Wherever we go, we find that in no city of China little about the economic development. A. the government cares B. does the government care C. doesn’t the government care D. the government doesn’t care 查看更多




What would life be like without television? Would you spend more time  36  , reading, or studying? Well, now it’s your chance to turn off your TV and  37  ! TV-Turnoff Week is here.

  The goal of TV-Turnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets  38   and participate in activities  39   drawing to biking. The event was founded by TV-Turnoff Network, a non-profit organization which started the event in 1995. In the  40  , only a few thousand people took part. Last year more than 7.6 million people participated,  41   people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries! This is the 11th year in which  42   are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on  43  .” .w.^w.k.&s.5*u.c.#om.

  According to the TV-Turnoff Network, the average  44   in the US spend  45   time in front of the TV (about 1,023 hours per year) than they do in school (about 900 hours per year). Too much TV  46   has made many kids grow fat.  47  , in 2001’s TV-Turnoff Week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said, “We are raising the most  48   generation of youngsters in American history. This week is about saving lives.”

  Over the years, studies have shown that watching a lot of TV  49   poor eating habits, too little exercise, and violence. Frank Vespe of the TV-Turnoff Network said that turning off the TV “is or  50  , part of a healthy lifestyle”. .w.^w.k.&s.5*u.c.#om.

  “One of the great lessons of  51   TV-Turnoff Week is the realization that  52   I turn on the TV, I’m deciding not to do something else,” Vespe said.

  TV-Turnoff Week seems to be making a  53   . Recent US Census(人口普查)data  54   that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV time. That’s  55   about 63 percent ten years ago. .w.^w.k.&s.5*u.c.#om.

A. drinking               B. sleeping                   C. washing            D. playing outside

A. find out          B. go out                   C. look out            D. keep out

A. away              B. alone                       C. on                    D. beside

A. like                B. as                            C. from                 D. such as

A. end                B. event                       C. beginning          D. total

A. besides           B. except for                 C. including           D. except

A. governments   B. parents                     C. organizers      D. businessmen

A. the light         B. the radio                  C. life                   D. the Internet

A. grown-ups      B. kids                         C. clerks          D. parents

A. less                     B. enough                     C. little                 D. more

A. programmes  B. screen                   C. hours                D. watching

A. However       B. On the contrary      C. In fact            D. As a result

A. overweight  B. overeaten                 C. overgrown     D. overseeing

A. leads to         B. results from                  C. develops            D. keeps away

A. will be          B. should be                 C. may be              D. could be

A. organizing    B. taking part in            C. participating      D. asking for

A. wherever      B. every day                 C. every time     D. this time

A. living           B. choice                   C. difference          D. sense

A. shows           B. says                         C. reads                 D. writes

A. rising           B. down from            C. up to                 D. up from           




There are reasons why a middle-aged woman who has been away from the work for her children’s sake decides to go back to work. The  16  reason for me was: years ago my job was that of a bookkeeper(会计)----- it was then that I worked for  17  , and now with my children working, I wanted to do something  18  , something new and exciting.

Money wasn't too important now, as my husband made a very  19  living for us. But what should I do? What sort of   20  should I look for? I knew I needed to be  21   as to what I became involved with. I am not a "quitter"(容易放弃的人) and so I hoped to  22   becoming responsible to an employer in a job that might turn out to be a mistake for me.

While I made painful efforts thinking over what to do, I was   23  of a past incident where I needed to replace my original engagement ring  24  the gold was wearing thin. My husband and I shopped and shopped for one,   25 we went, even when we were on vacation.  26  this nonstop searching got my poor   27  to ask, "Just what kind of ring do you want, what exactly are we looking for?" My reply was, "I honestly don't   28, but when I see the correct setting, I will know it." That was the  29  I felt about the new career I wished to start; I didn't have an exact idea as to what I wanted to do, but knew there was a perfect fit for me, if I would  30  be patient.

Fortunately, that summer while I  31  my twenty-fifth high school class reunion(重聚), I heard a former classmate  32  what she did for a living. She was a travel agent, and she and her husband had just  33 from a trip to Hawaii where they acted as guides for a group of travelers. WOW, that  34   like fun, considerably more fun and exciting than being a  35  : I know what to take up!

