You are welcome to drop in at my new house whenever . A. it is convenient to you B. it is convenient of you C. you are convenient D. you convenient 查看更多



.Good heavens! There you are! We___anxious about you, and we ___you back throughout the night.

A.are; expect     B.were; had expected

C.have been; were expecting     D.are; were expecting


Good heavens! There you are! We _____ anxious about you, and we _____ you back throughout the night.

  1. A.
    are; expect
  2. B.
    were; had expected
  3. C.
    have been; were expecting
  4. D.
    are; were expecting


Good heavens! There you are! We___anxious about you, and we ___you back throughout the night.

A.are; expect                 B.were; had expected

C.have been; were expecting     D.are; were expecting


Good heavens! There you are! We__anxious about you, and we __you back throughout the night.

A. are; expect                  B. were; had expected

C. have been;were expecting       D. are; were expecting


Good heavens! There you are! We _____ anxious about you, and we _____ you back throughout the night.

A.are; expect

B.were; had expected

C.have been;were expecting

D.are; were expecting


