
I was so afraid at this time that I called my mother and frantically(狂乱地) told her," I missed my flight! I don't think I can go to 51! I'm better off going back to Washington, DC!" That's when she 52 I call my leader in China and ask whether I could still go there. Looking 53 all of the papers I found a phone number and called the Beijing office. 54, my leader was there and assured me I could still join the group. Also, KAL had a seat for me on the next flight. So, after 24 hours and a 55 in Korea, I arrived in Beijing. I don't know what my feeling was, but I wasn't tired because I had finally arrived and I just wanted to look around the city. As I traveled to the hotel in the car I saw all the wonderful buildings, friendly people and interesting sites. I was so happy to be here.

A.helloB.sorry C.goodD.goodbye
A.happenB.seeC.expect D.know
A.felt B.lookedC.seemedD.sounded
A.shock B.troubleC.dangerD.difficulty
A.KoreaB.WashingtonC.Los AngelesD.China
A.Luckily B.SeriouslyC.HonestlyD.Sadly


Not many foreigners can say that they have lived in China for as long as I have. Perhaps some can hack(应对) it for about two or three years and then they want to either go back home or move on to another country. As for me, I cannot get 36 of this place. I love it here so much and I honestly believe that I am very comfortable here. It feels just like 37. And, here 38 the story.

It was August 2001 and I had just said 39 to my family and friends as I 40 to Los Angeles International Airport to catch my 41 to Incheon, South Korea which would then 42 me to Beijing. When I arrived in LA I was very excited and a little 43 because I didn't know what to 44 when I arrived in China. It 45 like receiving a wrapped gift and you had no idea what was in it 46 you opened it. As I 47 the Korean Airlines 48 desk I gave the attendant(空乘人员) my ticket. He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, sir. This flight was yesterday." I was in 49 and lost for words. The attendant told me I had to wait several hours until they could 50 whether I could get onto another flight.

I was so afraid at this time that I called my mother and frantically(狂乱地) told her," I missed my flight! I don't think I can go to 51! I'm better off going back to Washington, DC!" That's when she 52 I call my leader in China and ask whether I could still go there. Looking 53 all of the papers I found a phone number and called the Beijing office. 54, my leader was there and assured me I could still join the group. Also, KAL had a seat for me on the next flight. So, after 24 hours and a 55 in Korea, I arrived in Beijing. I don't know what my feeling was, but I wasn't tired because I had finally arrived and I just wanted to look around the city. As I traveled to the hotel in the car I saw all the wonderful buildings, friendly people and interesting sites. I was so happy to be here.

























































































C.Los Angeles


























