A. therefore B. however C. yet D. though 查看更多



One Sunday, a picture in the newspaper touched me. A young woman stood in front of a totally destroyed home. A little boy stood beside her with his head   36 . Holding her skirt tightly was a tiny girl, eyes wide with   37  and fear.

With growing   38  I noticed that their sizes of each family member closely   39  ours. This would be a good opportunity to   40  my children, so I explained their difficult  41  to my seven-year-old twins and three-year-old Meghan.

“We have so much, but these poor people now have nothing,” I said, “we’ll   42  what we have with them.”

I brought three large boxes and placed them on the living room floor. Meghan watched seriously   43  the boys and I filled one box with canned food.

While I   44__ our clothes, I encouraged the boys to go through their toys and   45  some of their less favorite things. Meghan watched   46  as the boys piled up useless toys in the box.

“I’ll help you find something for the little girl,” I said to her.

The boys placed the toys they had   47  to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box with clothes. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her worn, faded, much-loved doll  48  tightly to her chest. She   49  in front of the box, pressed her little face into Lucy’s face, gave her a   50  kiss, then, laid her gently on top of the other toys.

“Oh, honey,” I said. “You   51  to give away Lucy. You love her so much.”

Meghan nodded, eyes shining with tears. “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy.   52  she’ll make that little girl happy, too.”

I stared at Meghan for a long moment,   53  how I could teach the boys the lesson she had just taught me.

It’s easy to give what we don’t want any more, but   54  to let go of things we cherish, isn’t it?   55 , the true spirit of giving is to give with your heart.

1.                A.off            B.up             C.down D.round


2.                A.smile          B.confusion       C.joy  D.anger


3.                A.happiness       B.friendship       C.puzzle    D.interest


4.                A.matched        B.equaled        C.compared D.suited


5.                A.help           B.complain        C.change   D.teach


6.                A.experience      B.problem        C.situation  D.process


7.                A.give           B.share          C.send D.spare


8.                A.as             B.since           C.though   D.because


9.                A.came through    B.broke through    C.sorted through D.got through


10.               A.donate         B.leave          C.keep D.sell


11.               A.hopefully       B.anxiously       C.depressingly    D.quietly


12.               A.separated       B.chosen         C.bought    D.confirmed


13.               A.hugged         B.tied           C.grasped   D.caught


14.               A.settled         B.regretted       C.paused    D.cried


15.               A.precious        B.final           C.hearty    D.lovely


16.               A.wouldn’t like   B.ought not       C.had better not  D.don’t have


17.               A.Also           B.Yet            C.Maybe    D.Though


18.               A.knowing        B.wondering      C.realizing   D.expecting


19.               A.available        B.necessary       C.important  D.hard


20.               A.However       B.Therefore       C.Otherwise D.Moreover




One day a wealthy family went on a trip to the countryside. The father wanted to 1 his son how 2 people live 3 they spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor 4 .

When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “My dear son, how was the 5 ?” “very 6 , Dad!” answered the boy. “Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.“Yeah!” answered the son. “And what did you learn?” asked the father. The son answered,” I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a 7 that reaches to(延伸到) the middle of the garden and they have a creek(小溪) that has no 8 . We have imported lamps(进口灯具) in the garden and they have the 9 . Our patio(天井) reaches to the front yard, 10 they have a whole horizon(旷野).” When the little boy was 11 , his father was speechless.

His son 12 ,”Thanks Dad 13 showing me how 14 we are!”

Isn’t it true that it all depends 15 the 16 you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude(乐观的态度) 17 life you’ve got everything! You can’t buy 18 of these things, 19 still you can have all the material possessions(财富) you can imagine, provisions(储备) for the future, etc.But if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing!

Attitude is 20 ! Make a decision to have a good, positive and productive attitude (积极,乐观,上进)every day!

