Dogs like to meat from the bones. 58. 查看更多



An American man from Las Vegas opened a dog and cat hotel recently. Pats can rest on soft rugs(小地毯), watch television and get to know some new friends while their masters have fun in the city
The American Dog and Cat Hotel opened officially on a Wednesday in March. There is everything a pet could want --- and more.
“We hear time and time again. ‘This is so nice, I’d like to stay here.’ ” the hotel manager said in an interview. He believed that people would want for their pets what they wanted for themselves.
Kennels(狗舍) have been around for a long time, but nowadays masters want to put their loved pets in some better places, he added.
He said the cats and dogs like to watch images(图像) on TV although they may not understand them. Anyway, they don’t have to know Britney Spears or Emimem to enjoy the pop music. Also, “The dogs don’t know it is a rug, but they know it is soft,” he said.
Pet masters can book a dog suite(套房) for $79 a night. Baths and other services are also offered.
The pet hotel manager believes that all the animal lovers in the world will love this great idea.
1. By “--- and more” in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph the writer means that ______.
A. there’re also things for the pet masters
B. some of the things are unnecessary
C. there’re things a pet cannot fully enjoy
D. all the things are plenty in amount
2. In the pet masters’ opinion, the kennels are _____.
A. not good enough                 B. too old to live in
C. just an equal choice               D. no longer in existence
3. The 5th paragraph suggests that ______.
A. some pets know some pop stars
B. “rug” is a difficult word for a pet to learn
C. pets enjoy things the same way humans do
D. pets enjoy things at a sensational level


Have you ever heard anyone say “It’s raining cats and dogs”? It means “It’s raining hard!”

   But sometimes cats and dogs do drop from the sky! Here’s how it happens.

   Not so long ago, a country far away had many large rats. The people there said, “ We need cats!” So cats were sent to them by airplane. But the country had many mountains. It was hard for an airplane to land. So the cats came down by parachute(降落伞). Did the cats like the ride? They didn’t say they didn’t! And today they are still catching rats!

In another country far away, there is snow the year around. People sometimes got lost in it.

    “We need big dogs!” the people said, “The dogs could find people lost in the snow. The dogs could help bring them home. Where can we get big dogs?”

A man across the sea had big dogs to sell. “I will send dogs to you,” he said. “ I have some very big ones. They can find people lost in the snow.”He sent the dogs by airplane.

   But the airplane did not land in the snow. The dogs came down by parachute ---- you guessed it !Did the dogs like the ride? They didn’t say they didn’t! And today they are well and happy.They find anyone who gets lost in the snow. Then they help him get home. Good dogs!Remember it, so you can say, “ Yes, it does rain cats and dogs sometimes. They came down by parachute!”

1.The underlined word “ it” In Paragraph  2  refers to __________.

   A.the weather

   B.the saying “It’s raining cats and dogs.”

   C.the saying “It’s raining hard.”

   D.the fact that real cats and dogs drop from the sky.

2.Cats and dogs drop from the sky because ______.

   A.there are many mountains in the country.

   B. it snows the year around in the country.

   C. was hard for a plane to land in the two countries.

   D. coming down by parachute could save money.

3.The main purpose of the passage is to _________________.

   A.tell the readers cats and dogs do drop from the sky

   B.tell the readers of a new meaning about an old saying. cats and dogs are our good friends. parachute is an important




An American man from Las Vegas opened a dog and cat hotel recently. Pats can rest on soft rugs(小地毯), watch television and get to know some new friends while their masters have fun in the city

The American Dog and Cat Hotel opened officially on a Wednesday in March. There is everything a pet could want --- and more.

“We hear time and time again. ‘This is so nice, I’d like to stay here.’ ” the hotel manager said in an interview. He believed that people would want for their pets what they wanted for themselves.

Kennels(狗舍) have been around for a long time, but nowadays masters want to put their loved pets in some better places, he added.

He said the cats and dogs like to watch images(图像) on TV although they may not understand them. Anyway, they don’t have to know Britney Spears or Emimem to enjoy the pop music. Also, “The dogs don’t know it is a rug, but they know it is soft,” he said.

Pet masters can book a dog suite(套房) for $79 a night. Baths and other services are also offered.

The pet hotel manager believes that all the animal lovers in the world will love this great idea.

1. By “--- and more” in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph the writer means that ______.

A. there’re also things for the pet masters

B. some of the things are unnecessary

C. there’re things a pet cannot fully enjoy

D. all the things are plenty in amount

2. In the pet masters’ opinion, the kennels are _____.

A. not good enough                 B. too old to live in

C. just an equal choice               D. no longer in existence

3. The 5th paragraph suggests that ______.

A. some pets know some pop stars

B. “rug” is a difficult word for a pet to learn

C. pets enjoy things the same way humans do

D. pets enjoy things at a sensational level




The Tasmanian devil is a rare marsupial(有袋动物)that lives only on the Australian island state of Tasmania. The doglike animal is rapidly disappearing. The Tasmanian state government estimates that the number of devils has dropped from around 150,000 in the mid-1990s to between 20,000 and 50,000 at the end of 2007.

