A. number B. average C. speed D. rate 查看更多




Obesity is becoming one of the biggest threats to children’s health, a recent nationwide investigation has warned, pointing out that students’ physical indicators are declining because of a lack of enough exercise.

The past five years have witnessed fast growth in the number of fat children—in some big cities, the number has even doubled, the survey showed.

In Beijing, for example, latest figures from the local education authorities show that the height, weight and chest measurement of young students keep expanding, while physical indices, such as lung capacity, speed and strength, are going down.

The blood pressure of half the secondary school students is above normal; and the number of obese students has increased by 50 percent compared with five years age.

In the urban areas of Beijing and five other economically more developed regions, the average obesity rate of male students in primary schools has reached 12.9 percent.

Nationwide, the obesity rate of children is 8.1 percent and 3.1 percent in urban and rural areas.

“China has entered the era of obesity,” Beijing-based Workers’ Daily quoted Ji Chengye of the Child and Adolescent Health Section of the China Preventive Medicine Association as saying.“Childhood is the first age group affected by obesity, to which society has not paid enough attention,” Ji said.“Obesity in childhood will influence health for life,” the expert added.

The increase in indoor activities such as watching television, surfing the Internet, playing computer games or doing homework, is one of the main reasons for children’s obesity, according to Ji, because it means lack of exercise and little chance for burning calories.Another reason is consumption of excessive junk food.“In the past, children used to drink water.Now they prefer sweet beverages; and some have totally given up water,” Ji said.He also blamed intensive promotions of sweets and junk food, which make it hard for children to resist the temptation.

Also, because of pressure of competition to enter good higher schools, teachers sacrifice students’ physical exercise time for classes.

For instance, about 60 percent of school masters in Beijing admitted that the one hour of outdoor physical exercises per day is not always followed.

“Problems of obesity will not only influence children’s physical and psychological development but also become a “time bomb for the country’s future economic development and public health system,” said Chen Chunming, head of International Life Sciences Institute Focal Point in China.

61.How many reasons are mentioned in the passages that cause child obesity.

A.two                      B. three                   C.four                    D.five

62.Problems of obesity will not ________

A.influence children’s physical and psychological development

B.affect the country’s future economic development

C.have some effect on the country’s public health system

D.harm human history

63.What does the underlined word “obesity” mean?

A.being strong     

B.being too small

C.being too fat

D.being too tall

64.What’s the main idea of the passage?

       A.child obesity has become a big problem

       B.the problem of child obesity is especially serious in Beijing

       C.China has entered the era of obesity

       D.lacking enough exercise is the main reason for children’s obesity



  SHANGHAI--Partly because of a string of malfunctions and the July 23 train crash in Wenzhou, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was not as popular in its first month of operation as many had expected.

  In a news release on Monday, the Ministry of Railways said the railway had transported 5.26 million passengers from July 1 to July 31, or 170,000 passengers a day on average.

  And an average of 179 trains including both those that run at 200 km/h and at 300 km/h trains - were on the line every day, and the trains had an occupancy rate(上座率)of 107%, the ministry said.To many who traveled, that last figure no doubt seems puzzling.How, after all, could carriages that were often half empty have been 107% occupied? Zhao Jian, professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, said the figure is not a good reflection of reality.He accounted for it by noting that a seat aboard one of the trains would be said to have a 200% occupancy rate if one passenger had sat in it from Beijing to Tianjin and then another passenger had occupied the same seat from Suzhou to Shanghai.

  Despite the impressiveness of those figures, travelers will find, perhaps to their surprise, that they will have little trouble buying tickets to ride the 1,318-km-long high-speed rail line.By 7:30 pm on Monday, passengers could still buy 754 second-class tickets and 148 first-class tickets for a high-speed train that is to leave from Shanghai for Beijing on Tuesday afternoon, according to the China Railway Customer Service Center's website.The train contains 1,066 seats.

  The story was different for those who want to travel by air between Shanghai and Beijing.Luo Zhuping, board secretary of China Eastern Airlines, said seats on the company's flights on that route are selling well:90 percent of them continue to be occupied.

  The situation was different in the first week after the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train began operating on the last day of Junc.The airline then saw the number of travelers using its service fall by 20 percent and began offering generous discounts to draw in more passengers.Few such incentives are being given now, he said.Still, passengers have not totally abandoned high-speed rails in the days following the Wenzhou train crash, which has killed 40 passengers and injured 191.


