18.A.group B.number C.family D.class 查看更多




Way of Life for Students

  The Internet is way of life for US college students, with research showing them to be one of the most connected groups.

  A recent study by Harris Interactive and 360 Youth found that 93 percent of American college students visit the Internet, and this market is expected to grow from 15.2 million in 2003 to 16.4 million in 2007.That is slow but could be the result of the already high number of college Internet users.

  About 88 percent of American college students own a computer, and more than half have broadband connections.Furthermore, 67 percent own cell phones and 36 percent use their mobile devices to visit the Internet.

  Study findings are that 42 percent go online mainly to communicate socially, and 72 percent of college students check emails at least once a day, with 66 percent using at least two email addresses.

  The most popular online social activity is forwarding messages to friends of family, with 37 percent of college students saying they do so.The study also looked beyond the Internet surfing(冲浪)habits and into the buying habits of this group, and found them responsible for more than $ 210 billion in sales last year alone.

  College students have learned how to spend their money, with 93 percent saying low prices were important when shopping.

  The study also showed that 65 percent make loan(贷款)payments; 41 percent of freshmen have a credit card; and 79 percent of seniors have a credit card.

  A significant number of charges on these credit cards are likely to be for entertainment and leisure expenses.


College students in the US, as this passage shows, ________.

[  ]


waste much time visiting the Internet


lead an exciting life by using the Internet


don’t have to learn their lessons in their class rooms


spend too much time, in the opinion of the writer, visiting the Internet


We can find, from the third paragraph, that in the US ________.

[  ]


most college students are from rich families


cell phone will take the place of computers in colleges


mobile phones make Internet life easy for college students


college students can have a computer from their colleges


To communicate with friends, nearly half of the college students use ________.

[  ]






text messages on mobile phones




By using the Internet, college students in the US can do the following EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


going swimming


chatting with friends


reading newspapers


buying goods


What is the meaning of the underlined word?

[  ]











If you participate in an online class, it is best to think of it as just another class. If you think that you will have less work, less stress, and more time on your hands, think again. Most students work harder in an online class than in a traditional classroom setting.

__1___ However, many students take this flexibility for granted. They will rarely participate in their online classes. This is one of the main reasons why people fail when participating in an online class.

The key to success is time management and organization. Treat this class the same way you would treat a traditional class. ___2___  But, in an online class, the students have to read the text, read the professor’s lecture notes, Participate  in online discussion forums, take exams, prepare essays, prepare individual or group assignments,etc. All of these must be done with very little help. So, if you are not self-motivated and disciplined, online learning is probably not for you.

Create a schedule for working on your assignments. Make sure your family members are aware of your schedule so you won’t be bothered during these times. ___3___ Treat those times as you would if you had to physically attend a class.

Be sure you have the Tech Support phone number dandy as well, in case computer problem arise. ___4___ That way, you won’t miss any assignments or deadlines due to technical difficulties.

___5___ If you have some emergencies, you could end up missing a deadline and lowering your grade. Make sure you know your professor’s policy for accepting late assignments. Be sure to read comments given to you by your professor and always ask for help if you need it. These tips will help you to succeed in your online course.  

A.People can attend online classes at any time.

B.No matter what happens, stick to your schedule.

C.Try to have a back-up computer that you can use.

D.Don’t wait until the last minute to submit assignments.

E. Communication online makes contact with each other easier.

F. Be sure you have the contact information for at least 2 other students.

G. In a traditional class, you have an instructor who leads lectures and discussions.



Read the following four passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  In the current economic downturn, many American schools are adding a new subject to the curriculum(课程); financial literacy.One program in Virginia even gets students out of the classroom for a day to learn how far their money will go in the real world.

  What looks like a shopping mall is actually an educational field trip experience for a group of young people.Finance Park is a special facility where students apply what they have been taught in class about money management.

  “They become, essentially, adults for the day,” says Alice Reilly, social studies coordinator for Fairfax County Public Schools.“They are asked to develop a budget for 18 line items that you and I might have in our budget; things like utilities, insurance, groceries, housing.”

  Each budget item is represented by a storefront where students collect an option sheet.Students must refer to a card that shows their income and their family size, when they choose what to buy.There’s also a stock ticker so students can keep track of shares in their portfolios(投资组合).

  The facility opened last year in Fairfax, Virginia.It is the fifteenth Finance Park built in the last decade by Junior Achievement USA, a non-profit organization dedicated to preparing young people for financial success.

