21 – 25 BCDAC 26 – 30 BCCBA 意图:理解文中的具体信息.根据上下文语境.理解文章的基本结构.对一些词的用法和固定搭配进行应用. 21 little与great相对应 22 由下文advertising可知 23 and连接的词与shy含义一致 24 要续写章节用follow 25 老师给作文的分数用grade 26 前后构成转折关系用however 27 四个字改变了他的一生 28 读了老师的批注以后 29 不定代词sth.表某种东西 30 此空的形容词与后两个形容词相对应.总结作者的观点和态度 查看更多



第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


     In about 250 BC, the Greek scientist Archimedes was asked by King Hieron to

find out if his crown was__21__ gold . Archimedes thought and thought about the problem

Suddenly the answer__22__ to him when he was having a bath .

As he got into the bath .Archimedes __23__ that if he immersed (浸入)the king’s crown in a vessel __24__ to the brim (边缘) with water, it would cause some water to __25__ .If he then immersed a piece of pure gold of the same __26__ as this crown, the same amount of water would overflow if the crown was pure gold . __27__ this way , Archimedes found that the crown __28__ pure gold.

           He is believed to have rushed naked (赤裸) from his bath into the __29__shouting , “ Eureka ! ” , __30__means, “ I’ve found it !” Archimedes made many important scientific discoveries, __31__pulleys (滑轮) ,and he first explained__32__things float.

          A __33__-word code was sent from Kissinger (基辛格) to Nixon(尼克松), “ Eureka” , meaning that the trip had been __34__.After returning from Beijing ,Kissinger and his assistant wrote a __35__ to Nixon, “We have the __36__work for you and Mao to turn a page in __37__.” On July 15 Nixon informed stunned (震惊的) television viewers of Kissinger’s __38__ trip and his own plan to visit China some time before May 1972. In October 1971, Kissinger returned to __39__, with a team of “ advance men”, to __40__ for Nixon’s own visit.

   21 A special           B true            C simple          D pure 

   22 A hit              B came           C passed          D belonged

   23 A realized          B said            C remarked        D knew 

   24 A filled            B full             C exact           D perfect

   25 A freeze           B overflow         C fall             D lose 

   26 A weight           B size             C length          D shape

   27 A On              B In              C By             D At

   28 A was not          B was hardly        C was nearly      D was almost

   29 A bathroom         B waiting-room     C bedroom        D street

   30 A when            B what             C that            D which

   31 A regarding         B supposing        C including       D considering

   32 A how             B where            C why           D when

   33 A one              B double           C three           D four

   34 A successful         B necessary         C secret         D public

   35 A letter             B report            C note           D notice

   36 A result            B ground            C full            D terrible

   37 A world            B country         C history         D century

   38 A secret            B tiring           C helpful         D dangerous

   39 A China            B U.S            C his hometown   D Greece

   40 A prepare           B wait            C send          D look





If you wear socks on your ears, you won’t be punished. Crossing a street against a red light is another matter — it’s against the law. Laws are __21________ rules made by governments. They keep peace and create order. __22_______ people break laws, their governments punish them. Long ago, people lived only in small tribal groups. They lived together, followed the same __23_______, and worshipped the same gods. There were no formal laws. __24_______, people were guided by their customs, morals, and religion.

Over time, cities began to form. Laws became more formal and were written down in legal codes. In about 1750 BC, the king of Babylon __25_______ one of the first legal codes, the Code of Hammurabi. It listed certain crimes and told how they should be punished. The ancient Romans helped shape our modern view of law. In the 600s BC, citizens of Rome wrote down all of their basic laws on twelve bronze tablets. The Romans declared that no citizen, __26_______ the ruler, was above the law. Modern law codes are rooted in the Roman system. Such law codes are statutory, meaning they are created and changed by legislatures, not by courts.

Another system of law __27_______ later in England. Before the 12th century AD., each part of England had its own rules and customs. From the 12th century onward, England became a single nation. The courts of the land made sure people __28_______ a common set of customs—the English common law.

Unlike the Roman system of law, the common law was never written down in one place. Instead, the courts made decisions about the law __29_______ earlier court decisions. Those decisions are called examples. Each case must be decided in the same way as earlier cases. But if a case has some new aspects, the decision made will set a new example. That way, courts gradually change the law __30_______ society changes.

21.   A. police                      B. political                          C. official                     D. officer

22.   A. Unless                            B. Until                               C. Though                    D. When

23.   A. laws                        B. traditions                         C. action                      D. principles

24.   A. Instead                     B. Including                        C. Besides                    D. Moreover

25.   A. imagined                  B. assumed                          C. created                     D. supposed

26.   A. except for                B. not even                          C. in addition to            D. besides

27.   A. took effect               B. made up                          C. got over                   D. picked up

28.   A. formed                    B. provided                         C. presented                  D. followed

29.   A. set about                  B. based on                          C. came to                    D. taken over

30.   A. before                      B. after                               C. despite                            D. as



  Paper was one of the most important inventions in the whole of Chinese history  1 this invention, much is known about Chinese 2 because records were kept on paper. However, in other parts of the world, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely  3 .As there was no paper in these countries, no  4 were kept.

  It is believed that before  5 was developed, people in China  6 keep records by a number of stones together. As soon as  7 came to development, people carved words on animal bones.  8 ,words were carved on metal pots; examples of these have been  9 from the 16th to the 3rd centuries BC.  10 the 2nd and the 15th centuries AD people wrote on  11 of bamboo or wood and these were tied together to  12 a book. Although these were much more  13 than the metal pots, they were still  14 to read and write, and very  15 to carry.

  At the same time another kind of book was  16 ,made from silk. Some silk  17 that have been found are over 2140 years old. It was  18 to write and draw on silk. The  19 was that it was too valuable for  20 Because it was so  21 ,people developed a  22 of paper made from the fibbers of  23 .They used fishing nets, the outside of trees, and  24 as silk but much  25 expensive.


[  ]

A.From   B.As a result of   C.Instead of   D.In spite of


[  ]

A.education   B.stories   C.culture   D.history


[  ]

A.discovered   B.found out   C.known   D.unknown


[  ]

A.results   B.invention   C.records   D.books


[  ]

A.maths   B.paper   C.space   D.science


[  ]

A.should   B.couldn’t   C.must   D.used to


[  ]

A.language   B.writing   C.Chinese   D.life


[  ]

A.However   B.So   C.Later   D.Therefore


[  ]

A.found   B.hidden   C.dug   D.shown


[  ]

A.Both   B.From   C.Early   D.Between


[  ]

A.kinds   B.pieces   C.piles   D.surface


[  ]

A.become   B.print   C.form   D.change


[  ]

A.useful   B.beautiful   C.necessary   D.important


[  ]

A.easy   B.difficult   C.a waste   D.useless


[  ]

A.impossible   B.careful   C.light   D.heavy


[  ]

A.developed   B.produced   C.printed   D.sold


[  ]

A.clothes   B.pictures   C.books   D.papers


[  ]

A.easy   B.interesting   C.important   D.possible


[  ]

A.question   B.problem   C.idea   D.fact


[  ]

A.people   B.readers   C.everyone   D.everyday use


[  ]

A.useful   B.cheap   C.expensive   D.soft


[  ]

A.kind   B.piece   C.set   D.lot


[  ]

A.bamboo   B.plants   C.grass   D.trees


[  ]

A.bright   B.long   C.white   D.light


[  ]

A.less   B.more   C.fewer   D.better