16.A.possible                   B. obvious                  C. believable                    D. good

17.A.money                        B. fun                          C. children                           D. employers

18.A.valuable                     B. reasonable           C. worthy                                D. different

19.A.interesting                B. comfortable                   C. successful                 D. meaningful

20.A.pleasure                    B. place                      C. job                               D. man

21. A. careful                      B. useful                C. joyful                          D. painful

22.A. finish                          B. miss                        C. avoid                                D. forget

23.A.recalled                      B. reminded              C. warned                          D. robbed

24.A.where                         B. while                 C. if                 D. as

25.A.nowhere                    B. somewhere          C. wherever                        D. everywhere

26.A.Actually                      B. However               C. Finally                        D. Once

27.A.children                      B. classmates           C. employer                        D. husband

28.A.care                                      B. know                      C. understand               D. find

29.A.way                             B. time                        C. style                                 D. thought

30.A.really                          B. ever                        C. just                                   D. certainly

31.A.joined                         B. left                          C. started                                D. attended

32.A.complaining              B. explaining             C. describing                 D. considering

33.A.returned                    B. rested                    C. came                               D. stayed

34.A.looked                        B. seemed                 C. sounded                          D. felt

35.A.travler                        B. wife                        C. employer                        D. bookkeeper




       The local bus network gives access to most of the attractions of Nottinghamshire, making it easy for you to enjoy all that the county has to offer.

        Why not let Nottinghamshire’s buses provide you with a cheap, convenient and safe way of enjoying a day out. They even take away the worry of stopping for lunch, having a drink and then deciding who’s going to drive home.

Special Sunday ticket saves you money.

Nottinghamshire County Council’s Day Ranger tickets give you unlimited travel on buses right across the county every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday and will entitle you to discounts at several visitor attractions. This means that you can save money by traveling by bus. Prices are currently:

Adults                    £5.00w_w_w.k s*5*u.c_o*m

Children & Concessions      £2.50

Family ticket               £9.00

                                 (2 adults & up to 3 children)

Simply buy your ticket on the first bus you board on a Sunday and then travel wherever you want in Nottinghamshire for the rest of the day.

Finding out about getting around the county couldn’t be easier. Information on bus service is widely available at:
































1.What can we do according to the ad?  

    A.We can enjoy all of the attractions of the county by bus.

    B.Day Ranger tickets can offer us unlimited bus travel across the county every            day.

    C.We may be able to visit some scenic spots at a fairly low price.

    D.We need purchase our tickets anytime we get on board the bus.

2.Information on bus services is available at these places EXCEPT       .

    A.visitor attractions               B.tourist information centers

    C.the County Council’s web site    D.university libraries

3.How much will you be charged if your family(a couple and two children)goes on a special-Sunday-ticket trip?  

    A.£15.00.       B.£12.50.        C.£9.00.       D.£5.00

4.If you ask for further information on fares of the individual bus operators, you may as well       .  

    A.browse www. Nottinghamshire. Gov.uk/buses

    B.call 0870 608 2 608

    C.go to the County Council

    D.refer to county contact points






1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a school.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

2.What did the woman think of the lecture?

A.It was popular.

B.It was boring.

C.It was interesting.

3.How is the girl going to spend the weekend?

A.Doing her homework.

B.Preparing for the competition.

C.Boating in the Water Park.

4.Where does the woman most probably work?

A.In a music store.

B.In a computer lab.

C.In a school library.

5.Why didn’t the man go to the exhibition?

A.The ticket was too expensive.

B.Buying tickets took time.

C.Da Vinci was not his favorite.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Excuse me, is it my turn now?I have been waiting for some time and I was wondering…

W:I’m sorry.The doctor is so busy.

(Text 2)

M:It was such an interesting lecture.I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

W:I must admit that I always fell asleep in the first 30 minutes.

(Text 3)

M:Have a nice weekend.Do you have anything exciting?

W:No, not really.I was thinking of boating in the Water Park with my parents.But you know the international English telling competition is coming up, so I will stay at home and prepare for it.

(Text 4)

W:Good morning, Mig music.

M:Hello, I’d like to know if I can order the new discovery CD.

W:Certainly.Let me check on the computer.Yes, the order number is CD392BK.The price is 30 ponds 99.

(Text 5)

M:Did you go to the Italian art & tech exhibition in Tianjin University last month?

W:Yes, it was wonderful.I particularly like the works by Da Vinci.

M:I wish I had gone but I heard we have to wait for two hours to get the ticket.




6.What do we learn about Bill?

A.He just got out of trouble.

B.He did something right.

C.He enjoyed what he had done.

7.What kind of film does the woman prefer?

A.Something exciting.

B.Something educational.

C.Something relaxing.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Hi Bill, you look happy.

M:Yes.I’ve just seen a very funny film on TV.

W:What was it about?

M:It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went.He couldn’t do anything right.

W:So you like it?

M:Yes, I did.It made me laugh a lot.

W:But I rather see something not only interesting but also instructive.

M:Oh Jane, don’t be so serious.People sometimes need relaxation.

W:That’s true.But I just think that watching TV is not just for entertainment.


8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their future study.

B.The graduation party.

C.College entrance exam.

9.In what field is the boy most likely to work in the future?




10.What do we learn about the girl?

A.Her uncle has a company.

B.She dreams of becoming a doctor.

