A. simply B. seldom C. never D. usually 答案 16-20 ACDBA 21-25 DCBDA 26-30 CDBCA 31-35 ABCBD Passage 11 (贵州省回龙中学2010届高三10月月考) Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship 21 into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without 22 the people in the film. The man who knows the 23 is the “special-effects man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film 24 . He may be 25 to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a 26 effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a 27 for one movie there was a big glass bowl 28 with water in which small fish 29 swimming. The director of the movie 30 the fish to stop swimming suddenly 31 they seemed to stare atan actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly 32 be ordered to do anything. It was quite a 33 . The special-effects man 34 about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for 35 the fish with a harmless use of electricity. 36 he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still. Then he rapidly reduced the 37 of electricity allowing the fish to be free. 38 he got the humorous effect the director wanted. 39 in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed 40 skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes. 查看更多





Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China? If your answer is “yes”, consider a trip to Shangri-la!

The world “Shangri-la” first  31  in the 1993 novel Lost Horizon by the British writer James Hilton. He described a beautiful kingdom where three  32  joined together, snow-capped mountains  33  to the sky,  34  fields of long grass covered the earth. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay  35  forever.

Three mountains are covered with snow, tower  36  the land. These snowy mountain tops  37  a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless.

Lakes, surrounded by vast grasslands, look  38  jewels. Sheep, cows and horses and animals feed  39  on the green grass and the forests around are  40  to lots of birds and animals. In this heavenly world, people live in perfect harmony with nature and the outside world is forgotten.

31  A  came           B  appeared             C  produced             D  found

32  A  lakes       B  countries             C  rivers              D  railways

33  A  reached         B  expanded             C  spread                 D  stretched

34  A  but              B  so                      C  because               D  and

35  A  calm            B  still                     C  young                  D  the same

36  A  over             B  above                 C  on                      D  beyond

37  A  are               B  form                  C  develop               D  show

38  A  as             B  if                     C  like                     D  for

39  A  simply         B  deeply                C  finally                D  mainly

40  A  family           B  room                   C  family                D  home



  I was about six when I started doing gymnastice.I 36 going into the school's gymnasium full of equipment,with the other kids rushing in ,anxious to 37 ,and the scent in the air.
  I realized I wanted to get 38 with gymnastics when I watched the Olympics.When I saw those 39 use their bodies to gracefully throw 40 up in the air ,I was filled with admiration:It seemed that they could fly and I 41 myself flying like them.And when I finally tried,the 42 I got for that one 43 in the air was freedom,freedom from everything.It was a 44 ,and it was addicting.
  I was crazy when I was little.I was the boy parents didn't want their kids 45 for fear that they would 46 what I did and get hurt.Parents thought I was 47 because I would try tricks that others of my 48 wouldn't.Some of my coaches said kids as old as me don't have the courage and ability to achieve the tricks I could. What most people didn't 49 were the hours I put into learning those tricks.I practiced every step 50 until I put them together and my hard work would 51 something great.
  This hard work once stopped when I 52 ,and started at a new school.Everything there was 53 ,but the giggeset change was a lack of a gymnastics gym.
  Now I've restarted training in a team I can learn from.As a little kid I could only 54 wide-eyed as the gymnast flew high in the air. 55 I'm older,it's my time to fly.
  36.A.regret      B.remember      C.considered     D.avoided
  37.A.enter       B.leave         C.meet          D.learn
  38.A.serious     B.careful        C.busy          D.interested
  39.A.dancers     B.fans          C.athletes       D.winners
  40.A.others      B.themselves     C.everything     D.each other
  41.A.enjoyed     B.found         C.set           D.imagined
  42.A.feeling      B.lesson        C.courage       D.instruction
  43.A.second      B.effort         C.circle        D.stop
  44.A.bore        B.panic         C.high         D.trouble
  45.A.around      B.among        C.above        D.away from
  46.A.study       B.envy          C.notice        D.copy
  47.A.bad        B.crazy          C.excellent      D.dangerous
  48.A.place      B.age            C.time          D.size
  49.A.explain     B.understand     C.realize        D.experience
  50.A.now and then B.all theh time    C.over and over   D.little by little
  51.A.go through   B.belong to      C.turn into       D.give way to
  52.A.moved      B.changed       C.failed         D.finished
  53.A.all right     B.the same      C.terrible         D.different
  54.A.practice      B.watch       C.sigh            D.sit
  55.A.Simply because B.Even though  C.As soon as     D.Now that


When you make a decision to buy something, you must remember that a good name of    product doesn’t ______ mean good quality of it.