The devil was declared an endangered species last week. It is being wiped out by a rare cancer called devil facial tumor(肿瘤)disease(DFTD). It spreads like a cold or flu from animal to animal. The disease is passed when one devil bites another. When the marsupial is infected with DFTD, large tumors develop around its mouth and neck. These growths make it impossible for the devil to eat. Many finally die from starvation within six months of being infected. As the name implies, the disease occurs only in Tasmanian devils and cannot be passed to humans.

You’ve got to remember that devils are scavengers(清扫工). They search through garbage for food. Throughout Tasmania people maintain outdoor dumps. If somebody threw out a carcass(兽类尸体), then the devils might actually consume quite large quantities of it.

The disease has not yet appeared in the devil population that lives in the northwest region of Tasmania. Conservationists have captured some of the healthy devils and sent them to a new home on the mainland of Australia. They hope these DFTD-free marsupials can be used to start a captive-breeding population. Once there are more disease-free devils, they can then repopulate the areas of Tasmania where the species are being wiped out.

Tasmanian devils play an important role in keeping the state’s ecosystem in balance. They keep the population of other predators, such as foxes and wild cats, in check. Ray Nias, head of World Wildlife Federation—Australia’s conservation program, says all Tasmanian wildlife will suffer if the devil becomes extinct. “If the devils go and the foxes and cats increase, it would be all over for a good dozen or more species of mammals, many of which are unique to Tasmania.”

46. It can be inferred that the Tasmanian devil is __________.

A. a hard-working street-cleaner                        B. a grass-eating animal

C. a meat-eating marsupial                                D. A DFTD origin

47. What’s the reason for making the Tasmanian devil endangered?

A. A rare disease called DFTD occurs in Tasmanian devils.

B. Dogs like to attack Tasmanian devils.

C. Tasmanian people try to wipe out Tasmanian devils.

D. The region of Tasmania is becoming hard for Tasmanian devils to breed.

48. To which question does the last paragraph give the answer?

A. How should people protect the devils?

B. What do the Tasmanian people do with the devils?

C. What happens if the devils disappear?

D. Which animal is closely related to the devils?

49. What measures do Tasmanian people take to stop the devils from being wiped out?

A. Trapping disease-free devils in a new place to breed more young devils.

B. Searching the cause of the disease and finding an effective treatment.

C. Developing new chemicals for the infected animals.

D. Moving all the devils to a new home on the mainland of Australia.

50. What’s true about DFTD?

A. It’s a disease that can be spread to human beings.

B. It’s a cold that occurs only in Tasmanian devils.

C. It’s a flu that Tasmanian devils get from their companions.

D. It’s a cancer that can be passed from one Tasmanian devil to another.




Family members become closer during such a trip, therefore make sure to bring every family member with you — needless to say, your pet dog as well. Enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sunshine with your pet and you will feel much closer to it.

If you have decided to take your dog on a self-driving holiday, a full and detailed preparation is needed.

When reaching the destination, dogs need comfortable and cozy places to rest, but they are sometimes banned from some hotels and restaurants. Therefore it is of great importance to make sure the place you are going is dog-friendly.

Dogs like Golden Retrievers, Schnauzers, Labradors and Cocker Spaniels are quite lively and outgoing in nature so are suitable for a trip. But some canines are not, such as those which are too young or too old.The old dog lets you know quickly about being uncomfortable with unfamiliar circumstances, while the young ones are easy to get hurt.

Many people wrongly believe that holiday trips are beneficial to animals, strengthening their ability to deal with strange environments. But experts say that it’s not as effective as they think and the ability to adapt to different environments needs to be trained into the dogs before they come across such challenges. A sudden trip can be too much of a burden for many dogs which will feel stressed and scared.Only those more naturally friendly dogs will feel happy on a trip with owners by their side.

Special attention should be paid to animal insurance because in a strange environment dogs can be easily frightened by other animals and run away. Keeping them well tied up is advisable.

Another important point that requires your attention is the possibility of attacks by other dogs in rural areas where immunity(免疫力) from disease cannot be guaranteed.

64.The underlined word “canines ” in Para.4 refers to ________.

A.destinations             B.dogs         C.  hotels and restaurants            D.people

65.People should pay special attention to animal insurance because ________.

    A.there are too many young dogs

    B.dogs have the ability to adapt to new environments

    C.  dogs are easily attacked by other dogs in rural areas

    D.dogs are easily afraid of other animals and run away in a strange place

66.The main reason why people bring their dogs on holiday is that ________.

    A.they are not safe at home    

B.they are members of the family

    C.  their dogs can learn a lot outside

    D.people can build a better relationship with them

67.What’s the best title of the passage?

    A.Bring Your Pet on Holiday            B.Take Care of Your Pet

    C.  A Special Member of the Family   D.Animal Insurance