C.She wants to live in Hong Kong.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:How are you, Lily.Great graduation party, isn’t it?

W:Yes.Everyone here is having a good time.Any ideas for the future?

M:Well, I’m interested in finance and my uncle runs a company in Hong Kong, so I decided to go to Hong Kong University.

W:Sounds great.Hong Kong is an international financial center.You will surely go far there.

M:What about you?

W:I’d like to go to university in Beijing.

M:What do you want to take as you major, computer science or medicine?

W:I prefer medicine.It’s always being my dream to be a doctor.


11.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Cultures of Australia and New Zealand.

B.A plan to travel to Australia and New Zealand.

C.Similarities and differences between two countries.

12.What are the people of the two countries like?

A.They are crazy about sports.

B.They like drinking and talking.

C.They are interested in shopping.

13.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.New Zealand has a warmer climate.

B.Australian beaches are slightly better.

C.Both countries are attractive to travelers.

听力原文:(Text 8)

M:I hear that you have just been to Australia and New Zealand;can you tell me something about the two countries?

W:Well, Australia is much bigger than New Zealand.You can leave a town and drive for hours before coming to the next one.There are more nationalities there.But New Zealand has a much cooler climate.

M:Is there anything similar about them?

W:They both have beautiful beaches, green forests and mountains.So traveling in both countries is very exciting.

M:What about the cultures?

W:They have very similar cultures.Perhaps because they are such close neighbors.Both cultures are very relaxed and friendly.You can go into a corner shop to buy a drink and then end up to talking to shop keeper for hours.What’s more, people in both countries are sports mad.


14.What does the boy do at the gym every week?

A.Swim three times.

B.Take a part-time job.

C.Play ping-pong sometimes.

15.Why doesn’t the girl go to the gym?

A.She doesn’t like doing exercise.

B.Study has been her first concern.

C.The gym schedule is too tight for her.

16.What is the girl probably going to do?

A.Do some sport.

B.Meet her teacher.

C.Study even harder.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Hi, you look tired.

M:Yeah, but actually I feel great.I’ve just been working out at the gym.

W:Really?What do you do?

M:Well, usually I play ping-pong three times a week.If I have time, I go for a short swim.

W:I have never been to the gym.I am so busy with my classes that I just don’t have time to exercise.

M:Oh, that’s too bad.I think you will enjoy the gym if you start going.

W:My schedules are so tight.You know, my teachers all have great expectations of me.

M:Well, anyway, think about it.And if you will find the time, I do encourage you to try it.You’d feel 100% better.

W:Yeah.I really need to start to get some exercises.I will give it some serious thought.


17.Why is Fred invited to the program?

A.To advertise his driving school.

B.To talk about learning to drive.

C.To share his driving experiences.

18.How do Fred’s customers know about him?

A.Through friends.

B.Through newspapers.

C.Through the program.

19.Why does Fred have so many customers now?

A.He works harder.

B.He is warm-hearted.

C.He offers lower prices.

20.What does Fred do first in training beginners?

A.He calms them down.

B.He talks to them.

C.He sits beside them.

听力原文:(Text 10)

  W:Welcome to our program.Today we have invited Fred Watson, a driving instructor of over 20 years experience to talk to us about learning to drive.Well, Fred, do you think it’s getting more expensive to learn to drive these days?

  M:Well, it depends.If you come for a private instructor like me, it’s probably going to be a bit less expensive than going to a big school.The thing is, people have usually heard of the big school and trust them.Well, I get customers through personal connections.

  W:Does that mean you have to try harder to get customers??

  M:Not now, when I started I have to.But at the moment I am fully booked and my prices are quite competitive.

  W:Learning to drive is usually a nervous experience for beginners.What do you think?

  M:Well, it can be.But I try to get them to sit quietly in the drive’s seat for a few moments.With their eyes closed, you will be surprised how it changed some people.They fell much more ready for driving if they had a few quiet moments.

  W:Yes, I suppose some people are much more nervous than others.





W:I have had four colds this winter and I think I am catching another.

M:I have only had half that many, but my wife has had six.

1.How many colds has the man had?




M:Sorry.I have forgotten Mary’s address.

W:You forgot again! It’s 1646 Garden Street.

2.What’s Mary’s address?

A.1664 Garden Street.

B.1664 Guard Street.

C.1646 Garden Street.

W:Ten dollars’ worth of stamps, please.

M:With pleasure.Would you like to mail something?

W:Not now, thanks.Here is ten dollars.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.To buy some stamps.

B.To mail something.

C.To mail some letters.

M:Hello, Della.You’re a bit late today.

W:Yes, Mr.White.I’m sorry,…er…I forgot my book and I…went…

M:You went back for it?


M:You shouldn’t have gone back for it.You could have shared one.Della, sit down now.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Librarian and borrower.