A. simply                      B. essentially                 C. necessarily                           D. purposefully


Televisiozn —— that most widespread and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth —— is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary advancement and diversity, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.

The word ‘television’, coming from its Greek ( tele: distant) and Latin ( vision: sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance. Very simply put, it works in this way: through an advanced system of electronics, television provides the capability of changing an image ( focused on a special photoconductive plate within a camera ) into electronic impulses, which can be sent through a wire or cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set), can then be electronically reorganized into that same image.

Television is more than just an electronics system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a tool for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission(播送,中转). First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is nonbroadcast television, which provides for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.

Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for about thirty-seven years in a form similar to that exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major providers of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have actually shaped not only television but our understanding of it as well. We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.

1. What seems to be the best title for the passage?

A. A Powerful Tool of Entertainment.            B. The Means of Transmission of TV.

C. TV: Its Working Rules and Functions.     D. A Brief Introduction to the Development of TV.

2. The rapid change and growth of TV is due to the contributions of         ____ .

A. computer technologies                    B. a new means of transmission

C. a powerful vehicle of communication      D. TV giants like ABC, NBC and CBS

3. The use of the second means of transmission is to meet the requirements of       ____.

A. the people especially interested in nonbroadcast program.

B. certain groups of people.                   

C. the people with a special interest in cable TV.

D. the people interested in controlled transmission techniques.

4. The underlined “very simply put” in Paragraph 2 means      ____.  

A. when it is simply put down               B. when it is put to simple tasks

C. if it is put to simple uses                  D. if it is expressed in a simply way



You are near the front line of a battle. Around you shells are exploding; people are shooting from a house behind you. What are you doing there? You aren’t a soldier. You aren’t ___36___ carrying a gun. You’re standing in front of a ___37___ and you’re telling the TV ___38___ what is happening.

It’s all in a day’s work for a war reporter, and it can be very ___39___. In the first two years of the ___40___ in former Yugoslavia(前南斯拉夫), 28 reporters and photographers were killed. Hundreds more were ___41___. What kind of people put themselves in danger to ___42___ pictures to our TV screens and ___43___ to our newspapers? Why do they do it?

“I think it’s every young journalist’s ___44___ to be a foreign reporter,” says Michael Nicholson, “that’s ___45___ you find the excitement. So when the first opportunity comes, you take it ___46___ it is a war.”

But there are moments of ___47___. Jeremy Bowen says, “Yes, when you’re lying on the ground and bullet(子弹) are flying ___48___ your ears, you think: ‘What am I doing here? I’m not going to do this again.’ But that feeling ___49___ after a while and when the next war starts, you’ll be ___50___.”

“None of us believes that we’re going to ___51___,” adds Michael. But he always ___52___ a lucky charm(护身符) with him. It was given to him by his wife for his first war. It’s a card which says “Take care of yourself.” Does he ever think about dying? “Oh, ___53___, and every time it happens you look to the sky and say to God, ‘If you get me out of this, I ___54___ I’ll never do it again.’ You can almost hear God ___55___, because you know he doesn’t believe you.”

36. A. simply  B. really  C. merely       D. even

37. A. crowd  B. house  C. battlefield   D. camera

38. A. producers    B. viewers      C. directors     D. actors

39. A. dangerous    B. exciting      C. normal       D. disappointing

40. A. stay      B. fight   C. war     D. life

41. A. injured B. buried C. defeated     D. saved

42. A. bring    B. show   C. take    D. make

43. A. scenes  B. passages     C. stories D. contents

44. A. belief   B. dream C. duty    D. faith

45. A. why     B. what   C. how    D. where

46. A. even so B. ever since   C. as if    D. even if

47. A. fear      B. surprise      C. shame D. sadness

48. A. into      B. around       C. past    D. through

49. A. returns B. goes    C. continues    D. occurs

50. A. there    B. away   C. out     D. home

51. A. leave    B. escape C. die      D. remain

52. A. hangs   B. wears  C. holds  D. carries

53. A. never   B. many times C. some time  D. seldom

54. A. consider      B. accept C. promise      D. guess

55. A. whispering   B. laughing     C. screaming   D. crying

