2.Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph? A.Natural empathy needs to be reinforced. B.Emotional changes influence one’s choice of gifts. C.Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with. D.choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers. 查看更多



  Ecopsychology is a new area of psychology(心理学).Ecopsychologists study humans and their relationships to the environment(eco).They feel that the environment is very important to our sense of well-being.In fact,they believe it iscentral to our happiness.If we are going to be happy,we needto connect more with nature.Children are born with this feeling of connection to nature.They often spend long periods of time with plants,trees,and insects.However,as we age,we often lose that sense of joy in nature.

  Over the centuries,we have become more isolated(分离的)and disconnected from nature.This has hurt society.It has made us more violent,anxious,depressed,and lonely.Peoplewho are close to nature and have good relationships with animals have respect for life.They also have a better chance of being mentally healthy adults.When we understand our bond(联系)to nature-plants and animals— we will live together better as a society.

  Being a society that is separate from nature has also hurt the environment.Vast areas of our natural world are disappearing.We are overdeveloping the earth and using its resources in an irresponsible(不负责任的)way.It's time to stop this destructive pattern.Therefore,rather than spending our days in concrete buildings and around asphalt streets,weneed to spend more time with nature.Activities such as sailing,gardening,mountain climbing,walking along a trail,orjust relaxing in the backyard can help us reconnect with thenatural world.


Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?

[  ]


Harm to the environment.


Environment and nature.


A healthy society.


Nature and our mental health.


According to ecopsychologists,being disconnectedfrom nature causes ________

[  ]


respect for life


good relationships with animals




a bond to plants and animals


Ecopsychologists believe that if we are connected withnature,we will ________

[  ]


spend more time downtown


stop the destruction of nature


separate ourselves from the natural world


spend more time on leisure activities


What would be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


How to Protect the Environment


The Importance of Health


Ecopsychology's Jobs


The Nature Connection


Treat with Respect

The speed with which Man is changing the face of Earth has outstripped(超过)all the mighty processes of nature put together. In his haste to supply himself with increasing quantities of Earth’s treasures he risks destroying one he greatly needs, his natural surroundings. Some countries set aside unspoiled areas of natural beauty. Canada has the largest system of national parks in the world, 29 in all covering about 13 million hectares, preserving the different landscapes and the plant and animal life.

Other countries are restoring areas which have been reduced to waste land by mining. At Broken Hill in Australia drifting sand from rock crushing turned the area into a desert swept by sand storms. This is now being irrigated, fertilized and planted with grass and trees. In Great Britain quarries and gravel pits(深坑) are being filled in or made into lakes, industrial wasteland is being turned into playing fields and waste tips into sloping green hills.

However Man tries to look after Earth, the fact is that he is using up at a great rate resources, especially fuel resources, which have taken millions of years to accumulate and which he cannot renew. Yet every day the Earth receives a huge supply of energy from the Sun. Man has made several experiments in using solar energy to heat furnaces(熔炉), cookers, and water-distillers. In space technology, e.g. on satellites, solar cells convert(使转变) sunlight into electricity. Houses and offices have been designed which are centrally heated by water or air heated by the sunlight. When Man can trap and store this energy, so that he can use it exactly as he needs it, he will have not only an endless supply, but a clean and safe one.


60.The main idea of the second paragraph is ________.

A.Many areas throughout the world have been transformed into wasteland by mining.

B.Australia and Great Britain are the only two countries that are changing the face of the Earth.

C.Some countries are taking effective measures to make use of the wasteland and to beautify the Earth.

D. Developing countries should learn from developed countries to look after our natural surroundings.

61.According to this selected passage, which energy is considered to be endless, clean and safe?

       A.Energy from lake waters.

       B.Energy from fuel resources which have taken millions of years to accumulate.

       C.Energy from forests.

       D.Energy from the Sun.

62.Which country has the largest scale of nature protection according to this passage?

      A.Great Britain           B.Australia                C.the U.S.A.          D.Canada

63.Which of the following statements do you think is true after reading the passage?

A.Man is destroying the natural surroundings on purpose because the surroundings cannot make them satisfied to get enough treasures.

B.All the wasteland throughout the world is now being irrigated, fertilized and planted with grass and trees.

       C.Where there is a desert, there can be sand storms.

D.Energy from waters, forests, fuel resources and the sun takes millions of years to accumulate.



  Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies is far more advanced than that of the old times.Now we know about vitamins and how each kind of vitamin helps in the growth of a particularly, the food that we eat will take care of our body and so there is no need to take any kinds of vitamins unless our doctor tells us that our bodies are short of something which can be supplied(供给)by them.

  Generally speaking, everything we eat does some good to our body.But if we eat too much of one kind of food and pay too little attention to others, we may have too much of one kind and not enough of others.Then we may be in trouble.

  We are often told that we must eat some meat at each meal in order to get the necessary proteins(蛋白质).That is only partly true, for proteins are not found only in meat.We can also get them from some vegetables.

  The best advice about what to eat is that we should eat all kinds of food but never too much of any.


One may take certain vitamins when ________.

[  ]


one wants to encourage the growth of a particular part of the body


one eats all kinds of food


one’s health is harmed by lack of certain things which vitamins can provide


one eats well and properly


The main idea of the second paragraph is that ________.

