It stuck me lightening how difficult it must have been for a women to get education the past. 查看更多



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. People quickly going home for the weekend  36  their paces and put some  37  into the hat of the young man.  

The next day, the young artist came again, and put his  38  on the ground gently. Different from the day before, he  39  a large piece of paper on the ground and put some stones on it. Then he  40  the violin and began playing.

  Before long, the young violinist was  41  by people, who were all attracted by the words on that paper. It said, “ 42 , a gentleman named George Sang put a(n)  43  thing into my hat  44 . Please come to claim it soon.”

  It caused a great excitement and people  45  what it could be. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and  46  through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his  47  and said, “Yes, it’s you. I knew that you’re an  48  man and would certainly come here.”

  The violinist took out a lottery ticket(彩票) on which George Sang’s name was seen and gave it to George, who  49  the lottery ticket and kissed it, then he  50  with the violinist.

The story turned out to be like this: George Sang  51  a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards opened yesterday and he won a prize of $500, 000. So he felt very  52  after work the night before and felt the music was so wonderful that he put 50 dollars in the hat.  53 , the lottery ticket was also thrown in.

Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest  54  always be with us. If we bear ourselves in a dishonest way, we may succeed  55 . However, from the long-term view, we will be losers.

36.A. sped up                    B. slowed down            C. set                                  D. kept

37.A. money                        B. tickets                      C. food                               D. cards

38.A. violin                      B. wallet                      C. hat                                  D. note

39.A. found                      B. noticed                     C. laid                                 D. stuck

40.A. moved                  B. cleaned                    C. admired                          D. adjusted

41.A. surrounded            B. praised                    C. encouraged                   D. questioned

42.A. Last week                 B. Yesterday morning    C. This afternoon                 D. Last night

43.A. useful                      B. important                 C. new                                D. strange

44.A. on purpose               B. at once                            C. by mistake                       D. with care

45.A. knew                       B. wondered                 C. realized                           D. noticed

46.A. walked                     B. forced                      C. passed                             D. rushed

47.A. violin                      B. ticket                       C. shoulders                         D. ears

48.A. honest                  B. interesting                C. important                        D. exciting

49.A. seized                      B. received                   C. dropped                          D. purchased

50.A. argued                        B. danced                            C. left                                 D. stayed

51.A. printed                     B. possessed                C. lost                                 D. bought

52.A. happy                      B. desperate                 C. grateful                           D. hopeful

53.A. Therefore                 B. However                  C. Besides                           D. Fortunately

54.A. can                          B. may                         C. should                             D. would

55.A. finally                            B. completely               C. happily                           D. temporarily



It was getting dark. I found a car _____ in a pool by the side of the road.

  A. to be stuck  B. stuck  C. sticking   D. stick


  Jeremy Fox, a retired businessman in a small city in England, recently bought an old farmhouse with a yard and a small field, about five miles out of the town. There he planned to lead a simple life with his wife, Amelia.

  It was while clearing out the old barn on the far side of the yard that he made an interesting discovery. In a corner, under some old sacks, he found some large fragments(碎片)of an antique bowl. Out of curiosity, he took them into the kitchen and, much to the anger of his wife, washed the mud off them. That evening he spread newspapers over the kitchen table and carefully study the fragments together. However, two pieces were found missing.

  Two days later, having pulled down the barn, Mr. Fox was digging over the ground in preparation for the installation(安装)of a greenhouse, when he discovered the two missing pieces. When he had stuck them in position, the bowl looked so fine that Amelia agreed to its being placed on a table in the living room, in front of the window.

  “We might have something a bit special here, ” he said to his wife. A few days later, Jeremy took several photographs of the bowl, which he sent off to Sotheby's in London.

  Unexpectedly, Sotheby's was extremely interested in the bowl and sent an expert to inspect it. It turned out that it was a Chinese Ming fish bowl, dating back to around 1 500, and might be expected to get a five-figure sum at an auction.

  A week later still more unexpectedly, two police officers called and told the Foxes the bowl was stolen property.

  So the bowl never reached the auction room, and Mr. Fox never received the five-figure sum that had been mentioned. However, he framed one of the photographs he had taken and hung it on the wall.

(1)At first Mrs. Fox seemed to be ________.

[  ]

A.greatly annoyed at Mr. Fox's enthusiasm

B.very much interested in the discovery

C.uncertain of Mr. Fox's enthusiasm

D.curious about Mr. Fox's findings

(2)Most likely“Sotheby's”was ________.

[  ] antique shop
B.a friend of Mr. Fox's artist
D.a china store

(3)According to the expert, the bowl could be sold at the price of ________.

[  ]

A.five thousand pounds

B.less than ten thousand pounds thousand, five hundred and ninety pounds least ten thousand pounds

(4)Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Most probably Sotheby's purchased the bowl in the end.

