39.A.take care of B.get along with C.wait for D.keep in touch with 查看更多




In college I had a part-time job at a shop downtown that sold doughnuts(a kind of cake) and coffee. The small shop,  36   on a block where a dozen buses stopped, it provided food to people who had a few minutes to wait for their  37  .

    I  38  coffee in takeout cups and patiently waited on customers who’d point through the glass case and say, “No, not that one, the one two rows over.”

    Every afternoon around four o’clock, a group of school children would burst   39  the  shop. Adults would glance in, see the crowd and   40  on. I didn’t   41  if the kids waited for the bus in the shop.

    I came to know them pretty well. The girls would talk about school. The boys were more quiet, choosing not to   42   their secrets, but still, they’d wait every day in the store   43  their bus came.

       Sometimes I'd hand out bus fare (车费) when a ticket went  44  — always repaid the next day.When ii snowed, the kids and I would wait  45  for a very late bus.They'd call their parents to let them know they were okay.At _ closing time I wouldn't  46  the door, and the kids and I would wait in the warm store until their bus finally arrived.

       I  47  a lot of doughnuts on snowy days.I enjoyed my pals (伙伴), but it never  48   to me that I played an important part in their lives—until one Saturday afternoon when a serious-looking man came into the store and asked if I was the girl who worked weekdays around four o'clock.I  49  it was true, and he introduced himself   50  the father of two of my favorites—a brother and sister team.

       "I want you know I appreciate what you do for my children.I  51  about them having to take two buses to get home.It  52   a lot that they can wait here and you are keeping an eye on them."

       I told him it wasn't a big  53  .that I enjoyed the kids.

       "No, you don't understand.When they're with the doughnuts lady, I know they're  54  .It is a big deal.And I'm grateful."

       So I was the Doughnuts lady.I not only had received a   55  .I had become a landmark.

A.existed            B.located             C.lied     D.stood

A.ride              B.train               C.passengers      D.cars

A.tasted             B.had                C.made           D.poured

A.into              B.out                C.for       D.along

A.go                B.come               C.pass       D.pull

A.consider           B.mind               C.think           D.realize

A.hear               B.notice              C.share           D.show

A.when              B.before              C.after            D.until

A.stealing            B.disappearing         C.missing         D.remaining

A.happily          B.anxiously           C.sadly           D.bravely

A.lock             B.open               C.watch           D.keep

A.ate up            B.gave away           C.let out          D.sent away

A.stuck            B.reminded            C.moved     D.occurred

A.admitted          B.talked              C.guessed    D.refused

A.for             B.to                 C.as              D.like

A.care             B.worry              C.frighten    D.wonder

A.means            B.takes                C.has       D.gives

A.pride            B.pleasure             C.deal     D.help

A.controlled        B.behaved             C.alive       D.safe

A.word            B.title                C.prize       D.award



In college I had a part-time job at a shop downtown that sold doughnuts(a kind of cake) and coffee. The small shop,  36   on a block where a dozen buses stopped, it provided food to people who had a few minutes to wait for their  37  .

    I  38  coffee in takeout cups and patiently waited on customers who’d point through the glass case and say, “No, not that one, the one two rows over.”

    Every afternoon around four o’clock, a group of school children would burst   39  the  shop. Adults would glance in, see the crowd and   40  on. I didn’t   41  if the kids waited for the bus in the shop.

    I came to know them pretty well. The girls would talk about school. The boys were more quiet, choosing not to   42   their secrets, but still, they’d wait every day in the store   43  their bus came.

       Sometimes I'd hand out bus fare (车费) when a ticket went  44  — always repaid the next day.When ii snowed, the kids and I would wait  45  for a very late bus.They'd call their parents to let them know they were okay.At _ closing time I wouldn't  46  the door, and the kids and I would wait in the warm store until their bus finally arrived.

       I  47  a lot of doughnuts on snowy days.I enjoyed my pals (伙伴), but it never  48   to me that I played an important part in their lives—until one Saturday afternoon when a serious-looking man came into the store and asked if I was the girl who worked weekdays around four o'clock.I  49  it was true, and he introduced himself   50  the father of two of my favorites—a brother and sister team.

       "I want you know I appreciate what you do for my children.I  51  about them having to take two buses to get home.It  52   a lot that they can wait here and you are keeping an eye on them."

       I told him it wasn't a big  53  .that I enjoyed the kids.

       "No, you don't understand.When they're with the doughnuts lady, I know they're  54  .It is a big deal.And I'm grateful."

