第一节 单词拼写 (共6小题,每小题1分.满分6分) 根据下列句子所给单词的首字母.写出各单词的正确形式 55. We are not satisfied with her a to the poor. 56. Most students feel it hard to find a well-paid job after g from university. 57. I’m really g for what you have done for me. 58. It is generally thought that traveling abroad can e one's knowledge. 59. My father is so s that no one can make him change his decision. 60. He seems to be doing nothing, but a he is just waiting for a better chance. 查看更多







1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.






1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.


第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分.满分 10 分)

1.Over the last 25 years, Ashrita Furman has broken _________(大约地)93 Guinness records.

2.Good movies and native novels broaden our h__________ .

3.Australian Day celebrations are an excellent way to encourage __________ (宽容),respect and friendship among all the people of Australia.

4.India has a large number of f__________ English speakers.

5.We are __________ (在一定程度上)responsible for his depression and unhappiness.

6.Helen Keller is a great writer and educationalist, whose confidence, p__________ and devotion win our complete faith in her.

7.Shakespeare wrote about such things as good and evil, love and hate, greed and ___________ (牺牲).

8.Martin Luther King played an important role in fighting against racial d___________.

9.Language ___________ (习得)is a kind of language learning which takes place usually in an informal learning setting.

10.There was no ___________ (平等)of opportunity for women at that time.



第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

1.The two _________(德国人) and three Englishmen are all my friends.

2.The teacher told the students to sit ________(直地).

3.He speaks English with a Chinese _________(口音).

4.The ______(后者) is far better than the former.

5.Ann had no ________(词汇) for such an occasion.

6.In spite of his illness, he carries on working as __________(往常).

7.You have made a ________(拼写) mistake.

8.What is your ________(态度) to this idea?

9.At _______(黄昏) the lights of the city come on.

10.It took a day to ________(运输;运送) the furniture to the new apartment.



第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

1.He bought a new set of               (家具)yesterday.

2.There is a lot of               (要洗的衣服)in the basket.

3.Before taking the medicine, please read the       (说明) on the bottle carefully.

4.She has been          (故意)ignoring him all day.

5.He did all he could to rescue the         (溺水的)boy, and his effort was not in vain.

6.The man           (洗澡),dressed and went downstairs for supper.

7.Please read the text quickly and get the          (全面的,大体的)idea of each paragraph.

8.Few children show            (兴趣) in playing musical instruments.

9.Is it made of wood or             (金属)?

10.What a surprise! It is his               (九十)birthday.