M:What did you think of Dennis?

W:Which one was Dennis? Was he the one who played the piano?

5.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.Dennis was a piano player.

B.The woman didn’t know the pianist, but she knew Dennis.

C.The woman didn’t know who Dennis was.




M:Alice, it’s almost vacation time.Have you found a summer job yet?

W:I think I can work at the boy’s camp where I worked last summer.But camp jobs don’t pay much.

M:I can get a job at the Friendship Hotel.A friend of mine was a waiter there last summer.The pay was not good, but he got lose of tips.

W:A friend of my sister’s did that one summer.

M:What I want is a job outside.After sitting in college classes all winter, I’d like a job in the open air.

W:The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass.My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts someone’s grass.It only takes him an hour.

M:That’s pretty good.I used to cut grass when I was in high school.But now I think I might work for a road-building company, or something like that.

W:It would be good experience.You could learn a lot.

6.What was the woman speaker?

A.A college student.

B.A middle school student.

C.A housewife.

7.What kind of job would the woman like to do?


B.Office work.

C.Work in the open air.

8.What job might the woman finally take?

A.Working for a road-building company.

B.Cutting grass.

C.Typing letters in the office.


W:Hello, 577618.

M:Hello! Could I speak to Tom?

W:I’m sorry he’s out.He’s at the cinema at the moment.

M:Is that Mrs.Brown?

W:Yes, this is Tom’s Mother.Do you have anything important to tell Tom? Can I take a message for him?

M:Sure.This is Bill.We’re going to have a picnic next Sunday.Please ask him to bring some delicious food along.

W:OK.I’ll leave the message on his desk.

M:Thanks a lot.Bye!


9.Where is Tom now?

A.In the school.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the cinema.

10.Who answers the telephone?

A.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s sister.

B.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s mother.

C.Mrs.Black, Tom’s aunt.

11.What does Bill want Tom to do?

A.Bring some food for the picnic.

B.Bring some toys for the game.

C.Bring some toys for the trip.


W:What was the party like last night, Jack?

M:Not bad at all, thanks.Why didn’t you come?

W:Well I couldn’t get away from work early.And when I got home.I had a headache, so I had to go straight to bed, but I was over-tired because I wasn’t able to get to sleep for hours.

M:Why didn’t you take some medicine?

W:I don’t like to.I used to take medicine when I had to work overtime, you know.

M:Do you still drink coffee at night?

W:No.But now, I like to drink tea.

M:That’s bad.You must stop it.

12.How was the party like last night?

A.It was good.

B.It failed completely.

C.It was dull.

13.Why couldn’t the woman go to the party last night?

A.Because she wasn’t feeling well.

B.Because she forgot the date.

C.Because she disliked it.

14.What did she drink at night recently?





M:How do you do?

W:How do you do?

M:Would you please tell me where you are from?

W:I am from Greece.

M:It’s a beautiful place isn’t it.I hope I’ll go there some day.

W:You are welcome to our country.

M:What’s the climate like in your country?

W:It’s very pleasant.

M:What’s the weather like in spring?

W:In March, it is often windy.It’s always warm in April and May.

M:It’s very hot in summer, isn’t it?

W:Yes, in June, July and August, the sun shines every day.

M:What’s the weather like in autumn?

W:It’s always warm in September and October.It’s often cold in November and it rains sometimes.

M:Is it very cold in winter?

W:Yes, it is.It snows sometimes.

M:I see.

15.What’s the weather like in Greece?



C.Neither good nor bad.

16.What’s the weather like in spring?

A.The sun shines every day.

B.It’s often windy in March and always warm in April and May.

C.It’s always warm and never rains.

17.What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Husband and wife.


C.A Greek and a stranger.


  Not long ago, Charles White and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.Sorting through their possessions, they came up with some 1500 old, unwanted items-chairs, warm rugs, lamps, dishes, books, used clothes and all sorts of other things they no longer needed.The Whites decided to do what a lot of other Americans are doing these days-have a “Garage sale”.They posted homemade signs throughout the neighborhood, ran an advertisement in the local newspaper, then sent out the collection of unwanted objects on the front yard of their suburban home in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and waited to see if anyone would come.The Whites needn’t have worried, eager buyers bought all but 50 or so of the items in one weekend, leaving the family $442 richer.

  Garage sale, yard sale, basement sale-whatever they’re called and wherever they’re held, Americans are having them in ever-increasing numbers.

18.What did the Whites do before they had the garage sale?

A.They went shopping.

B.They did some housecleaning and sorted the possessions.

C.They made a wonderful picnic in their hometown.

19.Which of the following is not mentioned in the talking?

A.The Whites do not need to worry their “garage sale”.

B.American did not enjoy such sales.

C.The Whites advertised their garage sale.

20.How much money did the Whites make?