B.It turned out that Mr. Fox got neither the money nor the bowl.

C.Mr. Fox preferred country life to city life after his retirement.

D.Mr. Fox was fond of gardening.



  It’s only 34 centimetres tall but, as the highest honour in the world of cinema, an Oscar is worth its weight in gold.

  Just saying its name draws up images of red carpets, bubbling champagne(冒泡的香槟), beautiful stars and, most importantly of all, success.

  When the 76th Academy Awards were presented this morning in Los Angeles, US, the winners became headline news across the world just as the first Academy Awards.Organized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the first Academy Awards ceremony took place at a Hollywood hotel on May 16, 1929.All the guests knew who had won in advance; the present system of keeping it a secret until the envelope is opened was introduced in 1941.

  The trophy(奖品)is the figure of a knight(骑士)holding a sword.The first awards were solid bronze but a metal shortage during World War Ⅱ meant the trophies were made of plaster(石膏)for a while.Nowadays, the figures are made of metal and given an outer coating of gold.

  Officially known as the Academy Award of Merit, it isn’t clear where the nickname(昵称)Oscar came from.One popular explanation is that an Academy librarian said it looked like her uncle Oscar and the name just stuck.

  The timing of the ceremony has only been disturbed on three occasions.The first was in 1938 when serious floods in Los Angeles delayed the awards by one week.Then in 1968 the ceremony was moved from April 8 to April 10 out of respect for Dr.Martin Luther King, who had been assassinated(暗杀)a few days earlier.Another assassination-a failed attempt on President Ronald Reagan-saw the Oscars delayed by 24 hours in 1981.


When an actor/actress wins a reward of Oscar, he/she ________.

[  ]


can receive a trophy made of pure gold


will receive many rewards


values the recognition of performance


knows it before the Awards ceremony takes place


The first Academy Awards ceremony took place on May 16, 1929, ________.

[  ]


which many actors/actresses showed no interest in them


which was a shock to the world


which had all the well-known performers throughout the world


where each of the winners were given a sword


The Trophies were once made of plaster to ________.

[  ]


cut costs


make them easy to keep


solve the problem of metal shortage


attract people’s attention


The latest delay of the ceremony was due to ________.

[  ]


serious floods


the murder of Martin Luther King


a failed assassination on Ronald Reagan


some unknown reasons


When writing the passage, the author ________.

[  ]


is dreaming of being a winner of Oscar


is trying to tell people more about the stories about Oscar


has found out how Oscar got its name


is not interested in the ceremony of Oscar


  “First we make our habits,then our habits make us.”——Charles C.Noble
  It’s such a simple concept,yet it's something we don’t always do. It’s not extremely difficult to do, and yet I think it’s something that would make a world of difference in anyone’s life. Break your goals into habits,and focus on putting those habits into autopilot. My belief is that having one goal to focus on is much more powerful than having many goals.
  I try to turn my goals into habits,and in doing so,I put my goals on autopilot. Turning a goal into a habit means really focusing on it,seriously,for at least a month,to the exclusion of all else. The more you can focus on it, the more it’ll be put on autopilot. Let’s look at my marathon goal as an example. I was just starting out in running,and l had the brilliant idea to run a marathon within a year. But in order to achieve that goal,I broke it down into two habits:
  1.I had to make running a daily habit.
  2.I had to report to people in order to have accountability(责任)—I did this through family,friends and coworkers,through a blog,and through a column in my local newspaper every two weeks. With this accountability,there’s no way l would stop running.
  The accountability habit took a couple of months,mainly because I didn’t focus on it too much while l was building the running habit. But it stuck,and for that first year of running,I would report to people I knew and blog about my running every day and I would write a column every two weeks for my local paper.
  Once those two habits were firmly fixed,my marathon goal was pretty much on autopilot. I still had to do the work,of course,but it didn’t require constant focus. And eventually,I ran the marathon. I was able to achieve this because,all year long,I had the daily running habit and daily accountability habit. I put my marathon goal into autopilot,and that made it much easier--instead of struggling with it daily for an entire year,I focused on it for one month and was able to accomplish it while focusing on new habits and goals.
55.According to the passage,we can see the key to forming a habit is ______________. break the goals into habits report to other people about your plan set a reasonable goal first focus on the habit as much as possible
56.The author told people about his running in order to ______________.
A.get more support
B.ask for their opinions
C.carry out his plan better
D.earn more admiration
57.What do we know about the author?
A.He was a local athlete.
B.He often gave people advice.
C.He had no blogs before.
D.He wrote for a local newspaper.
58.The passage is mainly about ______________.
A.goals and habits to turn your goals into habits
C.habits and achievements to make running a good habit