Which of the following is NOT true about the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train?

[  ]


It began operating on June 30th.


There are trains that run at different speeds.


An average of 179 trains were on the line every day.


On average, 5.26 million passengers take it a day in July.


What made many people who traveled puzzled?

[  ]


The train's speed.


The number of the trains.


The train's occupancy rate.


The seats number of the train.


According to Zhao Jian, the occupancy rate of the train is _________.

[  ]










What can we infer from the words of the board secretary of China Eastern Airlines?

[  ]


Airlines offer more discount to attract passengers.


The high-speed railway has a great impact on airlines.


Airlines aren't affected by high-speed railway so much.


The high-speed railway is much more popular than airlines.


What can we know from the 4th paragraph?

[  ]


The distance from Belling to Shanghai is 1318 km.


Passengers can buy tickets only at 7∶30 pm on Monday.


There is some trouble buying the tickets from Shanghai to Belling.


There are 754 second-class seats and 148 first-class seats in a train.



Starting next year, Ford Motor Co. will allow parents to limit the speed at which their teenage children drive their cars.

The company will make a 36 feature on many 2010 models that can 37 teen drivers to 80mph(130kph), using a computer chip in the 38.

Parents in the United States, where most teens can get their 39 at 16, also have the option of programming the car key to limit the audio system’s volume, and to sound continuous alerts if the driver doesn’t wear a 40.

“Our message to 41 is, hey, we are providing you some conditions to give your new drivers that may allow you to feel a little more comfortable in giving them the car more often,” said Jim Buczkowski, Ford’s director of electronic and electrical systems engineering.

More than 5,000 US teens die each year in car 42. The rate of crashes, fatal and nonfatal, per mile driven for 16-year-old drivers is almost 10 times the 43 for drivers ages 30 to 59, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The new feature, called “MtKey”, will be standard on an unspecified number of Ford models when the 2010 cars and trucks come out late next summer. Ford arrived at the 80 mph limit even though freeway speed limits are lower in most states because it wanted to leave a margin 44 an unusual situation arises, Buczkowski said. In some states, freeway speed limits are above 70 mph.

The company already uses computer chips in its keys to prevent thefts. The car won’t start 45 it recognizes the chip in the key.

“ It’s 46 existing technology, and 47 the magic of software, we’re able to build features on top of the features we already have,” Buczkowski said.