1.A.show      B.give     C.send      D.tell

2.A.happy     B.sorrow    C.rich     D.poor

3.A.thus     B.so      C.therefore D.when

4.A.house     B.home     C.family    D.room

5.A.journey    B.trip      C.stay     D.travel

6.A.bad      B.good     C.well     D.badly

7.A.river     B.lake      C.canal     D.pool

8.A.endless    B.ending    C.end      D.ended

9.A.sun      B.stars     C.planet    D.electricity light

10.A.yet     B.however   C.so       D.though

11.A.finished   B.finishing C.completed   D.completing

12.A.adding    B.added    C.saying    D.said

13.A.for     B.of       C.with     D.about

14.A.poor     B.rich     C.glad      D.happy

15.A.in      B.on      C.for      D.about

16.A.method    B.manners    C.way      D.means

17.A.of      B.for      C.towards   D.at

18.A.nothing    B.any     C.some     D.everything

19.A.then     B.but     C.though    D.so

20.A.anything  B.nothing   C.everything  D.something



I hadn’t really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. I knew in   36   that this trip was going to be unpleasant.

I’m talking about my annual Guilt Trip. I got tickers to fly there on WISH – I – HAD’ airlines. I   37   my baggage all the way, which was weighted down with a thousand   38   of ‘what might have been’. No one greeted me at the ‘Regret City’ International Airport.

As I   39   into the Last Resort Hotel, I noticed to miss that great   41   occasion.

Many leading citizens went there. First, there was the ‘Should – Have - Done’ family.   42   came the ‘I – Wish’ family. Of course, the ‘Opportunities’ family, ‘Missed and Lost’, surely made an   43  . They each had a dad story to share. ‘It’s – Their - Fault’ treated us with stories about   44  things had failed in his life, and each story was applauded by ‘Don’t – Blame - Me’ and ‘I – Couldn’t – Help – It.’

To make a long   45   short, I became very depressed at the party   46  .

But as I though about all the stories of failures   47  from the past, it occurred to me that all of this trip and ‘pity party’ could have been cancelled by ME!

I truly realized that I didn’t have to be there to be   48  . One thing kept going through my mind – I can’t change yesterday, but I   49   have the power to make today a wonderful day. Knowing this, I left ‘Regret City’ immediately. Am I sorry for   50  I’ve made in the past? YES! But there is no physical way to undo them.

So, if you’re planning a trip to ‘Regret City’, please cancel all your reservations now.   51  , take a trip to a placed called ‘Starting Again’, which I like so much that I’ve made it my   52   residence. My neighbors, the ‘I – Forgive - Myselfs’ and the ‘New - Starts’ are so very helpful.

By the way, you don’t have to carry   53   heavy baggage, because the load is lifted from your shoulders   54   arrival. Surely you’ll find this great town – it’s in your own heart. Look me up if you’re ready for a (n)   55   changer in your life. I live on ‘I – CAN – DO – IT ’ Street.

