--- May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word. --- It’s over there. . A. It depends B. Got it C. Feel free D. No problem 查看更多



---May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word.

---It’s over there.________.

A. My pleasure     B. Got it      C. Feel free         D. No problem



---May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word.
---It’s over there. _______.
[     ]
A. It depends
B. Got it
C. Feel free
D. No problem


--- May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word.

   --- It’s over there.         .

   A. It depends    B. Got it       C. Feel free           D. No problem


--- May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word.

   --- It’s over there.         .

   A. It depends    B. Got it       C. Feel free           D. No problem


-May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word.

-It’s over there.        .

A.        It depends    B. Got it    C. Feel free    D. No problem