[  ]


our health will be harmed if we eat everything.


all kinds of food should be eaten to keep healthy


we should eat little of all kinds of food


we should eat much of some kinds of food


Proteins are found ________.

[  ]


only in meat


in all kinds of food


more in vegetables than in meat


in some vegetables as well as in meal


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


All kinds of food are good for our health no matter how much we eat.


Meat is the best food of all.


Too much of any kind of food is bad for one’s health.


Vitamins are more useful than natural food.



  Located along California's San Andreas Fault, the city of San Francisco is likely to take precautions(预防,防备)in the event of the next big earthquake.

  According to a New York Times report, emergency planners in San Francisco are not only thinking of human evacuation(撤离,疏散)plans in the event of an earthquake, but also of how to care for pets during a natural disaster.Ideally, the planners will be able to train pet-disaster responders who work to evacuate dogs, cats and other household pets from the disaster site to one of the 125 temporary animal shelters that will be set up or, if the pet is injured, it will be brought to an emergency animal medical unit where there will be people on hand to tend to the pet's injury.The city's “no-pets-left-behind” policy results from the great number of pet deaths during the destruction of Hurricane Katrina.

  As emergency responders arrived to rescue people isolated in their homes during Katrina, hurricane victims were told that they could not take their pets along with them when evacuating; thus, many pet owners were forced to make the heart-breaking decision to save themselves while leaving their pets behind to perhaps meet their deaths.

  Since then, the U.S.has passed the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006, allocating federal funds for animal disaster planning projects.Yet, not all counties are as progressive as San Francisco has been in the effort to protect pets in the event of a natural disaster.Pets are after all, a large part of San Francisco's population-overnumbering the number of school age children in the city.

  Over the last three years, San Francisco has received $350,000 in federal funds designated to animal disaster preparedness efforts in order to protect animals in the case of a disaster such as an earthquake.The city is still working on obtaining $300,000 to pay for an emergency animal unit.Until then, animal lovers in San Francisco will continue to work to ensure that pets are never an afterthought when it comes to rescues during earthquakes or other life threatening situations.


We learn from the second paragraph that ________.

[  ]


emergency planners in San Fransico only consider human evacuation plans in a disaster


emergency planners in San Fransico only think about pet evacuation plans during a disaster


the safety of both humans and pets in a disaster is taken seriously


emergency medical units will be used only for humans


What do we know about Hurricane Katrina?

[  ]


A great number of pets died during Hurricane Katrina.


San Francisco's “no-pets-left-behind” policy had been made before Hurricane Katrina.


The pet owners chose to sacrifice themselves in order to save their pets.


Emergency responders failed to rescue the hurricane victims.


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


San Fransisco has made great effort to protect pets in a natural disaster.


The number of school age children in San Fransisco is smaller than that of pets.


The U.S.government has spent money on animal disaster planning projects.


All the countries are in the effort to protect pets in a natural disaster.


The underlined word “designated” in the last paragraph most probably means ________.

[  ]










What's the main idea of this passage?

[  ]


How to take precautions in the earthquake.


Human evacuation plans in the earthquake.


Taking steps to care for pets during a natural disaster.


How to train pets to escape from a disaster.


"Yes, but what did we use to do before there was television?" How often we hear statements like this! Television hasn't been with us all that long, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Before we admit the one-eyed monster into our homes,  we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used to enjoy civilized pleasures. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, we used to go outside for our amusements to theaters, cinemas, restaurants and sporting events. We even used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talk occasionally. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulated by the "goggle-box". We rush home or gulp down(吞咽)our meals to be in time for this or that program. We have even given up sitting at table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging the news of the day. A sandwich and a glass of beer will do-anything providing it doesn't interfere with the program. The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a program, he is quickly silenced.

The whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly (television). Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost. The telly is universal pacifier(抚慰者).It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living-room and turning on the set.It doesn’t matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials or violence-so long as they are quiet.

There is little limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. Television consumes vast quantities of creative work. That is why most of programs are bad:  it is impossible to keep pace with the demand and maintain high standards as well. When millions watch the same programs,  the whole world becomes a village, and society is reduced to the conditions which obtain in preliterate(无文字的)communities. We become completely dependent on the two most primitive media of communication: pictures and the spoken word.

Television encourages passive enjoyment. We become content with secondhand experiences. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. Little by little, television cuts us off from the real world. We got so lazy; we choose to spend a fine day in semi-darkness, glued to our sets, rather than go out into the world itself. Television may be a splendid medium of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other. We only become aware how totally irrelevant television is to real living when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountain, far away from civilization. In quiet, natural surroundings, we quickly discover how little we miss the repetitive oppression of King Telly.

According to this passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. We used to have hobbies and go to theaters and sporting events.

B. We have a leisurely evening meal and exchange the news when we watch TV.

C. We quickly finish our meals so as to be in time for TV programs.

D. We are usually silent and attentive in front of TV.

The main idea of the second paragraph is to show that_____.

A. children are very noisy

B. TV is full of rubbishy commercials or violence

C. television disturbs our sleep

D. the whole generations are fascinated with TV

Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Television Encourages Passive Enjoyment

B. Television Is Doing Irreparable(不能挽回的)harm

C. Television Is a Universal Pacifier

D. We Can't Live Without TV

This passage is an article of_____.

A. narration                          B. description

C. criticism                          D. argumentation

