2.代词 ⑴ 人称代词, ⑵ 物主代词, ⑶ 反身代词, ⑷ 指示代词, ⑸ 不定代词, ⑹ 疑问代词, ⑺ 关系代词. 查看更多




Most young people only get seven hours   1  (介词)sleep each night,   2  (对比连词)they actually need nine hours.And   3  (make)up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping   4  (介词)weekends doesn’t really work.In fact, sleeping late may actually do you much harm.You have sleep problems.  5  (合并为主从复合句)What happens if you don’t   6  (谓语动词)enough sleep? If   7  (人称代词)sleep problem continues for a few nights, you could suffer serious   8  (problem).  9   Lack of sleepy can affect learning and memory.(改正错误)  10  (比较级), sleep difficulties could lead to anxiety or depression(抑郁).



I don't think[1] _________ (人称代词)is good to send teenagers abroad to study.?[2] _________ (Compare)with China's education, [3]foreign education has many problems (改为there be 句型).Some foreign schools are not as good[4] _________ (连词)those of our country in teaching quality.In[5] _________ (指示代词)schools,students can't learn more,and therefore waste a lot of money,[6] _________ (连接词)is a heavy burden to their families.[7]Teenagers are too young to take care of themselves either in their study or in their daily life.(改为so...that...句型) As they don't have the ability to tell right [8] _________ (介词)wrong,and have less necessary help and guidance,some [9] _________ (谓语动词)their interest in studies and [10]even learn something badly to themselves.(改正错误)



Zhang Daqian(1899~1983), was   1  (冠词)Chinese painter,   2  (连词)was a native of Neijiang, Sichuan, and   3  (settle)in Taiwan in 1977, Zhang devoted his   4  (形容词)years   5  (介词)traditional painting, developed a style of purity in his middle age,   6  (并列连词)invented the free and “splash color” technique for   7  (人称代词)late years.Mastering the Chinese palette(调色), he stood out in use light reddish-brown and blue-and-green colors.  8  (改正错误)In honor of Zhang, after it is three years of preparation,   9  (改为介词短语)the TV series about Zhang Daqian is going to begin filming in March.It is expected to hit Chinese screens before the end of this year.  10  (改为复合句)



When I was about twelve, I   1  (sudden)developed great interest in writing poetry.If a lesson   2  (助动词)not interest me, I would take out   3  (人称代词)notebook and start writing poems in class.One day   4  (连词)I was busy write a poem in a geography lesson.I looked up find the teacher   5  (动词词组).He tore the poem up, warning me not   6  (不定式)time in his class.I had written such a good poem   7  (固定句型)in the evening I wrote   8  (宾语)out again from memory.Weeks later, I   9  (read)about a poetry contest and I decided to send out my poem.After a month, I got a letter informing me I had won   10  (冠词)first prize.Everyone at school was glad, except the geography teacher.


As they were classmates, ________ was no wonder that they should do the work in the same way


