- It is said that another new car factory now. - Yeah. It one and a half years. A. is building, takes B. is being built, will take C. is built, will take D. is being built, takes 查看更多



— It is said that another new car factory _____ now.

— Yeah. It _____ one and a half years.

A.is building; takes

B.is being built; will take

C.is built; will take

D.is being built; takes



— It is said that another new car factory _____ now.

— Yeah. It _____ one and a half years.

A. is building; takes                 B. is being built; will take

C. is built; will take                D. is being built; takes


— It is said that another new car factory _____ now.
— Yeah. It _____ one and a half years.

A.is building; takesB.is being built; will take
C.is built; will takeD.is being built; takes


--- It’s said that another new car factory _______ now.

   --- Yeah.  It ________ one and a half years.    

A. is building; will take          B. is built; will take

C. is being built; will take        D. is being built; takes



--It's said that another new car factory ________ now.

--Yeah. It _________ one and a half years.

[  ]

A. is being built, will take

B. is building, takes

C. is built, has taken

D. is being, takes