       So I was the Doughnuts lady.I not only had received a   55  .I had become a landmark.

1.A.existed                B.located          C.lied                 D.stood

2.A.ride                  B.train            C.passengers          D.cars

3.A.tasted                 B.had             C.made               D.poured

4.A.into                  B.out                                            C.for           D.along

5.A.go                    B.come            C.pass       D.pull

6.A.consider              B.mind          C.think               D.realize

7.A.hear                  B.notice           C.share               D.show

8.A.when                 B.before           C.after                D.until

9.A.stealing               B.disappearing      C.missing             D.remaining

10.A.happily             B.anxiously        C.sadly               D.bravely

11.A.lock                B.open            C.watch               D.keep

12.A.ate up               B.gave away       C.let out              D.sent away

13.A.stuck                B.reminded        C.moved     D.occurred

14.A.admitted             B.talked           C.guessed    D.refused

15.A.for                B.to                                             C.as           D.like

16.A.care                B.worry           C.frighten    D.wonder

17.A.means               B.takes            C.has                  D.gives

18.A.pride                B.pleasure         C.deal                D.help

19.A.controlled            B.behaved         C.alive       D.safe

20.A.word                B.title             C.prize       D.award




  Here are six questions about your approach to life.Try to answer them as honestly as you can.

  Are you hard driving and competitive?

  Are you usually pressed for time?

  Do you want to control others?

  Do you have a strong need to do better than others in most things?

  Do you eat too quickly?

  Do you get upset when you have to wait for anything?

  If you have answered “yes” to most of these questions, then I can make a few predictions about you, based on a recent eight-year study of nearly two thousand people who live the way that you do.

  You likely find that life is full of challenges and you often need to keep two or more projects moving at the same time.The chances are that you have been to college, that you have a management job and that you bring work home at night.You think that you put more effort into your job than many of the people you work with, and you certainly take your work more seriously than most of them.You get angry easily, and if someone is being long-winded, you help them get to the point.You also have trouble finding the time to get your hair cut.

  And there's one other thing.You are about twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygoing approach to life.

  The beginnings of your hard-driving behavior go right back to childhood.In school you got recognition and perhaps prizes for being quick and bright, for being an achiever, for competing with others and for winning.You likely went on from school to get a series of increasingly better jobs against pretty stiff competition.They were jobs where you had to care about the results, where you constantly had to push things forward and get things done.In your present job you also feel some conflict, either with time or with other people.Some of those you work with don't seem able to understand the simplest ideas, and they often put a brake on what you’re trying to achieve.The conflict may not take place every day.You pride yourself on being able to keep the lid on.But it's always there, under the surface


Which of the following people probably have the hard-driving character?

[  ]


People who want to control others and have a strong need to do better than others.


People who usually think of others and get along well with others.


People who don't seem able to understand the simplest ideas.


People who don't care about their appearance and the results of their jobs.


It can be concluded from the last paragraph that this hard-driving character ________.

[  ]


has been developed since childhood


may be changed by your experiences


will place no influence on your work


will cause you more conflicts


Which of the following words is NOT proper to describe this type of people?

[  ]










What does the author mean by the last sentence of the passage?

[  ]


The lid will always remain in place.


The conflict may occur any moment.


The situation is always under your control.


You are able to solve the problem.


We can infer from the passage that hard-driving character ________.

[  ]


does good to your health


helps you fit in with the new situation quickly


gets you more prizes


contributes a lot to your career success


In college I had a part-time job at a shop downtown that sold doughnuts(a kind of cake) and coffee. The small shop,  1   on a block where a dozen buses stopped, it provided food to people who had a few minutes to wait for their  2  .

    I  3  coffee in takeout cups and patiently waited on customers who’d point through the glass case and say, “No, not that one, the one two rows over.”

    Every afternoon around four o’clock, a group of school children would burst   4  the  shop. Adults would glance in, see the crowd and   5  on. I didn’t   6 if the kids waited for the bus in the shop.

    I came to know them pretty well. The girls would talk about school. The boys were more quiet, choosing not to   7   their secrets, but still, they’d wait every day in the store   8  their bus came.

       Sometimes I'd hand out bus fare (车费) when a ticket went  9 — always repaid the next day.When ii snowed, the kids and I would wait  10  for a very late bus.They'd call their parents to let them know they were okay.At _ closing time I wouldn't  11  the door, and the kids and I would wait in the warm store until their bus finally arrived.