36. A. new                           B. old                           C. strange               D. advanced

37. A. fasten                        B. encourage                 C. limit                    D. make

38. A. wheel                        B. key                         C. window                D. seat

39. A. drivers license            B. drivers picture           C. ID cards                D. certificates

40. A. school uniform           B. T-shirt                      C. seat belt                   D. climbing boots

41. A. teachers                    B. neighbours                C. parents                     D. friends

42. A. factories                    B. crashes                    C. shows                      D. drives

43. A. number                   B. average                    C. speed                       D. rate

44. A. in case                       B. if only                      C. even though              D. in addition

45. A. because                         B. while                        C. if                          D. unless

46. A. making up of                     B. making use of         C. making of                 D. making for

47. A. in                              B. with                         C. across                   D. through



     For the first time the workforce has seen more women than men-a historic decline (下降) caused by long-
term changes in women's roles and lots of job losses for men during this decline.
     Women hold 50.83% of the nation's 132 million jobs this month and they're gaining the vast majority of jobs
in the few parts of the economy that are growing, according to the most recent numbers from Mr. Hartman, a
workforce researcher. That's a record high for a measure that's been growing steadily for decades and speeding
during the decline. At the current speed, women will become a majority of workers next two months.
     According to the report, women have struggled long and hard to get to this point, and the change reflects the
growing importance of women as salary earners, but it doesn't show full equality, because women work fewer
hours than men and hold more part-time jobs and earn 77% of what men make on average. Men still control
higher-paying positions.
     Women have been a growing share of the once heavily male labor force for nearly a century, recording
shocking increases in events such as World War II. This time, the improvement came from a sharp decline that
has been cruel on male-controlled professions such as construction and manufacturing.
     The only growing parts of the economy like health care, education and government have traditionally hired
mostly women. This kind of control has increased in the past because the money added by government has been
usually directed to education, health care and state and local government offices.
     The increased number in local government's 14.6 million-person workforce is especially remarkable. Cities,
schools, water authorities and other government offices have cut 86,000 men from payrolls (工资名单) during
the decline, while adding 167,000 women, according to the research report.
     Equality in workforce numbers reflects a long-term cultural change, says Maureen Honey, author of a book
about the government's efforts to persuade women to work outside the home during World War II. "The image
that men have to be the bread winner has changed," Maureen Honey says.
1. What happens to the workforce during this decline?
A. Women take most jobs in the economy.
B. Men take up the most important jobs.
C. A large number of men got unemployed.
D. Women have got full equality as men.
2. What does Mr. Hartman think of women working fewer hours than men?
A. It's because women have to do part-time jobs.
B. It's due to men's control of higher-paying jobs.
C. It reflects women's-financial importance in family.
D. It shows women haven't got their equal share yet.
3. During World War II, the women workforce _____.
A. increased sharply and obviously
B. decreased suddenly and quickly
C. took over the male-controlled jobs
D. made a record-high employment rate
4. The passage mainly explains the point that _____.
A. equality in workforce number is a cultural issue
B. women will soon become a majority of workers
C. women should not be limited at their home
D. the decline has perfectly changed the workforce


SHANGHAI--Partly because of a string of malfunctions and the July 23 train crash in Wenzhou, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was not as popular in its first month of operation as many had expected.

     In a news release on Monday, the Ministry of Railways said the railway had transported 5.26 million passengers from July 1 to July 31, or 170,000 passengers a day on average.

     And an average of 179 trains including both those that run at 200 km/h and at 300 km/h trains - were on the line every day, and the trains had an occupancy rate (上座率) of 107%, the ministry said. To many who traveled, that last figure no doubt seems puzzling. How, after all, could carriages that were often half empty have been 107% occupied? Zhao Jian, professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, said the figure is not a good reflection of reality. He accounted for it by noting that a seat aboard one of the trains would be said to have a 200% occupancy rate if one passenger had sat in it from Beijing to Tianjin and then another passenger had occupied the same seat from Suzhou to Shanghai.

     Despite the impressiveness of those figures, travelers will find, perhaps to their surprise, that they will have little trouble buying tickets to ride the 1,318-km-long high-speed rail line. By 7:30 pm on Monday, passengers could still buy 754 second-class tickets and 148 first-class tickets for a high-speed train that is to leave from Shanghai for Beijing on Tuesday afternoon, according to the China Railway Customer Service Center's website. The train contains 1,066 seats.

     The story was different for those who want to travel by air between Shanghai and Beijing. Luo Zhuping, board secretary of China Eastern Airlines, said seats on the company's flights on that route are selling well: 90 percent of them continue to be occupied.

     The situation was different in the first week after the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train began operating on the last day of Junc. The airline then saw the number of travelers using its service fall by 20 percent and began offering generous discounts to draw in more passengers. Few such incentives are being given now, he said. Still, passengers have not totally abandoned high-speed rails in the days following the Wenzhou train crash, which has killed 40 passengers and injured 191.

61. Which of the following is NOT true about the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train?

    A. It began operating on June 30th.

    B. There are trains that run at different speeds.

    C. An average of 179 trains were on the line every day.

    D. On average, 5.26 million passengers take it a day in July.

62. What made many people who traveled puzzled?

    A. The train's speed.                 B. The number of the trains.

    C. The train's occupancy rate.          D. The seats number of the train.

63. According to Zhao Jian, the occupancy rate of the train is ________.

    A. unreal          B. inaccurate      C. unbelievable   D. unreasonable

64. What can we infer from the words of the board secretary of China Eastern Airlines?

    A. Airlines offer more discount to attract passengers.

    B. The high-speed railway has a great impact on airlines.

    C. Airlines aren't affected by high-speed railway so much.

D. The high-speed railway is much more popular than airlines.

65. What can we know from the 4th paragraph?

    A. The distance from Belling to Shanghai is 1318 km.

    B. Passengers can buy tickets only at 7:30 pm on Monday.

    C. There is some trouble buying the tickets from Shanghai to Belling.

    D. There are 754 second-class seats and 148 first-class seats in a train.


