第二节:完形填空 I will never forget that Tuesday afternoon in the doctor's office. I had been feeling sick for a long time and my mum had taken me to hospital to have me 31. Two weeks ago, Dr Richards asked me a great many questions and took 32 of my blood. Now, he was looking at mum and me across his desk and there was a sad look in his eyes. I knew that the news was bad. Dr Richards told me that the test results showed that I was suffering from a 33 disease. "It is cancer," he said. 34 I did not know much about cancer then, I had heard that it was an 35 disease. Hearing it, mum held my hand, crying and I 36 that my life was going to end. The next year was 37 and difficult for me and my family. Like many people with cancer, I had to be 38 with radiation followed by treatment with chemicals. The treatment made me sick, very sick. There were days when I wished that I were dead so that I would not have to feel so sick. My family and friends were wonderful. They helped me find the 39 I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and 40. The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fourteen months, two days and six hours in hospital. Two years have passed and my 41 has not yet ended. 42, I now feel as if that was when my life really began. I plan to live 43 it for a long, long time. Now, the cancer in my body has been 44 for the moment, but I 45 that I will never be completely free from it and my 46 against it will never end. I now 47 my cancer as a gift. It taught me an important 48 about life. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to 49 every chance to live life to the fullest. Every day is a new opportunity, and I have learnt to 50 every minute of each day. 31.A. examined B. checked C. tested D. operated 32.A. models B. samples C. types D. sorts 33.A. common B. slight C. serious D. heavy 34 A. Since B. Because C. As D. Although 35. A. easy B. incurable C. ordinary D. unbelievable 36.A. hoped B. found C. thought D. saw 37. A. tiring B. comfortable C. happy D. painful 38. A treated B. cured C. pleased D. satisfied 39. A. resource B. energy C. strength D. power 40. A. single B. alone C. lone D. lonely 41. A. life B. dream C. hope D. belief 42. A. As a whole B. On the contrary C. In general D. In all 43. A. in B. by C. for D. with 44.A. defeated B. cured C. beaten D. recovered 45.A. fear B. know C. realize D. guess 46. A. war B. argument C. struggle D. campaign 47.A. look on B. look up C. look at D. look into 48. A. memory B. lesson C. impression D. thing 49. A. miss B. hold C. take D. lose 50.A. spend B. kill C. waste D. appreciate 查看更多



第二节:完形填空 (共20小题,每题1分, 满分20分)
With the introduction of family planning policies in the 1970s, most Chinese teenagers have no brothers or sisters.They get to be the beloved(心爱的)__21__child.But they may not realize that they will have to “__22__” the love as their__23__ones grow old.They will have to__24__lots of old people—their parents, grandparents, their_   25  _parents and grandparents.China is becoming__26_  country.
According to the United Nations, an aging society refers to one   27   10 percent or more of the population is over 60, or 7 percent or more is over 65. According to   28   from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 2008, Chinese over 60 years old made up 12 percent of the nation’s total population. The    29    for those aged 65 or older was 8.3 percent.
In China, people have a belief that “parents raise children; then the children care for the parents as they get old”.But this__30__is under stress as the market economy puts millions of young Chinese on the road__31__better paying jobs.They are leaving their parents__32_.Now many families are looking more to the government than to their__33__for support when they’re old.China has increased its basic social security(基本社会保险)plan which is__34__protecting those__35__, including the old, the disabled and others.These programs are now broad, __36_they are still not highly developed.
As more people grow__37__, China will have fewer working people, __38__will slow down economic growth.According to a November 26 report in the Economic Information Daily, an expert said China should __39__its people to have more than one child in the future__40_China should keep its labor population and total population size stable(稳定的).
21.A.only        B.lonely    C.friendly        D.heartily
22.A.take up  B.take back  C.pay back D.pay for
23.A.hated     B.loved       C.tired      D.hearted
24.A.care for    B.bring up   C.look for    D.pay attention to
25.A.daughter’s or son’s     B.niece’s or nephew’s
C.wife’s or husband’s       D.aunt’s or uncle’s
26.A.an old      B.an aging   C.a developing    D.a developed
27.A.where       B.when     C.which       D.that
28.A.an article  B.an email   C.a magazine      D.a report
29.A.conclusion      B.character       C.figure      D.survey
30.A.tradition   B.opinion  C. saying          D.way
31.A.in favor of      B.in search of   C.in the way of    D.in the face of
32.A.out   B.off   C.ahead     D.behind
33.A.friends     B.relatives    C.parents     D.children
34.A.an act      B.a case       C.a program       D.a plan
35.A.in danger        B.in need     C.in desperate      D.in disaster
36.A.but    B.or     C.and   D.so
37.A.strong    B.realistic  C.rich   D.old
38.A.as     B.which       C.what  D.that
39.A.forbid      B.promise   C. encourage        D.order
40.A.so that      B.though      C.even if     D.because


第二节:完形填空 (共20小题,每题1分, 满分20分)


With the introduction of family planning policies in the 1970s, most Chinese teenagers have no brothers or sisters.They get to be the beloved(心爱的)__21__child.But they may not realize that they will have to “__22__” the love as their__23__ones grow old.They will have to__24__lots of old people—their parents, grandparents, their_   25  _parents and grandparents.China is becoming__26_  country.

According to the United Nations, an aging society refers to one    27   10 percent or more of the population is over 60, or 7 percent or more is over 65. According to   28   from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 2008, Chinese over 60 years old made up 12 percent of the nation’s total population. The    29    for those aged 65 or older was 8.3 percent.

In China, people have a belief that “parents raise children; then the children care for the parents as they get old”.But this__30__is under stress as the market economy puts millions of young Chinese on the road__31__better paying jobs.They are leaving their parents__32_.Now many families are looking more to the government than to their__33__for support when they’re old.China has increased its basic social security(基本社会保险)plan which is__34__protecting those__35__, including the old, the disabled and others.These programs are now broad, __36_they are still not highly developed.

 As more people grow__37__, China will have fewer working people, __38__will slow down economic growth.According to a November 26 report in the Economic Information Daily, an expert said China should __39__its people to have more than one child in the future__40_China should keep its labor population and total population size stable(稳定的).

21.A.only        B.lonely     C.friendly        D.heartily

22.A.take up  B.take back  C.pay back D.pay for

23.A.hated      B.loved       C.tired       D.hearted

24.A.care for    B.bring up   C.look for    D.pay attention to

25.A.daughter’s or son’s      B.niece’s or nephew’s

      C.wife’s or husband’s        D.aunt’s or uncle’s

26.A.an old      B.an aging   C.a developing    D.a developed

27.A.where       B.when      C.which       D.that

28.A.an article  B.an email   C.a magazine      D.a report

29.A.conclusion      B.character        C.figure      D.survey

30.A.tradition   B.opinion  C. saying          D.way

31.A.in favor of      B.in search of    C.in the way of    D.in the face of

32.A.out   B.off   C.ahead      D.behind

33.A.friends     B.relatives    C.parents     D.children

34.A.an act      B.a case       C.a program       D.a plan

35.A.in danger        B.in need     C.in desperate      D.in disaster

36.A.but    B.or     C.and   D.so

37.A.strong     B.realistic  C.rich   D.old

38.A.as     B.which       C.what  D.that

39.A.forbid      B.promise   C. encourage        D.order

40.A.so that      B.though      C.even if     D.because