       I  12  a lot of doughnuts on snowy days.I enjoyed my pals (伙伴), but it never  13   to me that I played an important part in their lives—until one Saturday afternoon when a serious-looking man came into the store and asked if I was the girl who worked weekdays around four o'clock.I  14  it was true, and he introduced himself   15  the father of two of my favorites—a brother and sister team.

       "I want you know I appreciate what you do for my children.I  16  about them having to take two buses to get home.It  17   a lot that they can wait here and you are keeping an eye on them."

       I told him it wasn't a big  18 .that I enjoyed the kids.

       "No, you don't understand.When they're with the doughnuts lady, I know they're  19  .It is a big deal.And I'm grateful."

       So I was the Doughnuts lady.I not only had received a   20  .I had become a landmark.

1.A.existed             B.located          C.lied                 D.stood

2.A.ride                B.train            C.passengers         D.cars

3.A.tasted              B.had             C.made               D.poured

4.A.into                B.out            C.for                  D.along

5.A.go                 B.come            C.pass                                    D.pull

6.A.consider            B.mind            C.think               D.realize

7.A.hear                B.notice           C.share               D.show

8.A.when               B.before           C.after                D.until

9.A.stealing             B.disappearing      C.missing             D.remaining

10.A.happily           B.anxiously        C.sadly               D.bravely

11.A.lock              B.open            C.watch              D.keep

12.A.ate up             B.gave away       C.let out              D.sent away

13.A.stuck             B.reminded         C.moved           D.occurred

14.A.admitted           B.talked           C.guessed           D.refused

15.A.for              B.to             C.as                  D.like

16.A.care              B.worry           C.frighten           D.wonder

17.A.means            B.takes            C.has                 D.gives

18.A.pride              B.pleasure         C.deal                 D.help

19.A.controlled          B.behaved         C.alive              D.safe

20.A.word             B.title              C.prize              D.award


Form the very beginning ,the girl's family objected strongly to her dating this guy(小伙子).Though the girl loved the guy___1____, she always asked him: "How deep is your love for me? "As the guy was not good at words , this often caused the girl to be very ____2_____.

After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated and decided to ____3______his studies overseas.Before leaving, he proposed marriage to the girl and promised to _____4____her for the whole life. The girl agreed, and with the guy's determination, Her family finally ____5____.Before he went abroad, they got engaged.They often sent their ___6____through e-mail and phone calls.Though it was hard, both never thought of giving up.

One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was __7______by a car.The collision (碰撞)on her brain has caused her to lose her voice.The girl did not want to be a(n) ____8____to him, she ____9____to him saying that she did not wish to wait any longer, with the letter, she sent the ring back to him.

The girl decided to move away, hoping that she could completely forget____10____.In the new environment, the girl learnt the _____11____and started a new environment, she told herself every day that she must __12______the guy.One day, her friend came and told her that he was_____13______.She asked her friend not to let him know what had happened to her.Since then, there wasn't any more ___14____of him.

A year later, her friend came with an envelope, ___15____an invitation card for the guy's wedding.The girl was shattered(打击).When she opened the letter, she saw her own __16_______in it.She was about to ask her friend what was the matter ____17_____she saw the guy standing in front of her.He used the sign language telling her, "I've spent a year ____18____the sign language.I want you to know I haven't forgotten my___19______.Let me have the chance to be your voice.I love you ."With these, he slipped the _____20_____back into her finger.The girl finally smiled.

1.A.deeply            B.affectionately      C.gently            D.kindly

2.A.pleasant              B.foolish               C.upset            D.happy

3.A.add              B.expand            C.do              D.further

4.A.take care of        B.get along with   C.wait for          D.keep in touch with

5.A.gave up           B.gave in            C.gave away       D.gave out

6.A.words            B.letters              C.secret           D.love

7.A.blown down       B.broken down     C.knocked down  D.torn down

8.A.burden            B.package            C.weight         D.obstacle

9.A.explained to        B.wrote to          C.replied to        D.spoke to

10.A.nothing         B.something        C.anything         D.everything

11.A.sign language     B.native tongue     C.Braille           D.foreign language

12.A.remember      B.forget             C.leave          D.miss

13.A.away          B.out             C.back            D.in

14.A.sense          B.report               C.advice         D.news

15.A.containing      B.including           C.owning        D.combining

16.A.photo              B.name                C.promise        D.agreement

17.A.while          B.so                   C.until            D.when

18.A.teaching         B.learning             C.writing          D.creating

19.A.promise         B.permission         C.dream         D.desire

20.A.card           B.letter             C.envelope       D.ring