36.A.person      B.time  C.advance    D.secret

37.A.grasped    B.held  C.lifted D.dragged

38.A.inspirations      B.prescriptions    C.memories  D.souvenirs

39.A.checked    B.prepared   C.reserved    D.accessed

40.A.creating    B.hosting     C.introducing      D.participating

41.A.political    B.social       C.historical  D.cultural

42.A.There       B.Thus  C.Finally     D.Then

43.A.achievement     B.appearance       C.appointment     D.announcement

44.A.where       B.whether    C.how  D.which

45.A.story B.event C.comedy    D.tragedy

46.A.after all    B.in public   C.ever since D.as usual

47.A.brought back    B.taken down      C.kept up     D.carried on

48.A.motivated B.depressed  C.refreshed  D.impressed

49.A.could       B.might       C.did    D.do

50.A.attempts   B.preparations     C.mistakes   D.efforts

51.A.Instead     B.Nevertheless     C.Therefore  D.However

52.A.independent     B.mature      C.permanent D.dynamic

53.A.away B.through    C.out    D.around

54.A.beyond     B.upon C.under       D.above

55.A.total  B.abrupt      C.punctual   D.severe


     Working as a manager in the head office of a bank, as I do, clothes can be a nightmare. In
New York, where I worked for a time last summer, you have to brave the burning heat every
time you dare to go outside, yet freeze once you arrive in a meeting with the air-conditioner
turned up. I struggled to know what to wear. The problem was worsened by the office dress
code for the months of July and August, which was "dress-down".
     The dress-down phenomenon seems to have begun in places where staff work through the
terrible heat of summer while their families take shelter at the coast or in the hills. Dress-down,
limited to Friday, allows staff to head straight for their out-of-town places on Friday evenings
without going home to change. But in New York it has now become a week-round state of
affairs. This move may have been born out of consideration; to allow people on Wall Street to
travel to work in the heat in something more comfortable than a suit, but the effect is less kind.
     For me, dress-down is bad for two reasons. The first is that it actually requires a whole new
wardrobe. For my male colleagues in the US, it seemed to mean a switch from one uniform to
another. I basically only own two types of clothes; suits for working in and truly casual clothes
for relaxing weekends in the countryside.
     Returning to London, I was therefore rather embarrassed to discover that my employers had
started summer dress-down. Here too, though its relevance to the climate is far from immediately
apparent. At first, I tried to sidestep it by simply turning up in my suit as usual, but my staff
complained that they then felt pressured into doing the same. So, I found myself having to buy "
smart casual" clothes specifically to wear to work; a ridiculous expense.
      Even more annoying is the fact that I'm still required to have a suit hanging up in my office in
case I'm suddenly called to a meeting on our conference floor, where dress-down is banned for
fear that a client should witness it. One of my colleagues started to accumulate more and more
very smart suits in her office, explaining that she was having her flat renovated and that in-office
wardrobe was a necessity as she was staying at a different friend's place each night. We weren't
     For the other great inconvenience of dress-down for the staff is that it makes it easier than
ever to spot when colleagues are going to job interviews. For the rest of the year, it is easy enough
to arrange these during the working week, but in the summer when dress-down rules, it's a dead
giveaway to arrive in overly smart clothes and then go out for a "dental appointment". I would
normally applaud this state of affairs, as an important part of my time is spent trying to prevent
valued employees from moving elsewhere, and any clues about their intentions are helpful and
allow me to nip things in the bud(消灭于萌芽中).
      However, the clothes hanging in my office are now finding a second use. I have suddenly
become the target for several "headhunters", people employed by other companies to try and
attract employees away with offers of better pay and conditions. The only problem with this is
that I have just the one suit at the office. As a series of interviews with one future employer
progresses, I'm having to bring in additional clothes. I can hardly present myself as a highly-paid
investment banker, requiring a vast salary, if they only ever see me in one suit. At this rate, I shall
have to tell my staff that I, too, have decided to have my flat done up.
1. According to the writer, "dress-down" in New York began as a way of ______.
A. making life easier for staff in the summer months
B. discouraging staff from taking summer holidays
C. showing concern for staff who lived out of town
D. rewarding those employees willing to work in the heat
2. What was the writer's first reaction to the idea of " dress-down" in her London office?
A. She argued against it.              
B. She attempted to ignore it.
C. She recognized the need for it.        
D. She persuaded her staff to adopt it.
3. Why does " dress-down" annoy the writer?
A. Not everyone obeys the rule.            
B. Her clients find it embarrassing.
C. It does not apply on all occasions.        
D. The clothes themselves do not suit her.
4. In which aspect of her work does the writer find "dress-down" an advantage?
A. Training new members of staff.            
B. Providing her staff with some information.
C. Making sure that her staff remain faithful.    
D. Making her staff feel more comfortable at work.
5. The underlined word "giveaway" in the sixth paragraph means_________.
A. something that is given away free.          
B. willingness to stop doing something.
C. willingness to give away to the other's wishes.
D. something that makes it easy for you to guess something.
6. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. The writer wants to have her flat redecorated.
B. The writer is concerned about her dressing in the interviews.
C. The headhunters discovered the writer by her suit.
D. The writer feels it wrong to meet with the headhunters.