  “Since the financial crisis, the demand for Finance Parks around the country has grown exponentially," says Ed Grenier, president of the Washington, DC chapter."We have a number under way in the planning and building stages.”

  Financial literacy has only recently become part of the regular curriculum in Fairfax County.“Some students, some teachers, some schools did it, but now it is much more systematic," Reilly says, "and it is much more consistent to ensure that all students get this background information.”

  That is why every eighth grade student in Fairfax County will eventually spend a day here.Thirteen-year-old Sam says she has learned an important life lesson.“I didn’t know how expensive everything would be.”

  Anthony, also 13, is looking forward to telling his parents what he learned.“I’ll probably tell them I want to stay a kid a little longer and take my time to become an adult.”

  This isn’t the end of financial studies for Anthony and the other students here.Virginia is one of 13 states which requires students to take a financial education in high school in order to graduate.


What is the aim of this Finance Park?

[  ]


To raise enough money for the secondary schools in Virginia.


To enable students to apply money management knowledge to practice.


To provide students in Virginia with special chances for Advanced Placement.


To direct students in Washington, D.C.to learn more about money management.


Who is expected to spend a whole day in the Finance Park?

[  ]


Young people all over Virginia.


Junior students in Washington,D.C.


Eighth graders in Fairfax County.


Eighth graders' parents in Virginia.


What can we learn from this passage?

[  ]


Extra curriculum is necessary in secondary schools.


Fairfax County Public Schools set a good example.


An organization helps youth in U.S.for financial success.


Financial Literacy is very popular in Washington,D.C.


It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

[  ]


Alice Reilly developed a budget for 18 items in the Finance Park.


ED Grenier was against building more finance parks in U.S.A.


Sam did quite well in managing his budge in the Finance Park.


Anthony came to know that adult life wasn't as good as expected.



  American medical researchers have just reported the first scientific   proof that a small amount of exercise will help us live longerThe __1__ was carried out only by __2__ at Harvard and Stanford __3__It involved(涉及)about   17,00 __4__ who entered Harvard University __5__ 1956 and 1960The   scientists began their __6__ in 1960They studied   the medical __7__ of every one in the study __8__ of those living and dead.__9__ of the study group reported __10__ much they walked, how many   steps they __11__ and what kinds of __12__ they had each weekThe   scientists checked __13__ about height, weight, __14__ pressure and family history of heart   diseaseTheir __15__ showed exercise helped __16__   the chance of death from a number of __17__

  They found that two thirds of __18__ attack victims(受害者)were people who __19__ exercised.__20__ of the scientists said the most important __21__   was that people who do not exercise __22__ more heart diseaseAnd he said that __23__ might be easier now to __24__ people to   exercise when he said doctors __25__ them to


[  ]

A.work   B.plan   C.study   D.project


[  ]

A.scientists    B.students   C.teachers    D.doctors


[  ]

A.counties    B.states   C.universities   D.provinces


[  ]

A.scientists    B.students   C.professors   D.workers


[  ]

A.from    B.among   C.since   D.between


[  ]

A.experiment    B.tests   C.research       D.works 


[  ]

A.book    B.history   C.team   D.operation


[  ]

A.group    B.class   C.team    D.university 


[  ]

A.One    B.Scientists   C.Doctors    D.Members 


[  ]

A.so    B.how   C.too    D.very


[  ]

A.climbed    B.went   C.jumped   D.ran


[  ]

A.food    B.drinks   C.sports   D.medicine


[  ]

A.information    B.news   C.message        D.knowledge


[  ]

A.air    B.liquid   C.blood   D.flesh


[  ]

A.illnesses    B.exams   C.success   D.researches


[  ]

A.increase    B.give   C.reduce    D.bring 


[  ]

A.reports    B.teachers   C.students   D.diseases


[  ]

A.disease    B.heart   C.sudden   D.accident


[  ]

A.never    B.were   C.weren’t    D.had


[  ]

A.One    B.Two   C.Three   D.Some


[  ]

A.invention    B.discovery   C.sport     D.game


[  ]

A.causes    B.cause   C.has   D.have


[  ]

A.they    B.doctor   C.it    D.he


[  ]

A.teach    B.tell   C.organize   D.get


[  ]

A.advise    B.agree   C.invite    D.drive

